Millionaire Mind

Millionaire Mind

Everything you want to know about getting a millionaire mindset, and lots of cash in the bank Success is a skill you can learn.

It's not something you're either born with or not, depending on how the dices of life roll - even though most people believe that. One of the most important steps in becoming successful on any area of your life is to train your mindset towards success and success-habits. Perception is Projection
Whatever you consciously and subconsciously belief about yourself and the world you're living in, will


Many economists (ESPECIALLY those I respect most) are very concerned about the global financial disaster we are going to experience in the coming months.

First, they predict inflation (imagine you earn the same, but the price for groceries is doubled) and deflation (in real estate, stocks and bonds - imagine your house is going down in price dramatically) at the same time... leading to hyperinflation (where paper money is worth almost nothing overnight).

Now... those are scary predictions, and those who did not prepare for this (a result of low financial IQ) are definitely going to suffer.

However... no matter how dark the future looks like, you can still prepare, adapt and come a winner on the other side, as there are more opportunities in times of crisis and collapse, than any other time.

If you’re willing to accept help... then join TODAY the 5-week program: Prepare, Adapt and Overcome we developed especially for this perfect storm.

We can’t help you with your past decisions, but we can definitely help you make better decisions in the coming weeks and months.

The program is still FREE for the next couple of weeks... so do yourself and your family a favor and SIGN UP TODAY.

WHAT IF COVID-19 IS THE BEST THING EVER? FREE 4-week step-by-step guided program to help you PREPARE, ADAPT and OVERCOME the financial and social crisis ahead.

What coronavirus means for the global economy 17/04/2020

What will this whole global event do to us for the future in terms of our finances? Listen to Ray Dalio's TED interview

What coronavirus means for the global economy "I'm a capitalist. I believe in the system. I believe you can increase the size of the pie and you could divide it well," says Ray Dalio, founder of Bridgewater Associates. He offers wide-ranging insight and advice on how we might recover from the global economic fallout of the coronavirus crisis --...

Personal finance tips for entrepreneurs 02/10/2017

Entrepreneurs need to look at money differently. Personal finance principles remain the same but the mindset around it and the planning process can be different. Here are five things you can implement as a business person to become successful

Personal finance tips for entrepreneurs   Entrepreneurs need to look at money differently. Personal finance principles remain the same but the mindset around it and the planning process can be different. Here are five things you can implement as a business person to become ...

Study Shows a Link Between Physical Fitness and Financial health 28/09/2017

Yeah, if you get fitter, your wallet could well grow fatter. Check it out here.

Study Shows a Link Between Physical Fitness and Financial health HAVING a healthy bank account may be as simple as keeping fit, a new study has revealed. Having who play sports regularly are 64 per cent more likely to achieve their financial goals, compared to those who don’t, financial services organisation ...

7 Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom 23/08/2017

If you're not yet financially free, then this video will definitely open your eyes and help you get your mindset about money straight.

7 Steps to Achieve Financial Freedom     In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy explains the seven steps you need to take to achieve financial freedom. Now, financial freedom doesn't mean becoming filthy rich -- lottery winners go bankrupt all the time. ...

3 Things You Can Do (Right Now!) To Head Off Relationship POISON 13/08/2017

If you want to keep your relationship happy, healthy and vibrant, take the time to talk about money. It's the #1 reason why people break up or divorce. Here are 3 tips to avoid this death trap.

3 Things You Can Do (Right Now!) To Head Off Relationship POISON     Seriously ladies, it's SO worth it. Calvin was perfect. The last guy Jenna dated never spent a dime on her. “Hanging out” is fine, but every. single. time. they got together? No thanks. Calvin was different. He brought flowers, ...

5 Financial Mindset Mistakes You Can't Afford To Make 11/08/2017

Which of these 5 mindsets are stopping you to get financially free? Read the most common ones, and see for yourself if you're in possession of one, too.

5 Financial Mindset Mistakes You Can't Afford To Make   Source   Becoming financially free is about your habits. It’s not about getting lucky at the Casino one night or a spectacular financial investment that went your way. It’s about making good decisions, day in and day out, ...

More Money Won’t solve Your Problems 09/06/2017

More money Won't Solve Your Problems... but he's a couple of things you can do to make your life more comfortable.

More Money Won’t solve Your Problems   But here are three tips you can do today to secure your financial future better. More money isn't necessarily going to solve your financial problems. Yes, it's hard to believe, and I know some of you are rolling your eyes at me right now. ...

Timeline photos 08/06/2017

Do you really want to retire early?

then here are 4 important things you must do now to get this awesome goal achieved.


As strange or funny as it may sound, these 4 words are the core of having it all, doing it all, and being it all.

How do you feel today?


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ZIG ZIGLAR MOTIVATION: "How to Get What You Want" 30/10/2015

If you're TRULY committed to your success, take 1 hour today and watch this.

Instead of watching TV tonight, instead of going to the bar to drink, instead of any trivial activity you were going to do today - work on the commitment to be progressively successful in your life

ZIG ZIGLAR MOTIVATION: "How to Get What You Want" Zig Ziglar's motivational 'How to Get What You Want' - **audio only**

How An "Abundance Mentality" Drives Top Advisors 02/09/2015

Do you have an "Abundance Mindset:?

How An "Abundance Mentality" Drives Top Advisors Research from Adam Grant, Wharton’s top-rated faculty member, shows there’s another quality high on the list – an "abundance mentality"

50 Revealing Facts About Millennials and Their Money 11/06/2015

Are you a Millennial? Than you should read this.

50 Revealing Facts About Millennials and Their Money These 50 facts about Millennials and their money will debunk some common myths and help you sharpen your marketing strategy.