

My Christian Wife journey sharing my culture, experiences, marriage questions, advice & prayer. Christian Blog


We Suffered A Pregnancy Loss

Experiencing a pregnancy loss can be an incredibly challenging and painful journey for a married couple. Here are three ways you and your partner can navigate through this difficult time together.

Open Communication & Support
Share your grief, fears, and hurtful emotions without judgment. Be there for each other, providing comfort and reassurance during moments of sadness or confusion. Remember, it's okay to also seek professional help or counseling.

Have That Talk With God
It is normal to feel all sorts of emotions during grief. It is okay to scream and shout and it is normal to have an angry conversation with God. Talk to God and tell him about all your hurt and pain and trust that he is listening and grieving with you.

Honor Your Loss Together
Find meaningful ways to honor the life of your child as a couple. This could include creating a memorial, or planting a tree. This can also strengthen your bond as a couple and find healing together.

Grieving a miscarriage is a deeply personal and unique experience for every couple. Give yourselves grace and time to heal, and know that with love, support, and faith, you can overcome this challenge together.

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." ~ Psalm 147:3

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How To Deal With Grief And Loss As A Couple

Dealing with grief and loss can be incredibly challenging for couples, but there are ways to support each other through these difficult times.
Open Communication: Encourage open and honest communication with your partner. Share your feelings, fears, and memories related to the loss.
Be Present and Patient: During times of grief, simply being present for your partner can provide immense comfort. Offer your support through small gestures like hugs, holding hands, or sitting together quietly. Be patient with each other as you go through the grieving process. �
Create Rituals or Memorials Together: Establishing rituals or memorials to honor the memory of your loved one can provide comfort and a sense of connection. This could involve planting a tree, lighting a candle on special occasions, or participating in activities that your loved one enjoyed. �
Maintain Healthy Routines Together: Grief can disrupt daily routines and habits, leading to feelings of disorientation or neglect. Support each other in maintaining healthy routines, such as regular meals, exercise, and sleep schedules.

Remember, grief takes time, and supporting each other through grief is a journey that requires patience, empathy, and love. Keep leaning on each other and drawing strength from your faith as you navigate this challenging time together.

Psalm 34:18 reminds us, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

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Is Arguing in Marriage Normal?

In every relationship, disagreements are inevitable. However, you should aim to have constructive arguments, steering clear of toxicity, destruction, and violence.

• Practice Active Listening: Truly hear each other out without interrupting. Let your spouse express their thoughts and feelings fully before responding.

• Use "I" Statements: Frame your concerns or grievances using "I" statements to express how you feel without placing blame.

• Seek Understanding: Strive to understand your spouse's perspective, even if you disagree. Ask questions to clarify their feelings and thoughts.

Embracing healthy debate and learning to engage in disagreements can profoundly enrich the bond between partners.

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What Are Your 2024 Marriage Goals?

Unity and Vision: Goals provide a shared vision, fostering unity in marriage (Proverbs 29:18).

Continuous Growth: Goals create a framework for personal and relational development, promoting continuous learning (Philippians 3:13-14).

Motivation in Challenges: Shared goals serve as motivation during difficult times, emphasizing the strength found in companionship (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10).

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“And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” - Matthew 21:22

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HOW to talk about Dowries with YOUR Family when getting Married.

Take a moment to do some research and understand the historical, cultural and religious context, in comparison to its relevance today.

Questions to ponder:

• Why is the Dowry important to me, my family, culture and faith?

• Is the Dowry necessary?

• Who is the Dowry really for?

• What are my motives behind paying/receiving a dowry?

• Why is it important to include my family in the dowry planning?

• Do I really understand what a Dowry is?

👉Want more Guidance?

Purchase our online (AW) "Dowry for Marriage: Family Talk" today which will help you navigate the family conversation on planning for a dowry!

Only $12.99!

Order at our AW Shopify online here:

Tell me about your experiences about talking with your family about the dowry! Comment below!👇

Follow and Share AdventistWife


My Husband Can't Find a Job

When your Husband is unemployed and afraid he can't provide, here are 5 ways to help him and strengthen your marriage.

