Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street Now is a call for a continuation of the original OWS. Our nation, our species and our world are in crisis. Solidarity Forever!

http://www.interoccupy.org is the unofficial de facto online resource for the ongoing protests happening within the Occupy Wall Street movement. We are an affinity group committed to doing technical support work for resistance movements. The leaders of this movement are the everyday people participating in the occupation with some emerging in key roles but with no rank. We use a tool called the "G

Climate models can’t explain 2023’s huge heat anomaly — we could be in uncharted territory 30/03/2024

Head of Nasa’s Goddard Institute has no idea what happened to cause the 2023 heat anomaly… How on earth does this guy not understand what is pattently obvious to me? The Nordstream release of 300,000 tons of methane into the Arctic is the cause!!!

Climate models can’t explain 2023’s huge heat anomaly — we could be in uncharted territory Taking into account all known factors, the planet warmed 0.2 °C more last year than climate scientists expected. More and better data are urgently needed.

Dmitry Trenin: It’s time for Russia to give the West a nuclear reminder 24/03/2024

“The adversary should not remain in a state of comfort, believing that the war he is waging with the help of another country will not affect him in any way. In other words, it is necessary to put fear back into the minds and hearts of the enemy’s leaders. The beneficial sort of fear, it’s worth stressing.”

Dmitry Trenin: It’s time for Russia to give the West a nuclear reminder Washington is waging a proxy war in a bid to inflict a ‘strategic defeat’ on Moscow and a tougher response to this is needed

The Truth About China's Social Credit Society Surviellance | TikTok 18/03/2024

Let China have the TikTok data. They’d make better products with it. Let their algorithms influence our youth.

The Truth About China's Social Credit Society Surviellance | TikTok How Safe Is China At Night ? | Chongqing China's MegacityJoin us on a thrilling investigative journey vlog as we delve into...


Oct 7th: No rapes. No beheaded babies. Likely most Israelis killed by Israel. Attack known in advance. Just allowed or designed? US complicity guaranteed. Genocide isn’t an accident, it’s a plan.

Pentagon Admits Ukraine Aid Unsustainable + Why Neutrality is Ukraine's Only (Good) Option 25/02/2024

To remember the 2nd anniversary of the US proxy war against Russia.

Pentagon Admits Ukraine Aid Unsustainable + Why Neutrality is Ukraine's Only (Good) Option Update on the conflict in Ukraine for February 25, 2024...- Russian forces have cleared Avdeevka, taking over a thousand Ukrainian soldiers prisoner, illustr...


With these two major wars going on concurrently, the wars in the Middle East & Ukraine, there is a lot of talk about WW2. I’m realizing now that I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a broad enough understanding of WW2. In the US, the preponderance of media is about the US & Western Europe heroism & the Holocaust of Jews. That left a lot NOT discussed. Look at this image of WW2 deaths. Did the media that you consumed about WW2 over your lifetime seem at all proportionally balanced to the evidence of deaths shown here?

These numbers are likely UNDERstated for the Soviet Union & China by the way. For instance, despite having visited the Holocaust Museum in DC as a kid, a very moving and solemn place, I did not realize that the Germans slaughtered twice as many Slav civilians as Jews during WW2. Slavs were considered “sub-human” by the Germans who felt their Caucasian blood was contaminated by the Mongols, with the outcome being worse than either. In Ukraine today the Russians are derisively called Orcs. The term Orcs refers to a race of corrupted beings and descendants of Cain, alongside the elf, according to the poem Beowulf. Tolkien adopted the term orc from these old attestations. Russians refer to Ukrainians as their brother Slavs who unfortunately have a N**i problem, which the Russians are once again dealing with in the only ways that seems to work.

Russians understand deeper than those in the US or even than Europe the horrors of WW2. They remember their history so as to not repeat it.


If you haven’t watched Tucker’s interview with Putin don’t comment. I’ve watched dozens of interviews & speeches with Putin. He’s always been an impressive world leader. If you’ve only read hot takes & clips & you think you’ve got something to say, you’re wrong. You don’t have anything to say you just say what others have made you think.



Incremental escalatory steps further into wars is US strategy. US goal is global hegemonic dominance, the “rules based order.” US vision is the end of history, that there is no alternative.


Something I haven’t heard from anyone yet. Everything the US is doing in the Middle East right now makes perfect sense if you frame it in reasoning they’re not talking about at all. Which is in the winning back of Saudi Arabia, either through appeasement or by leaving them no choice.

