Muscle Mass Stacks

Muscle Mass Stacks

Bodybuilding Products That WORK! We are an Online Supplier of the Most Potent Legal Bodybuilding products available!

Dumbbell Step Ups 30/04/2018

Dumbbell Step Ups Dumbbell Step Ups

Scissor Lunges 25/04/2018

Scissor Lunges


How many of you know how many calories you should be eating to support your body's function?

I am willing to bet that most people have no idea and follow some template nutrition plan that may or may not include what THEIR body needs to operate.

When I start with a new client, no matter if they are an athlete or just someone looking to get healthier, I do a complete assessment of their life. This is the only way to know if what they're doing is truly working.

If you're tired of feeling like you're spinning your wheels and not seeing any progress, it may be time to have a complete assessment done.

Message me for more info!!


Do you truly know if your training and nutrition program is working?

The only way to know for sure is to have an Assessment done. Knowing where you're at, where you want to get to, and what needs to change is the only way to know if what you're doing is working.

If you haven't had one done, or your current trainer hasn't completed one, get one scheduled today.


Truth about BCAA consumption

So many times I have heard people say that they do not need to take BCAA's because they are already consuming enough protein. Unfortunately this clearly shows how little they know about nutrition, especially athletic nutrition.

The time it takes for your protein to be broken down into BCAA's that can be used to repair, or grow, muscle is very long and your body will not wait, especially when it needs them quickly.

Pre-exercise amino acid consumption (alone or with carbohydrate) can reduce the amount of muscle tissue used as a fuel source. Further, during and post-workout carbohydrate and amino acid intake can shift the body into a positive protein status quickly after exercise, also making available additional glycogen for subsequent training sessions.

Your body's number 1 goal is to create energy and if your not consuming the accurate amount of carbohydrates, fats, and protein your body will break down muscle tissue to help produce more energy.

Questions? Comments? Message me.

If you have a friend who seems to think that BCAA supplementation is not important SHARE this with them.


One of my favorite pieces of equipment when training my athletes is the Agility Ladder.

There are so many variations of drills that you can do using the agility ladder to help improve your foot speed and coordination.

Here are just a few that I use regularly with my athletes:

Agility Ladder Drills
1. Single-Leg Forward Hops between Ladder Spaces/Forward/Reverse Sprints
Place a cone 40 yards from the ladder.
Hop through the ladder on your left foot.
Immediately sprint to the cone.
Backpedal to the ladder.
Turn around and hop through the ladder on your right foot.

2. Lateral Jumps In/Out of Ladder Spaces/Cariocas
Place a cone 20 yards from the ladder.
Stand alongside the ladder and jump in and out of each space with both feet together.
Immediately follow with lateral sprints (cariocas) to the cone.
Carioca back to the opposite side of the ladder and jump in and out of the spaces back to the start.
Cariocas and lateral jumps enhance lateral movement on the basketball court and football field when moving sideways to defend an opponent. These are great agility movements for runners eluding tackles and sidestepping opponents.

Coaches-if you need some more examples feel free to message me and dont forget to SHARE this with your conditioning team!


Benefits of adding the squat jump into your exercise program.

As a Strength and Conditioning Coach, I regularly use the Squat Jump while conditioning my athletes. Since being explosive will give you a huge benefit over your opponents, I use the squat jump as a staple to help create explosive power.

Here are some benefits to adding the Squat Jump into your Fitness Program:

Builds Muscle
Burns More Fat
Maintain Mobility and Balane
Injury Prevention
Boosts Your Sports Performance (This is BIG)
Tones your ENTIRE body
Helps with waste removal

'Get In The GAME' and add this awesome movement into your program and see results...FAST!


Sign up TODAY for the BEST leg and butt builder program for FREE!!

FREE 7 Day Meal Plan | 30/03/2018

FREE 7 Day Meal Plan | Get my FREE 7 Day Meal Plan and take the guess work out of preparing your healthy meals! Includes Delicious Smoothies! Instant download.


What is your biggest obstacle preventing you from staying with a Fitness Program?

Not wanting to join a gym?

There can be a host of reasons why people find it hard to stick with a healthy lifestyle. What's yours?

Comment your answer or message me.


So what the difference between anaerobic and aerobic training?

Anaerobic means the absence of oxygen while aerobic means the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic exercise can strengthen your bones, decreasing your risk of osteoporosis. It can also improve the strength of your tendons and ligaments while also improving joint function. It can reduce the risk of potential injuries and improve your cardiac function. Lastly, anaerobic exercise can elevate your levels of good cholesterol (HDL).

