The Body: A Home For Love

The Body: A Home For Love

creative wellness space empowering black women & sexual assault survivors to heal through joy 〰️

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 19/08/2024

miss girl—you were made for beautiful things ✨
although life is a series of ups and downs
don’t let the ‘downs’ keep you down.

let today be the day you decide to no longer surrender to beliefs that keep you small & doubtful about the good things that want to pursue you.

choose the stories that keep you hopeful, inspired & full of possibility.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 12/08/2024

stop holding on to people who aren’t good to you. it’s never worth it.
when you really examine your relationships or interactions with people whether it be a lover, a friend, etc 〰️ be honest with yourself about how they make you feel when it’s all said & done.
if you’re constantly having to justify their toxic behavior or find yourself relying too much on empathy to excuse them of the things that they are knowingly doing, sis, that is not a situation in favor of you & what you deserve. ✨

you are your priority.
no one is worth holding on to it if they don’t respect you, honor you, or affirm you!! make room for the people who do.

always ask yourself is this person really for me?

leave an “amen” in the comment section if this resonates. 💕

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 09/08/2024

you deserve to feel the joy of being good to yourself ✨

so what does that look like?
〰️ instead of beating yourself up for being a human with emotions, you give yourself grace.
〰️ instead of thinking about all the ways things could go wrong, you start to bask in all the possibilities of things going better than expected
〰️ instead of denying yourself your desires, you make room for at least 1 thing, consistently, that is all about serving you. 💗

joy is your birthright.
joy is your birthright.
joy is your birthright.

you don’t have to look for it externally.
it’s within you. it’s in your decisions. it’s in your belief.

save this post in your healing through joy reminders 😘

illustration credit: our founder:

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 07/08/2024

a few gentle reminders for the girls who are struggling to hold on. ✨

with love,
better days are ahead.
life is full of ups and downs
but it can’t rain forever.

seasons change.
chapters end.
and new doors open.
something beautiful is on the way.

〰️ when you feel like you’re at your breaking point, remember these 3 things.

tag a friend who needs to hear this. 💕

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 05/08/2024

happy monday, gorgeous. 💗
there is something so beautiful about starting the day with prayer, embodiment & gratitude 〰️

often times, the things we’ve gone can alter the way see ourselves & we end up forgetting the magic of who we really are & what’s available to us.

God is with you & i hope that today you are fueled with the courage to rest in beautiful thoughts.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 31/07/2024

say it with me, sis: “i love becoming the woman who finds joy in sharing & honoring my boundaries with ease.” ✨

save this affirmation for the moments you start to doubt your ability to choose yourself & honor your needs. you got this, girl. you ARE this!! 💗

healing through joy is about embodying the identity of the version of you who is reclaiming & owning their power with ease. this is a beautiful path you get to be on.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 29/07/2024

the same messages are finding you, again & again, because God is trying to make it clear for you 💗

i hope that with each day it’s becoming easier for you to cling to the belief that something beautiful is on the way.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 24/07/2024


Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 22/07/2024

healing through joy feels like being open to infinite possibilities that work in your favor. with a mindset like that joy has no other option BUT to consume you.

i know that some days it’s hard to dream or even entertain the thought that things will be okay—more than okay. but i’m here to remind you that better days are ahead. the magic of who you are never left, even with every hardship you’ve experienced ✨

“the magic cannot leave you when it is you” 〰️ somebody from pinterest said that, not us! lol but wow!! ✨✨ we receive it.

slides 2-6, credit:

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 17/07/2024

self-talk is one of my favorite ways to create an identity shift. for the past 7 months, it has completely transformed my life & i can never go back to not being intentional with speaking life over myself.
joy is the fruit of using our imagination in a way that serves us. ✨

so here is a joy-centered thought to carry with you as you create the life you deserve.

let me know in the “comment” section if this type of content is valuable to you on your journey. 💗