*Open Communication: Remind him of your love and belief in his abilities. Encourage open and honest conversations. Let him express his feelings, concerns, and aspirations.

Together, set goals and create a plan for his job search. Support each other emotionally, actively listen and offer a loving, non-judgmental ear.

*Financial Planning: Review your finances together. Create a budget that aligns with your current situation. This can help reduce financial stress.

*Networking: Encourage your husband to tap into your church community and other social connections. Networking can lead to job opportunities or valuable advice.

*Skill Enhancement: Help your husband identify and work on skills that could help strengthen him. This could include online courses or certifications related to his field or the industry he's targeting.

*Resume Review: Offer to review and improve his resume and cover letter. Help highlight his strengths and experiences.

These actions, combined with your love and support, will help your husband navigate this challenging phase and strengthen your marriage in the process.

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." - Jeremiah 29:11

Follow and Share AdventistWife


“Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near.” - Revelation 1:3

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You Should Respect And Care For Your Wife.

Husbands should also be understanding, patient and strive to always uplift their wives mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Here are (4) areas where husbands should avoid making comparisons or hurtful comments about their wives:

• Physical Appearance: Refrain from comparing your wife's body to another woman's; it can harm her self-esteem and self-worth. Remember, she is fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14).

• Professional Achievements: Never underestimate your wife's intellect and education. Always be proud of her accomplishments, for a wife of noble character is worth more than rubies (Proverbs 31:10).

• Household Duties: Don't complain about how she handles household chores, instead step in to help. Marriage is a partnership, and helping each other is a sign of love (Galatians 6:2).

• Family Relationships: Don't compare your wife to other women in the family, like mothers and sisters. Your wife is uniquely your partner and a blessing from God. Treat her with the honor and respect she deserves (1 Peter 3:7).

These comparisons can be hurtful and damaging to the relationship, so it's essential to focus on mutual respect, love, and support instead.

Encourage each other to grow in your faith, and pray together. When a husband cherishes and respects his wife in every way, their marriage thrives.

In Ephesians 5:25, it is written, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her."

Follow and Share AdventistWife


Let’s talk about HOW to talk about Dowries with our Family when getting Married.

Today I want to share with you A Pre-Marriage Guide: How to talk about the Dowry and Marriage with your Family!

Take a moment to do some research and understand the historical, cultural and religious context, in comparison to its relevance today.

Questions to ponder:

• Why is the Dowry important to me, my family, culture and faith?

• Is the Dowry necessary?

• Who is the Dowry really for?

• What are my motives behind paying/receiving a dowry?

• Why is it important to include my family in the dowry planning?

• Do I really understand what a Dowry is?

👉Want more guidance?

Purchase my online Adventist Wife (AW) Pre-Marriage Guide today that will help you navigate the family conversation on planning for a dowry.

Only $12.99!

Order the (AW) Pre-Marriage Guide: Dowry for Marriage & Family Talk

Order at our AW Shopify online here or click link in bio:

Tell me about your experiences about talking with your family about the dowry! Comment below!👇

Follow and Share AdventistWife


“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” - Psalm 46:1

Follow and Share AdventistWife


Purchase this online Adventist Wife (AW) Pre-Marriage Guide today that will help you navigate the family conversation on planning for a dowry.

Learn how to have the important conversation with your family about dowry and navigate the cultural, religious, and emotional aspects of this important journey.

Only $12.99!

Order the (AW) Pre-Marriage Guide: Dowry for Marriage & Family Talk

Order at our AW Shopify online here or click link in bio:

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Happy Sabbath! Thank you God for this Blessed Holy Day to Rest!

Follow and Share AdventistWife


Have You Seen Your Husband Cry?

Men have emotions too, and your support is crucial as a loving wife.

Loss and Grief: Sometimes, life throws challenges our way, and men can be deeply affected by loss and grief. Be a listening ear, hold their hand, and offer comforting words.

Stress and Overwhelm: The weight of responsibilities can bring tears. Encourage open communication, pray together, and help find practical solutions.

Emotional Release: Men may cry as a way to release pent-up emotions. Embrace them without judgment.

No Weakness in Tears: Remember, crying doesn't diminish their strength or manhood. It's a sign of emotional honesty. Show them your love and understanding.

