Beauty Among Thorns
Beauty Among Thorns I enjoy making all this art but it's Him I have to give the glory to. From your trash to my treasure. From old, antiqued to my inspiration.
Hi, I'm Heidi and I want to share this page with you to give you a glimpse into the person God is creating me to be and the work He is going to do through me. I was once a mess headed down a destructive road, but He brought me back to the right path, He brought good from my bad decisions and made me a "Beauty Among Thorns" so I could go share with other girls their beauty in Christ. I once was a m
These 5 little honeybees keep me bizzy. When we started homeschooling 4 years ago, a mom suggested we name our home school to make a more “official” rhythm with our lessons. Being a public school girl all my life, I loved the idea so we’ve been Honeybee Homeschool since the beginning.
That first year was a mess. I tried to bring my public school indoctrination into the home. I don’t say that bad, it’s just a very different way of life than being home. I’ll tell you now… it can’t be done. Or shouldn’t.
We’ve been rewiring our thinking and setting our family on a new way of life. We took Deuteronomy 6 literal when it says to walk with our children, teach as we go and learning in the natural rhythms of our day. They sure are with us and we love it. That natural rhythm brought us to our farm where there’s more freedom to do life learning.