Steve McVey

Steve McVey

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Advancing in life or being defeated by life are in the power of your words. Change how you talk and you'll change your outlook and outcome. That is the grace walk experience.


Diving blessings are a gift, not a reward. If you want to see an increase in the blessings you experience in life, focus on God's goodness and not your own failures. Develop a mindset of gratefulness. Learn to live with positive expectancy. These are ways to position yourself for grace to fill your life. Changing your mind and seeing life through the lens of faith. That is the grace walk experience.


Those who sang "peace on earth and good will to men" didn't have to drive in the Christmas traffic we face everyday. Okay, the message is still true though. Let's act like it is. Behaving like your authentic self and not a crazed maniac behind the wheel. That is the grace walk experience :)


A child said to his/her father: "I'm so thankful that you love me. I don't deserve it! I am nothing and you are so loving to accept me anyway! I don't deserve your love. Please, use me in any way you want. I owe you so much."

What should the parent's response be:
A. Affirm the child's words.
B. Assume that your child has somehow failed to understand your relationship and do whatever it takes to help them understand that your love hasn't nothing to do with "deserving or not deserving." THIS IS YOUR CHILD!

Why is it so clear when it comes to human relationships but so misunderstood when it comes to your relationship to your Heavenly Father. He loves you because you are His. Deserving/Undeserving has nothing to do with it. It's a categorical error that brings harm to an otherwise healthy way of thinking.

You are God's child and He loves you for that reason and that reason alone. With all of the good, the bad and the ugly in your life, He loves you. Deserving and undeserving is a dangerous metric to apply. You are loved. Full stop. That is the grace walk experience.


If you must err, make the mistake on the side of love. Better to have loved too much than to have judged to quickly. To love well. That is the grace walk experience.


Some gifts are wrapped in dark paper. Some songs are played in minor keys. Some delicious treats are sour and not sweet. Some constructive advice is hard to hear, not easy. Some exercise programs to build muscle are painful, not pleasurable. Embrace life in all its colors, tones, tastes and feelings. It all works together for your good. That is the grace walk experience.

11 Unlock Your Bible 02/12/2023

My newest TV program is now available on YouTube. Be sure to subscribe while you're there to stay informed about new uploads. Right now, I'm teaching a series from my book, *Unlock Your Bible,* available on

11 Unlock Your Bible This is 11 of 13 teachings from Steve McVey's book, *Unlock Your Bible,* available on The series teaches how to read and understand your Bible.


You are a lighthouse in the storm other people face, a symbol of guidance and hope. Your Inner Strength is a beacon for others, shining through adversity. Let your Light shine. Be the voice of hope for others. That is the grace walk experience.


You are a masterpiece in progress, a canvas of life where every stroke of challenge adds depth to your character and beauty. Embrace your journey with courage and an expectant heart. That is the grace walk experience


Don't be afraid of the unknown. Don't assume that painful things wait in the dark. Good things live there too. Enter the darkness with confidence in the One who waits to meet you and guide you is there. That is the grace walk experience.


A universe of divine potential resides within you. You are a treasure trove of talent waiting to be shared. Step out in faith and share it. That is the grace walk experience.


When disagreeing about something, it is *never* okay to attack the person's value. Dispute the issue strongly, but do *not* diminish them as a human being. Ad Hominem attacks are weak arguments that come from a weak position and sometimes even comes from a weak mind. Refusing to belittle people, even in the midst of sharp differences. That is the grace walk experience.


The Christmas message is "good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people." That's how the angel (which means "messenger") said it in Luke 2:10. If you hear a pastor go negative on the Christmas message, you may not be listening to the same message the angel told. A negative message sounds more like The Grinch that Stole Christmas. Get away from that before your Christmas spirit is stolen away. Celebrating the Good News. That is the grace walk experience.


I've just begun a series of teachings in a private group called, "The Great Gift." It is a biblical teaching on the incarnation of Christ. There will be 25 teachings on the subject between now and the end of the year with one posted each weekday. The teachings remain online for members to watch at their convenience. This is one of those teachings. There are hundreds of videos already available on the site for members. Our approach is to grow spiritually through study coming from the Bible, quantum science, neurology, sociology, psychology, ancient wisdom writings and many other sources. It's not like church because it's not a religous group but our aim is spiritual and personal growth. If you're interested in joining the Grace Walk Experience, go to to subscribe.


In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, take time to be still. Don't allow commercial clamor to drown out the Still, Small Voice inside you. Sacred silence. That is the grace walk experience.


Thanksgiving has been scientifically proven to improve physical and mental health, enhance relationships, cause us to sleep better, improve self-esteem, increase resilience in the face of problems, nurture optimism and to bring countless other benefits. Thanksgiving - an attitude of gratitude. That is the grace walk experience.


Be careful about the voices you allow into your life. Some of the most damaging and toxic messages come from places that seem harmless, or even helpful. Any voice that diminishes you, condemns you, tears you down or causes you to feel shamed is not the voice of God, even it it pretends to be.
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." Listen only to Love. That is the grace walk experience.


Hundreds of us are growing together and would be happy to have you join us!


Do you judge the people you love most by their worst moments? Then, don't do it to yourself. Look past the low moments and see the trajectory of your life. If your heart is leaning in the Right Direction, your feet with follow. Be patient with yourself. Nurture growth. That is the grace walk experience.


Relax. Only One Person has ever handled life perfectly. This life is a learning process and there is no greater teacher than failure. Don't deny your failures. Embrace them and ask what they have to teach you. Failures are the milemarkers on the journey forward. "Even righteous people fall and fall and fall and fall and fall and fall and fall, then get up again" (Proverbs 24:16). Give yourself a break. That is the grace walk experience.


Forgiving those who hurt us is vital to our own health but that doesn't mean we don't set boundaries. To love yourself isn't wrong. Don't let religion gaslight you into thinking that you are wrong if you don't offer yourself up as a martyr in every situation. There is a proper time to accept martyrdom and there is a time to draw lines in the sand. Knowing the difference. That is the grace walk experience.


It's estimated that there are about two trillion (2,000,000,000,000) galaxies in the observable universe. The Milky Way alone is estimated to contain around 100 to 400 billion stars, and many of these are thought to be similar to our Sun. Many of those suns have planets orbiting around them. Meanwhile, back here on the pale, blue dot, we're arguing with absolute and sometimes angry certitude over things that won't matter once we make our exit. Perhaps we would do better here if we embraced a modicum of humility.Respecting others. That is the grace walk experience.


A time will come when you can't tell the people you love that you love them. Do it today so you'll have no regrets later. Some people would give anything to be in your place and be able to speak the words to their loved one. You have the opportunity. Don't waste it. Expressing love. That is the grace walk experience.


Videos (show all)

For Good and Naughty Boys & Girls
A Grace Gift
A Grace Thing
Don't Forget Yourself at Christmas
Give a gift that can transform
The True Meaning of Christmas is Costly in Ways We May Not Have Considered
Happy Thanksgiving!
Grace Walk
The Grace Walk Experience
The Grace Walk