The fallout from the October 7th Israel/ Hamas war. Where SA looks good to its people and neighbors but eventually could facilitate as part of a peace process a deal with Israel. Definitely a US major operation to destroy the Houthis would be something SA would secretly want while they maintain a sort of hands off approach. Attacking Iran as well, they made peace last year so can avoid blame when the US bombs them. The US stepping up attacks on Syria, again they can claim innocence after coming to a peace before.

SA selling oil to China in their own currency is an essential element in destroying the US dollar as reserve currency. SA joining BRICKS. SA & Iran in peace brokered by China. SA’s disgruntlement with Biden. All these changes in the past two years are actually ENORMOUS, but somehow happened with little US reaction. Or is it that the US plans were just kept quiet?

It’s clear that the SA leader MBS isn’t liked by the US and he doesn’t care for Biden. So the US would want regime change. In SA there are likely some that benefited well from the relationship with the US and doesn’t support their shift towards China. But they are unlikely to have much support as long as the US looks weak. To generate successful regime change the US would have to show once again their dominance over the region militarily. Therefore this is what the current crisis ultimately about.

I watched a recent defense department video about its development of unmanned sea drones. In it I found a curious bit that I screenshot about their potential use. It was so shocking in a way I didn’t fully understand at the time. But now it seems to make sense. Autonomous unmanned sea drones keeping watch across the entire peninsula, well that would be important in, let’s say, blockading China’s access to oil in the case of a war….


You know, in Illinois you always hear complaints that there aren’t more teachers from minoritized communities, more teachers of poor and working-class backgrounds and more teachers who have disabilities—not to mention not enough teachers generally. The dirty little secret, however, is to get licensed a person must “student teach” which means working for free for three months.* So, of course, people who are already systemically under-resourced, like BIPOC, Latinx, disabled and poor citizens can’t get licensed and teach from the heart what’s wrong with the state and our country generally; only college-age children of affluent parents and couples with one-earner incomes sufficient for one partner not to work can afford to teach. And so the affluent continue to control education. That’s just one cause. Another would be School funding based on local property taxes that under-resources children from more populated poorer communities where total property tax relative to children residents per square acre is lower than for affluent areas. But, yeah, let’s just complain that there aren’t enough teachers for no reason except that poor people don’t want good jobs like teaching—just like we pretend children from poor communities don’t perform as well as their richer peers because the latter are genetically superior—not because the former are under-resourced. Even those education programs that scream loudest about social justice are complicit in the nonsense and doing nothing to change it. Maybe your state’s the same. It’s a damned, miserable joke. You want a service project for students? Getting students to march on state capitals and demand education equality through mandated paid student teaching and state-kitied and redistributed per capita school taxes would be a start. While you’re at it, making teachers’ take home salaries at least 100% of their communities’ local average household income would be another step in the right direction. You can do that if you actually care.


This meme was made in during Occupy Wall Street but it grows more relevant.

Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2022 28/03/2023

"American politicians, serving the interests of oligarchs, have gradually lost their subjective will and objective ability to respond to the basic demands of ordinary people and defend the basic rights of ordinary citizens, and failed to solve their own structural problems of human rights. Instead, they wantonly use human rights as a weapon to attack other countries, creating confrontation, division and chaos in the international community, and have thus become a spoiler and obstructor of global human rights development."

Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2022 Life expectancy has plummeted, and deaths from drug abuse continue to climb.

Redefining s*x? No thanks. 23/03/2023

I prefer to not support preferred pronouns, but thanks! I’m not a bigot, just against coercion but I respect your right to your own cultural values.

Redefining s*x? No thanks. Redefining s*x? No thanks! I'm critical of a gender ideology that contends people may self identify as the opposite gender. The main promotion of this impossible position is made by people who self identify as part of the transgender community. Not only do they say it is possible, they claim they ar...

Voting Against & No. - Bruce's Hot Takes 08/11/2022

Voting Against & No. - Bruce's Hot Takes It's midterm elections again in the USA and this year seems a repeat of the election of 2022, 2010, 2006 and 1994, where the party of the Presidency gets elected out of the legislature once again. However I would say that this is looking like a new phase of political unrest that's a little different...

West’s Response to Russian Invasion Demolishes Excuses for Rejecting BDS against Apartheid Israel 15/03/2022

West’s Response to Russian Invasion Demolishes Excuses for Rejecting BDS against Apartheid Israel Palestinians are watching with empathy the suffering of millions of Ukrainians facing war, particularly the over two million refugees seeking safety in neighboring countries.

Top Weapons Companies Boast Ukraine-Russia Tensions Are a Boon for Business 30/01/2022

US weapons out of Ukraine!

Top Weapons Companies Boast Ukraine-Russia Tensions Are a Boon for Business In calls with investors, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin boasted that the worsening conflict is helping profits.

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