Your support can be a testimony of God's grace.

By reinforcing that there is no weakness in tears, you're encouraging a healthy, supportive environment in your marriage.

Proverbs 27:17 reminds us that iron sharpens iron, and our support makes them stronger.

Follow and Share AdventistWife


“If your marriage is filled with conflict, don't give up.” - Ephesians 5:33

Follow and Share AdventistWife


Happy Sabbath! Take off your work hat and relax - because the Sabbath has arrived! Amen!🙌✝️
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When Family Members Ask for Money.

Many couples can easily fall into the trap of debt after just having a wedding. Hence why couples should pursue and prioritize financial security and stability so that they can begin building their family.

It is unwise for any couple who is in debt or financially unstabled to loan money, nor is it appropriate for family members to ask for money of a newly wedded couple.

For those that can give money - Give, but DON'T let it infringe upon your own financial security.

You should also encourage family members to provide for themselves if possible.

If a family member who is not working, however is abled bodied or capable of working, you shall not give any money that supports them in pursuit of sinful and idle behaviors. As the Lord says idling is a sin, "Those unwiling to work, shall not eat."

"For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” ~2 Thessalonians 3:10

"Be not one of those who give pledges, who put up security for debts. If you have nothing with which to pay, why should your bed be taken from under you?" ~Proverbs 22:26-27

Follow and Share AdventistWife


✨Download our FREE AW Self-Development Worksheet! Click on link below to download for free!✨


This worksheet is a fantastic tool to help you prepare for marriage by spending some time on personal self-development. Use this worksheet to help identify what things are helping or stopping you from achieving your personal development goals as you prepare for marriage!

Help 👉 Share "" for daily inspiration! Share with your friends who are on the path to wedded bliss!

And remember, dear friends, the Bible reminds us in Colossians 3:17 (NIV): "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."


“Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” - Genesis 2:18

Follow and Share AdventistWife


Let’s Talk about Arrange Marriages! A few weeks ago, I asked if YOU are open to the idea of Arrange Marriages (Match-Making)?

43% said YES
33% said NO
24% said I don’t know

Listen to my Vlog and hear about the safety of arrange marriages and how my Husband provided the necessary background-check documents and securities I required of him when he was courting me!

Tell me about your thoughts on Arrange Marriages and your experiences! Comment below!👇

Follow and Share AdventistWife


Happy Sabbath!🙌✝️ May you have a Blessed Holy Sabbath filled with love and rest.💗

Follow/Share AdventistWife


Can Christian SDA Adventists Wear Wedding Rings?

Historically, some Adventists refrained from wearing wedding rings due to concerns about materialism and jewelry.

The General Conference (GC) has never explicitly addressed the rightness or wrongness of SDA Members wearing a wedding ring but did vote from 1925-1986 that SDA Ministers could not perform ring ceremonies during weddings.

However, there were countries that petitioned and considered the “wedding ring” a matter of imperative social, cultural obligation which the GC had “no disposition to condemn.”

In 1986, GC lifted the ban on ring ceremonies and recognized that the “wedding ring” did have a significant practical function in different societies and culture. This is an important aspect to consider within the context of Seventh-Day Adventist beliefs.

Symbol of Commitment: Wedding rings serve as a visible, practical symbol and constant reminder of the commitment between a husband and wife.

Social Recognition: The ring informs society that a person is married, can help protect the sanctity of marriage and discourage unwanted advances or misunderstandings. It signals others to respect the boundaries of the relationship.

Emotional Security: Wearing a wedding ring can provide emotional security and shows you are in a committed & recognized partnership. This is also valuable in situations where spouses are traveling alone or in social/work settings.

Promotes Trust: The presence of a wedding ring can also deter potential unfaithfulness.

While some may have historical concerns about wedding rings, it's important to recognize the practical functions of the ring for the sanctity of marriage. However some SDA Members can still chose not to wear them based on personal convictions.

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“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” ~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Follow and Share AdventistWife


Are Arrange Marriages (Match-Making) Safe?

Arranged marriages vary widely among cultures and religions. While they can foster strong family bonds and traditions, it's crucial to discern if they align with Christian values.