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 14/07/2024

😅 it’s hard to make yourself available for more joy when you’re still holding on to a narrative that your value comes from everyone else BUT you. making other people happy, at the expense of your own needs and desires, is not the secret sauce to being a good person. it’s a lie. it’s a scam. it’s a sham, sis! we’ve all been lied to lmao. people pleasing is the thief of joy. it keeps you from living a full life because you’re ability to see yourself as worthy is so deeply tethered to the way others regard you when you choose to live for YOU!!!
people pleasing keeps you small & it shrinks your capacity for joy because you’re running on E. you deserve more. you ARE MORE. 💗

and by the way—anyone who really loves you
* supports you in choosing yourself
* encourages you to lean into decisions that serve & empower YOU to feel *your* best
* creates a safe space for to be in flow with your authentic self

for the girls who really bout this life:
* share one tip that’s been helping you overcome the need to people please
* share “i am more” in the comments.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 11/07/2024

a woman healing through joy is a woman who no longer views trauma as a limitation. ✨ her mission in life is quite simple: create space for more joy.

get into this read, honey.
for the girls who really ‘bout this life—meet us in the comment section to do 1 of 3.

• give us a 🙌🏾
• share which line resonates with you the most
• share your own description of healing through joy💕

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 08/07/2024

self-sabotaging really sucks lmao. it will really have you out here lookin like the weakest link lol but trust me, we’ve all been there a time or two. 〰️

self-sabotaging can often times stem from feelings of unworthiness & inadequacy, which can rob you of such a beautiful life. when you don’t feel like you deserve good things, that energy permeates everything. it can really shape the way you show up for yourself, which is why it's so important to check in with yourself when your words & actions start to become incongruent. so much healing comes from honesty. 💗

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 05/07/2024

healing through joy will call you out—but most importantly, it will call you forward. it creates space for you to become aware of your personal power.
doing this work requires self-accountability. it calls us to look at our choices. our patterns & our beliefs.

you don’t have to believe every thought you think—
it has no power over you even tho it may feel like it at times.

you can reframe any narrative at any given point in time.
you can detach yourself from any thought that aims to disempower you.

healing through joy is recognizing your part to play in your evolution 💗

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 02/07/2024

healing through joy is the intentional decision to give ourselves the very best of who we can be moment to moment. everyday looks different but our commitment to bringing forth as much joy, flow & excitement from possibility—is such a beautiful display of showing up for ourselves.

the mind & imagination are so powerful. everyday, i pour into myself with expansive thoughts that remind me of how incredible life can & will be for me despite my trauma.

my day is constantly filled with these sentence starters:

〰️ i am open to _____________
〰️ i am available for ______________
〰️ i love being so ___________

the beauty of life, starting right now, is up to you, my love.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 30/06/2024

it is safe to expand.
it is safe to want more.
it is safe to create new habits.
it is safe to believe something different.
it is safe to experience new life as you heal from trauma

doing the internal work of introspection, self-reflection & redirection is such a delicate process, but when you’re in flow with your true desires, the real magic happens.

healing births newness.
don’t be afraid of who you’re becoming as you’re shedding.💗

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 26/06/2024

healing through joy feels like FREEDOM
to reject any stories or narratives that don’t align with how we want life to look ✨

i desire for us all to have the courage to intentionally CHOOSE our thoughts & beliefs as we heal & embody the most empowered version of ourselves. you don’t have to surrender to every negative thought that creeps in just because it feels familiar. allow yourself to be stretched. joy lives in your expansion.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 24/06/2024

as a black woman who has endured a few seasons of unfortunate traumas, i find it beyond necessary to spend my days discovering what makes makes me genuinely happy.

life is too short to not enjoy the blessings reserved for me. healing through joy is showing up everyday leading with creative & expansive energy because you how important it is shower yourself with love & the wonders of possibility.

for black girls like me, who often times need reminders—make being good to yourself a non-negotiable. you are worthy because you just are. don’t let trauma keep you from living a life you love. don’t rob yourself of the little joys that leave a big impact.

my current ‘i love myself’ adventures have been:
• moving my body daily
• listening to high vibrational music & a few ratchet songs here & there hahahah
• drinking lots of matcha. especially matcha protein lattes (color me obsessed because wow hahah)
• reading books & staying offline as much as possible
• finding new & cute places to eat that are gluten & dairy free friendly

we have such a big life. spend time investing in your self. 💗

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 18/06/2024

stop telling yourself stories that keep you feeling disempowered. you deserve better than that. you ARE better than that. ✨

the stories we tell ourselves are the stories we embody 〰️
let’s commit to rewriting narratives that SERVE us in the best way.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 10/06/2024

magical things are ahead. ✨ nothing can stop the evolution of how beautiful life can gets to be for you—

• just because you’ve gone through trauma doesn’t mean that life cant expand beyond that.

