Allianz Insurance Agent - Sylvester Heng
Allianz Malaysia offers you protection solutions. From customisable, you need, to comprehensive solutions which give you the coverage you deserve.
(Everyone should have a medical card)
I just saw this news this morning... think about what happens if it happens to you?
We must have a sense of crisis... Don't wait until it happens, why didn't you buy a medical card or limit enough?
I am an example of this... I bought a medical card of hundred thousand a year, and I was hospitalized for 2 months with bacterial infection. My medical support me for 100k only and is not enough. I must be discharged from the hospital to rest at home...
Friends who haven’t bought a medical card yet...Action
Friends who bought a medical card...Hurry and see if you only bought hundred thousand a year only just like me?
Doctor consultant fees is not expensive, the most expensive is medical bill... you need to buy a lifetime unlimited medical card...
• Review old policies
[any insurance company]
• Service clients losing contact with previous agents
• Sharing about Medicare/savings or retirement plans
I do my best to help all those who need insurance information. There is no reluctance here. Just to share, I will do my best to help.
Contact me :
Sylvester 0163333360
Sylvester 0163333360
If you are not prepared, no one will pity you!
This is the reality, unfortunately being plagued by heavy illness, when you are disheartened, no one will pity you!
When a family is sick and there is no money to heal, no one will pity you!
When your children go to school and can't afford the cost, no one will pity you!
If you leave early and your family can't rely on it, no one will pity you!
1. Buy insurance will not let you go bankrupt
2. An illness or an accident is enough to cause you bankrupt
3. If you think premium is high, medical fees is way more expensive
1. 买保险不会让你倾家荡产
2. 一场疾病和意外足以让你倾家又荡产
3. 保费再贵也不比医药费贵
[Is insurance useful, if and only if you admitted to the hospital! 】
The most expensive bed in the world is called a hospital bed.
Everyone knows that the hospital bed is the most expensive bed in the world.
Everyone knows that the hospital is the most inaccessible door.
Everyone knows that if you have a serious illness, you may have to take a lifetime of savings...
Can we work hard for a lifetime?
Is the income really only for setting up a bed in the hospital?
Three sentences in the hospital let you go bankrupt
First, you are very sick;
Second, “but” it can still be cured;
Third, “but” it takes a lot of money.
Insurance is to save the money in your pocket.
Who is important between the car and the child?
Dad and mother bought insurance for their new car.
Have you bought insurance for me?
After weaning, children [POOR RESISTANCE] are prone to colds, high fever, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, encephalitis, hand, and foot and mouth diseases.
📘 保险,钱多钱少都要买很多人觉得自己的家庭经济条件不好,根本拿不出钱来买保险,这种理念完全是错误的❎。
🤗 越是家庭经济脆弱的人,对保险的需求度也越强。拿不出钱来买保险,只是一种借口。
1. 你的病非常严重❗
2. 还好,能治❗
3. 不过,就是要花好多钱❗
1. 放心吧,你的病我们能赔!
2. 确诊就赔,把资料准备好!
3. 剩余保费不用交了,有豁免!
🤗 家庭的保障:一般家庭经济的主要支柱更需要保险,而寿险就提供了这样的一种保障:无论我们在与不在,我们得家人都能正常的生活下去。也就是万一有一天,家庭主要经济支柱倒下了,家人还能获取一笔替代经济支柱收入的补偿金。无论发生了什么,家人都能幸福美满的生活下去。💕💕💕
🕴️我是ALLIANZ 安联保险顾问,如果您喜欢我的文案,请您到我的专页按赞👍,把这文案分享给身边还没有保险保障的亲朋戚友。感恩🙏。欢迎来电咨询相关保险产品知识,我也提供免费检视保单与索赔服务。
【Tragedy! ! Sister advised her younger brother to withdraw the insurance. One year later, the brother’s diagnose liver cancer. 】
Sister asked her brother to retreat the insurance and said that her brother-in-law was deceived. After several arguments, he really surrenders his policy. One year later, the brother gave him diagnose liver cancer. The sister gave RM500 to support her younger brother. The younger sister ran to her sister’s house and starts an argument. She asked her sister to take money to see a doctor.
People who advise others not to buy insurance must be cautious when saying this, because you can't replace the insurance company. When the disaster comes, how much risk can you help others?
I really want to ask whoever advises others not to buy insurance and surrender insurance. What is your mind thinking? Will you still be happy? How much can you give to her family?
You have escaped insurance, could you escaped the risk?
So please don't arbitrarily reject friends who want to share insurance with you, and don't trust other people's remarks and give up the policy that you have bought, for yourself, and more for your family.
If one day, I suggest you buy accident insurance,
Nothing else, just for your peace of mind on the road;
If one day, I suggest you buy medical insurance,
Nothing else, just don't have to spend your own money when you are hospitalized;
If one day, I suggest you buy education insurance.
Nothing else, only for children to get a better education, a certain future
If one day, I suggest you buy pension insurance,
Nothing else, just for your smile in the sunset;
If one day, I suggest you buy wealth transfer insurance.
Nothing else, just for your assets, you can avoid taxation and inherit love.
When a person is lying in a hospital bed,
Sending RM200 may be a friend,
It may be relatives who sent RM2000.
It may be parents and brothers and sisters who send RM20,000.
Send RM200,000, 2 million, or even 20 million,
Must be an insurance company!
So I believe in insurance,
Buying insurance means respecting life!
Let's start a little bit of my story..
21 February 2018
My first admission at Mahkota Hospital Melaka. Reason ; Health Gall Stone. I remember i was driving, suddenly felt like heart attack and cause minor accident. I drove to hospital after that, it was so pain thinking of am I going to die? Second Day, I went to do SCOPE and that's the nightmare began.
effect, named
It's a long story in hospital, first discharge was 09 Mar 2018. Bacteria rise again and admit hospital at 15 Mar 2018 for second admission. Last discharge was somewhere in April 2018. Stay in Hospital for nearly 2months cost nearly RM95k.
Attached photo is the Bill and Lab report, citrobacter koseri is one of the most strong bacteria in Hospital. This kind of bacteria needed very strong antibiotic via injection, can't treat by oral antibiotic and that's one of the reason I stay in Hospital for nearly 2months. The Lab Report shows my bacteria data is 86.4 at 23/03/2018 and 6.8 at 11/04/2018, normal data is at 0-10, it takes a long time to recover by inject antibiotic 3times daily, and one time is 3hours.
Last but not least, this is not cancer, not any other illness which is very major, just a bacteria effection cost me nearly RM95k. Actually I haven't fully recover by this effection, is because my Insurance Limit reached and need to discharge or else I need to pay by myself for further treatment. Unfortunate, my medical card only cover me 100k per year.
The reason I join insurance company is because ;
No Agent Revise my Policy and update latest information.
This incident cause me couldn't buy unlimited plan because under defermant. So, if you bought your medical card but doesnt know whether you are cover unlimited plan do not hesitate to text or call me at 016-3333360.
附图是Bill和Lab的报告,citrobacter koseri是医院中最强的细菌之一。 这种细菌通过注射需要非常强的抗生素, 不能通过口服抗生素治疗, 这也是我住院时间很长的原因之一, 在报告中显示我的细菌感染指数为86.4在18/03/2018和6.8在11/04/2018,正常指数为0-10,每天我必须3次注射抗生素才能恢复,一次是3小时。