Aerobic exercise can strengthen your heart and reduce your resting heart rate, while increasing the number of red blood cells that help distribute oxygen throughout your body. It also helps with weight loss if you combine it with a healthy, calorie-controlled diet. Aerobic exercise also can potentially reduce your chances of developing heart disease, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes and some forms of cancer; and it can improve your immune system and stamina.

It is imperative to include both types of exercise into your Fitness Program.


Check your squat

Learn good squat technique and use it. Don’t sacrifice good technique for adding more weight, especially in a partial range of motion.

Keep your hips behind your heels — sit back into the squat. The farther forward the knees, the greater the force on the knee joint. The goal is to keep shins closer to vertical, although Olympic weightlifters tend to squat with a slightly greater shin angle.

Dont be in a rush to squat as much weight as possible. If there was ever an exercise that needs to follow the Law of Progression it is the squat!


There is no better time to “Jump Start” your Body Transformation while getting ready for the summertime warmer weather!

My goal is to get you stronger, more toned, tighten your body, and healthier in just one month! No need for expensive gym memberships because all workouts can be done at home, in a park, or anywhere you like to exercise! All you’ll need are a set of dumbbells and a deck of cards!

If you’re looking to:
• Tighten and Tone your body
• Increase Functional Strength
• Shape and Tighten your Butt and Thighs
• Increase Lean Muscle Mass
• Have a Fun and Different Fitness Program

Then you need to get in on the Full Deck Fitness Challenge!

My Fitness Challenges fill up FAST so don't miss out on this Jump Start Body Transformation! Summer is coming Fast!!

I am taking pre-registrations now! Save $20 by registering early!

Message me so you can be put on the list!

Stay Anabolic To Support Muscle Growth | 31/01/2018

Stay Anabolic To Support Muscle Growth | Let’s see how you can create an Anabolic environment to support muscle growth. Try these tips to stay anabolic all day everyday.

Destroy Fat and Build Muscle | 27/01/2018

Destroy Fat and Build Muscle | If you're looking to get ripped while still building muscle then cardio acceleration is for you! Learn how to perform cardio acceleration.


The 3 qualities of a champion

A positive self image



Knowing that these qualities above are necessary for success, there are two things you can do to accomplish any successful outcome.

The first is to work on each of these qualities yourself. Develop them. Improve in these three areas. And while doing so, get to applying them toward your goals.

And the second is to surround yourself with others who have strengths where your weaknesses lie. Use the team approach to get to the top.

Be a Champion!!

Instantly Increase Back Strength | 21/01/2018

Instantly Increase Back Strength | Are you looking for an instant and quick way to increase your back strength on just about every back exercise you perform?


So what do you do with your Sunday?

Rules to Muscle Building For Skinny Guys and Gals (Part 1) | 08/01/2018

Rules to Muscle Building For Skinny Guys and Gals (Part 1) | Having trouble gaining weight? Here is Part 1 of a 3 part article that will identify some reasons why you have trouble gaining weight.

Awesome Fitness Opportunity 07/01/2018

Awesome Fitness Opportunity I am looking for 3 men and 3 women between the ages of 35-50 who have had no, or minimal, success with their 2017 Fitness Program. If you are tied of not seeing any progress in your current Fitness Program and have done everything but quit then I'd like to hear from you! Here's what I need from you....

26/12/2017 it better with these tips..

Find your power position (foot)
put your feet in the position where you feel like you could jump the highest and take a couple of test jumps

Anchor your feet
balancing your weight evenly over your entire foot will allow you to fully take advantage of your power position

Wedge your body in close to the bar
Put simply, you want to bring your hips as laterally close as you can to the bar without rounding your low back

Give it a try on your next deadlift day


All physiological changes — including weight loss or gain, fat loss or gain, and muscle loss or gain — require different efforts and amounts of time for different people.

Old-Time Strongman Training | 13/12/2017

Old-Time Strongman Training | If you're looking for a fitness role model look no further than the Old Time Strongmen and increase your functional strength.

Build Strength FAST with THESE Programs! 13/12/2017

Build Strength FAST with THESE Programs! For more information click the link The fact is that the strength you gain from weight training will not transfer over to your c...


Fitness Tip....

Use the Kettlebell Swing for a FULL Body workout!!!

Kettlebell Swing
Muscles: Entire posterior chain, core, shoulders, traps
Swing the kettlebell between your legs and straight up in front of you, keeping your arms straight and
using your pelvis to provide the thrust.