Mike Paul - 'Mindshare' Marketing for Your Business

Mike Paul - 'Mindshare' Marketing for Your Business

Entrepreneurship strategies worldwide.


šŸ›‘ATTENTION: Marketers & Entrepreneurs - Transform Your Ads

Have you thrown up your hands in despair... after your paid-ads have miserably failed?

You're missing one key element that can transform your marketing starting with less than a penny...

And you can do it by leveraging the work of other people?

Follow this direct link to get the deets!



Professionals & Entrepreneurs šŸ›‘ Is LEAD-Generation Killing Your Business?
Combat 'Lead-Dependency', AKA 'The Grind'...with Mindshare Marketing.


The day cameā€¦ I had to be honest with myself. I too was a hardcore online Lead-Addict.

I was totally dependent on ā€˜leadsā€™ and if the lead-flow stoppedā€¦ my business stopped.

At work, I was a lead-fiendā€¦ spending hours a day following up on my latest leads in and around the triangle area.

ā€¦ while hoards of my salivating ā€˜lead-junkieā€™ competition were following up on the same leads I worked so hard to generate.

šŸ˜ŸIt was a never-ending struggle that seeped into my personal lifeā€¦ soon my business ran every minute of my existence.

You may be asking, ā€œBut do we have a choice?!ā€

šŸ˜•I mean, Come onā€¦ "isnā€™t ā€˜brand buildingā€™ only for the likes of giant multi-national corporations...
..like Coca Cola and BMW with lavish ad budgets which they can afford to largely waste on ā€˜vanity adsā€™ that don't actually produce a single prospect?"

I was convinced we small business owners were leaner, fitter ā€“ and yes ā€¦ better marketers - than the big boys...
..because we were out there capturing leads with our bare hands, like Navy SEALs on a secret mission behind enemy lines.

I was dead wrong, and the very thing I was chasing... was killing my business.

Disgusted in myself, I promised myself I would fix the mess I was inā€¦ and...

šŸ¶...like a dog to a bone I dug and dug for a better way. After much testing, trial and errorā€¦ blood, sweat, and tearsā€¦

šŸ˜ƒSomething clicked - I would never depend on ā€˜Lead-Genā€™ again.

And when I won my first consulting client using this new revolutionary methodā€¦
..I discovered he hadnā€™t been near my previous carefully honed lead generation machine and simply sought me out direct as the only person he wanted to do business with!

And I hardly need tell you, if you ever reach the dizzy heights of prospects chasing YOU

ā€“ rather than you chasing THEM - your business not only gets a hellava lot easier, but far, far more profitable, too!

So I was able to say goodbye to those frustrating roller coaster times of feast or famine and, insteadā€¦
..enjoy a steady, manageable stream of highly motivated hot prospects to whom I could attend to fully, sending my sales through the roof.

So, hereā€™s what I want you to do.

šŸ”„Get my Free TRAINING on how to use my ā€˜everywhereā€™ method to target only a hungry and motivated audience thatā€™s already conditioned to your offeringā€¦
..So you can model my methodā€¦ stop chasing dead-end leadsā€¦ and take control back...

Follow this direct link to learn more.
