Braintree Education Association

Braintree Education Association

The Braintree Education Association is the professional organization
of educators and support personnel that serve the children and community of Braintree

Reopening and Reimagining Our Public Schools 13/07/2020

Click HERE for MTA, AFT, and BTU proposals for reponening schools. These were reviewed with local Presidents and discussed with Commissioner Riley on July 9, 2020.

Reopening and Reimagining Our Public Schools Click HERE for MTA, AFT, and BTU proposals for reponening schools. These were reviewed with local Presidents and discussed with Commissioner Riley on July 9, 2020.

Say Their Names 05/06/2020

The following message was sent to MTA members today by President Merrie Najimy and Vice President Max Page: George Floyd. Say his name. Breonna Taylor. Say her name. Tony McDade. Say his name. Those are the names of black lives murdered at the hands of the police in just the last few weeks. The list of state violence perpetrated against black and brown lives is long, centuries long. [ 794 more words ]

Say Their Names The following message was sent to MTA members today by President Merrie Najimy and Vice President Max Page:George Floyd. Say his name.Breonna Taylor. Say her name.Tony McDade. Say his name.Those ar…

MTA leadership: ‘We are in this together’ 20/03/2020

We are in an extraordinary time. But we are in it together. During this global pandemic, we need physical distancing but social connection. So many MTA locals are finding ways to create social connections among members, with students and their families, and in their communities. The MTA is doing that too! This post is the first of what will be regular website updates for you, our members, on some of the most important issues and actions as we all, together, support each other through this crisis. [ 244 more words ]

MTA leadership: ‘We are in this together’   We are in an extraordinary time. But we are in it together. During this global pandemic, we need physical distancing but social connection. So many MTA locals are finding ways to create soci…

Speak Up for the Student Opportunity Act 19/10/2019

Please act now! We have a once-in-a-generation chance to improve the way public schools are funded in Massachusetts, but your state representative needs to hear from you now! The Student Opportunity Act would implement the recommendations of the 2015 Foundation Budget Review Commission and increase state education aid to local schools by $1.5 billion over inflation by 2027. The Massachusetts Senate passed it unanimously on Oct. [ 44 more words ]

Speak Up for the Student Opportunity Act Please act now! We have a once-in-a-generation chance to improve the way public schools are funded in Massachusetts, but your state representative needs to hear from you now! The Student Opportunit…

Red for Ed Rally 15/05/2019

You've seen it in Arizona, Oakland, and Oklahoma--now its OUR TURN! On Thursday May 16th teachers from around the state will gather at the State House to DEMAND that our public schools are FULLY FUNDED. As it stands, our state government is under-funding public education by more than $1-2 BILLION a year. For Braintree alone that is a loss of $4,043,481! [ 155 more words ]

Red for Ed Rally You’ve seen it in Arizona, Oakland, and Oklahoma–now its OUR TURN! On Thursday May 16th teachers from around the state will gather at the State House to DEMAND that our public schools a…

A message from MTA president Merrie Najimy and vice president Max Page 29/01/2019

Greetings, Hundreds of millions of dollars in education funding are at stake. Please go here to ask your state representative and senator to co-sponsor our two funding bills, the Promise Act and the Cherish Act. The deadline for adding co-sponsors in the House is this Friday, Feb. 1, so don't delay! Governor Charlie Baker also filed an education funding bill… [ 592 more words ]

A message from MTA president Merrie Najimy and vice president Max Page Greetings, Hundreds of millions of dollars in education funding are at stake. Please go here to ask your state representative and senator to co-sponsor our two funding bills, the Promise Act and th…

Statement by MTA President Merrie Najimy on new accountability results 27/10/2018

"The state’s new MCAS-based accountability system is as predictable and destructive as the old system. The results show that schools serving a high percentage of low-income students, English learners and students of color do not perform as well as those that serve more affluent students. What is dispiriting is that the new system calls for these schools to receive “targeted intervention” while providing no additional funding. [ 223 more words ]

Statement by MTA President Merrie Najimy on new accountability results “The state’s new MCAS-based accountability system is as predictable and destructive as the old system. The results show that schools serving a high percentage of low-income students, English …

MTA recommends Jay Gonzalez for Governor 09/10/2018

The Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Teachers Association has voted overwhelmingly to recommend Jay Gonzalez, the Democratic candidate running against incumbent Republican Governor Charlie Baker. MTA-recommended candidate Jay Gonzalez “Jay is a strong supporter of public schools and public higher education,” said MTA President Merrie Najimy. “Unlike Baker, Gonzalez has taken a bold position in favor of raising new revenues through progressive taxes that ask more of our wealthy residents in order to fund the common good, at the core of which are our public schools and colleges.” [ 408 more words ]

MTA recommends Jay Gonzalez for Governor The Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Teachers Association has voted overwhelmingly to recommend Jay Gonzalez, the Democratic candidate running against incumbent Republican Governor Charlie B… 16/09/2018

Fall 2018 Course registration is open at the NCTA website The NCTA Grant Application is also available on the NCTA Website. Click here for more details Fall 2018 Course registration is open at the NCTA website The NCTA Grant Application is also available on the NCTA Website. Click here for more details

Who is behind the emails asking you to quit your union? 29/08/2018

Don’t be fooled by the right-wing backers of the assault on public education into giving up your job security, your rights and your benefits. By being part of the MTA, we have the power to stand up for our profession, our students and our communities. Betsy DeVos Just Asked You to Drop Your Membership? Yes. Really.

Who is behind the emails asking you to quit your union? Don’t be fooled by the right-wing backers of the assault on public education into giving up your job security, your rights and your benefits. By being part of the MTA, we have the power to stand up…

No On 2 Campaign 28/09/2016

Morrison School teacher's say !