• just because you’re healing doesn’t mean that your life is put on pause or on hold

• just because it feels hard right now doesn’t mean that you’ll feel that way forever ✨

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 30/05/2024

stop being okay with what’s not okay.
trust your gut.
listen to your body.
honor your truth.

as survivors, it can be hard to lean into our own intuition because even self-trust can become a thing that we are unsure about—but it’s a gift & an internal GPS that is designed to help us discern, blossom & expand. ✨

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 28/05/2024

in case you needed another reminder ✨
the power is in within you, love.

slides 2-3, credit:


Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 20/05/2024

you deserve to experience yourself in a new light—free from the weight of all you’ve been through. how are you taking care of your mind in this season? the internal work of creating a new normal leads to a new life〰️ and it only works if you’re committed to the shift. go for it 💕

slides: 2, 4 & 5 (source: )

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 15/05/2024

stop waiting for permission to do what’s best for you ✨
when you’re truly reclaiming your power, you learn the value of not waiting for anyone to give you the things that you can give yourself.

it’s your world, baby girl.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 09/05/2024

radical self-responsibility is essential to accepting the truth of what is or what has been & shifting the narrative going forward.

what happened to you wasn’t your fault—point, blank, period—but *how* you lead your life moving forward is solely up to you.

living in response mode will keep you disempowered & you deserve better than that.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 07/05/2024

shrinking is a form of self-neglect. it is voluntarily deciding that your happiness & your needs aren’t important enough & that’s not the way life was meant to be lived. you were born to be free from anything that makes you feel small. get out of your own way. take up space & be the version of you who embodies fearlessness in your pursuit of self-love & self-expression. ✨

the winning team = your higher self 💕

photo credit:
2nd slide source:

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 05/05/2024

developing a powerful self-concept is a gift to yourself. blossom without guilt.
without shame.
without limitations.

re-creating a life rooted in a joy after trauma is a process
but the magic of possibility makes it so worth it. ✨

you are who you *think* you are. ✨

2nd slide & 3rd slide source:

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 30/04/2024

and just like that—the girls are back & better than ever ✨
we’re so excited for the relaunch of this incredible space. we’ve had time to reset, refocus & restore the joy of doing this work.

welcome to one of the most nourishing spaces on beyoncé’s internet. we look forward to the journey ahead.

remember: you are worthy.

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 10/09/2022

we’re pressing pause for a bit. don't worry, we’re cooking up some magic right now. ✨ ⁣

in the meantime—⁣
visit our website to sign up for our newsletter & make and/or make donation.

see you soon 💕⁣
xoxo deun

Photos from The Body: A Home For Love's post 09/09/2022

we’re excited to announce that we are the fiscal sponsor of the hanahana circle of care ✨✨

their mission statement: the hanahana circle of care is a fiscally sponsored organization with a mission to bring holistic wellness to the beauty space by bringing resources that address the many dimensions of a person: body, mind, and nature. we believe that healthcare should not be a privilege; the ability to sustain oneself economically is a crucial piece of overall wellness and are committed to using clean and ethically sourced ingredients and working to leave the planet better than we found it.

what does fiscal sponsorship mean? the hanahana circle of care is being supported by a fully formed 501(c)3 (us) to build their capacity, apply for grants + make your donations tax deductible!

your donation to the circle of care will allow them to continue their social impact efforts to provide:
✅ bi-annual healthcare days in the katargia neighborhood in tamale, ghana through 2023
✅ katargia infrastructure + neighborhood improvement project like clean water storage + increased sanitation
✅ monthly healthcare education sessions with the cooperative that focus on topics like screening for breast cancer, nutrition, physical therapy + more
✅ pay all members of our social impact and outreach teams on the ground in tamale a living wage

visit the link in our bio to make your donation. 💌

who we are + who we serve

the body: a home for love is a 501c3 non-profit organization founded by visual artist, deun ivory. the body curates healing experiences + safe spaces for sexual assault survivors with an emphasis on the black female experience. we believe in the psychology of space, that it can be used as a mechanism for healing. through art, wellness and community, we transform public spaces into activations that impart healing rituals to women dealing with sexual trauma channeling vulnerability, storytelling and self-care. Our work is restorative. Centering our service on self-love, agency, and wholeness, we help survivors reclaim their bodies as homes for love.

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