Scented Healing is enthusiastic about sharing the benefits of using essential oils to enhance mental

Our Story

Hello my name is Samantha and I am a caring and compassionate person who is interested in natural health and wellbeing for supporting the mind, body, soul, spirit and emotions.

I am university trained in Psychology and Counselling. I am a certified Holistic Counselling Practitioner and Meditation Teacher. I am a certified AromaTouch Therapist.

It was in the year 2016 when I was introduced to doTERRA which provided me with a dramatic improvement in my own emotional and physical health and wellbeing. It has been three years now since I have noticed the incredible difference in my own health, my husband’s health and my family’s health and wellness.

I am the founder of Scented Healing and an enthusiastic dōTERRA Wellness Advocate and Essential Oils Educator. I am blessed to help and empower others to know that there are other health options. Essential oils can work collaboratively with modern medicine to support a healthy lifestyle.