In the past, arranged marriages were often based on familial, social, and economic factors. They aimed to strengthen family ties, secure wealth, or maintain cultural traditions.

Biblical figures like Adam and Eve had their marriage arranged by God (Genesis 2). Isaac and Rebekah had their union arranged by their families, to emphasize the importance of faith and lineage (Genesis 24).

Today, arranged marriages have transformed. While some traditions persist, couples now have more say in the process.

Modern arranged marriages often involve families introducing potential partners, but the final decision lies with the couple. They consider compatibility, values, and faith.

However, arranged or not, marriages should be built on love, trust, and faith in the Lord.

Here are 5 Arrange Marriage Safety Advice:

Consent is Key: Ensure both individuals consent willingly and without coercion. Never let your families force or guilt-trip you into making a decision.

Background Checks: In modern arranged marriages, it's wise to conduct background checks to verify information and ensure trust and security.

Counseling: Seek pre-marital counseling, whether through your church or a professional, to discuss expectations, faith, and potential challenges.

Community Involvement: Involve your Christian community and trusted friends or family in the process.

Prayer: Most importantly, pray fervently for God's guidance.

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Introduce Yourself!

Where are you from? What is an interesting wedding tradition in your country?

Comment Below👇
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“An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels." - Proverbs 31:10

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Let’s Talk about Dowries in Marriage! A few weeks ago I asked you all do YOU believe in Dowries for Marriage?

41% said YES
48% said NO
11% said That’s a HARD Question!

Listen to my Vlog and hear about my experiences with rejecting, accepting to appreciating what a dowry is! Hear how my Dominican husband also accepted my dowry arrangement!

Tell me about your thoughts on dowries and your experiences! Comment below!👇

Follow and Share AdventistWife


Happy Sabbath! Thank you God for this Blessed Holy Day of Rest. May you all spend time with your Family and Friends in Worship!

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Can Long Distance Relationships Work?

Long-distance relationships can sound like a weird and difficult concept. Who would want to have a relationship with someone miles away?

Long-distance relationships have been around for ages, whether it was men serving far from home during wartime or women eagerly anticipating the return of their beloved suitors from distant shores.

When both partners share a common vision of commitment and marriage is their goal, this serves as a powerful motivator to overcome the physical separation.

Lack of Physical Touch and Proximity can pose as a problem but plan visits and use technology for virtual dates to maintain a sense of togetherness.

Communication problems can also be difficult, so plan your schedules to accommodate time zone differences. Address jealously, insecurities through communication and reassurance. Build trust by being transparent and reliable.

Loneliness and Frustration is real. Engage in self-care activities to maintain your emotional well-being. Focus on the end goal of being together.

Remember, every relationship is unique, and challenges can be overcome with patience, love, and dedication. Keep your communication open, trust each other, and remain committed to your shared goals.

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV): "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."

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🌟 Unlock the Power of Gratitude in Your Relationship! 🌟 ✨ Download our FREE Gratitude Worksheet!

💖 As we journey through life and love, it's crucial to cultivate gratitude in our relationships.

✨ Download our FREE Gratitude Worksheet! Click on link below ✨


This worksheet is a fantastic tool to help you and your partner deepen your bond, appreciate each other's unique qualities, and foster a spirit of thankfulness in your marriage.

But that's not all! 📖🙏

Help 👉 Share "The Adventist Wife" for daily inspiration! Share with your friends who are on the path to wedded bliss!

And remember, dear friends, the Bible reminds us in Colossians 3:17 (NIV): "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Videos (show all)

Let’s talk about HOW to talk about Dowries with our Family when getting Married.Today I want to share with you A Pre-Mar...
✨Download our FREE AW Self-Development Worksheet! Click on link below to download for free!✨ 🔗
Let’s Talk about Arrange Marriages! A few weeks ago, I asked if YOU are open to the idea of Arrange Marriages (Match-Mak...
Let’s Talk about Dowries in Marriage! A few weeks ago I asked you all do YOU believe in Dowries for Marriage?41% said YE...
🌟 Unlock the Power of Gratitude in Your Relationship! 🌟 ✨ Download our FREE Gratitude Worksheet! 💖 As we journey through...