A website that offers educational strategies as well as emotional empowerment for educators.
This is a post I wrote two years ago and couldn't resist sharing in an ode to Easter on this Good Friday. Love and blessings to all this Easter weekend and every day after. Enjoy.
Sacrifice Written two years ago for the Easter season. I couldn’t resist resharing it! Let every day be a reminder of how we can serve others, while filling ourselves with the joy that comes from livin…
This piece is dedicated to everyone who feels their best days are behind them and need to be reminded that they are always filled with the potential to find joy in what is next. Screw what could have been, what should have happened, or what would have happed if only things were different. Grieve the past, come back to the now, and allow yourself to deserve the goodness of what lies ahead. Be bold. Be brave. Have faith to claim to your NEXT.
Mourn Your “Haves” to Make Room for your “Next” Dwelling on what could have been, should have been, or what would have been (if only…) is a mindset centered on the past with ambitions set on “do not disturb”. Look boldly ahead and step into what…
It has been awhile friends. This post is as much for me as it is for anyone else who may find it meaningful. Many people struggle most during this time of year. The holiday cheer and ambiance is merely a backdrop to the hurt that fills their days and nights. I wrote this piece to finally open up the floodgates and bring voice not just to the human experience of pain, but to the gifts that are buried within that pain.
Sending love and prayers to all who need an extra reminder they are not alone. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you all a holiday season filled with love of self and others. May gratitude fill your thoughts and lightness lift your spirits.
The Gift Just as hurt, fear, anger, and brokenness are available to all of us, so are the gifts they provide.
It’s Easier… It’s easier to quit than to fail, yet it is worth it to prevail through struggle. It’s easier to “know” than to have to learn, yet it is worth it to diminish our ignorance. It’s easier to speak tha…
Hats Yes. Ditch the hat. Pick up your crown.
Intention This year let your intentions be the anchor in your storms and the compass that keeps you on the path to living in alignment with your purpose.
This post is for the parents, grandparents, or guardians that have been given the responsibility of caring for a child with emotional needs. If you feel less than capable or swallowed up by anxiety and self-defeat, this is my letter to you.
Raising Children with Emotional Needs This post is for the parents, grandparents, or guardians that have been given the responsibility of caring for a child with emotional needs. If you feel less than capable or swallowed up by anxiety…
Gas Tank of a Dreamer What if we held on to our childlike ambitions? What if we still thought we were Spiderman waiting for our moment to save the world? What if we held on to the belief that the betterment of the wor…
What if we held on to our childlike ambitions? What if we still thought we were Spiderman waiting for our moment to save the world? What if we held on to the belief that the betterment of the world depended on us and our accomplishments? If you feel like you are drudging through your days alive, but not living, it is time to wake up. Every dreamer must work to keep his or her gas tank full.
Gas Tank of a Dreamer What if we held on to our childlike ambitions? What if we still thought we were Spiderman waiting for our moment to save the world? What if we held on to the belief that the betterment of the wor…
This week I reflect on something we often take for granted, the power of words. We often do not fully acknowledge the impact of what we say and what we choose not to say. It takes awareness and practice, but if you have ever wanted to be a difference maker, it starts with how you use your words.
Friday Reflection: Power of Words Whether we are well versed or quiet in nature, we all have the power to use the good within us to impact those around us.
Giving their pain a voice Though we cannot bandage the heart, we can help stabilize the spirit. We are one stop on their journey, and we have a role to play.
Breaking down classroom management into six steps!
Constructing Community Managing behaviors and emotions is a daunting task on top of so many other priorities for teachers to consider. So where do you start?
Yes! So much truth. This is something I feel so passionate about teaching students (especially in middle school) and remembering for myself. Damn it Brene! You always bring it home.
Friday Reflections: Pain Life is messy and I have faith that when my journey comes to a close it will be those moments of pain that delivered me my greatest lessons.
To all of my heroes... find peace and contentment in your impact, knowing that perfection was never the goal.
Friday Reflection: Superhero Complex We all do it. We put the weight of the world on our shoulders. We have to develop the healthy balance of impacting lives while holding on to our own healthy mindsets.
This summer I am devoting all of my teacher energy into creating free resources and guides for classroom management. If that is something you are interested in then stay tuned!
Lessons and Activities Please help yourself to these ideas and resources! Get new content delivered directly to your inbox. End of Unit ReflectionsDownload Mindfulness Resource CenterDownload Grading Reflection Questions…
In honor of those that are in moments of reflection after years of love and service.
Friday Reflections: Your “Leave Behind” It is a safe assumption that few of us will end up in history books, have statues erected in our names, or holidays declared in our honor. This should not be a discouraging sentiment as signi…
For every colleague that greets me with a smile or shares a story to make me laugh, thank you! Laughter is the medicine that gets us through the chaos known as teacher life. I don't know what I would do without the educators, family, and friends beside me. Much love. Cheers!
Friday Reflections: Life Saving Laughter Friday Reflections: Laughter, the Antidote to Burnout I’m going to make this week’s reflection a short one, but do not for one minute think that this topic is not important. In fact, it is so…