Jim Clerkin

Jim Clerkin

I'm on the radio. I used to be on that station. Now I'm on this one

Executive Producer for the Jonathan Wier & Ayla Brown show and Music Director for Country 102.5 WKLB Boston

I Told My Wife Being A Stay-At-Home Mom Was Easy. So She Told Me Being A Trash Collector Was An Awful Job 07/12/2023

Joseph watched his kids while his stay-at-home mom wife went for a girls trip. When she got back she expected him to have struggled but he told her it was easy. She was offended and told him at least she's not a trash collector. Now he's offended because she made fun of his job

I Told My Wife Being A Stay-At-Home Mom Was Easy. So She Told Me Being A Trash Collector Was An Awful Job Joseph watched his kids while his stay-at-home mom wife went for a girls trip. When she got back he told her it was easy.

My Daughter Is Making Money In College By Doing Voice Work For Japanese Anime P**n 06/12/2023

Camryn's college age daughter told her that she is doing voiceover work for Japanese anime p**n to make extra spending money. Camryn refuses to let her daughter do that for work, but she is still doing it. So Camryn cut off her college fund and won't give her any money until she quits

My Daughter Is Making Money In College By Doing Voice Work For Japanese Anime P**n Camryn's college age daughter told her that she is doing voiceover work for Japanese anime p**n to make extra spending money.

My Husband Wants Me To Get Rid Of The Dog. Should I Get Rid Of Him Instead? 05/12/2023

Susan has a dog and her husband has a cat who loves to torture her dog. Recently they fought and the dog bit the cat, so now her husband has told her she needs to get rid of the dog. But Susan thinks it may be time to get rid of the husband instead

My Husband Wants Me To Get Rid Of The Dog. Should I Get Rid Of Him Instead? Recently Susan's dog bit her husband's cat. So now her husband has told her she needs to get rid of the dog.

How Do I Tell My Six Foot Tall Lady That She's Been Dating A Short King Wearing Lifts This Whole Time? 04/12/2023

Derrick is a short king, or at least he thinks he is. He was having no luck on the dating apps when he said he's 5'10 so he changed it to 6'2 and his app blew up. Now he's got a girl he's been talking to and really likes, but she thinks he's 6'2 and he's worried when she finds out he's a "short king", she will lose interest in him

How Do I Tell My Six Foot Tall Lady That She's Been Dating A Short King Wearing Lifts This Whole Time? Derrick is a short king, or at least he thinks he is. He was having no luck on the dating apps when he said he's 5'10 so he changed it to 6'2

My Son Lost Teeth While Locker Boxing And Doesn't Want Me To Do Anything About It 01/12/2023

Summer's son was locker boxing with one of his buddies and his friend knocked some of his teeth out. Summer wants to press charges, but her son asked the other boy to fight so he doesn't want her to get involved.

My Son Lost Teeth While Locker Boxing And Doesn't Want Me To Do Anything About It Summer's son was locker boxing with one of his buddies and his friend knocked some of his teeth out. Summer wants to press charges

My Daughter Is Angry That I Let My Grandson's Baby Stroller Fall Down a Hill, But I Always Did It With Her And She Turned Out Fine 30/11/2023

Doug was babysitting his granddaughter and took her for a walk. As a game he let go of the baby stroller and let it roll down a hill before catching it. His daughter saw this and freaked out. But he always did this with her and his other kids and it was never a problem. So why is she so upset?

My Daughter Is Angry That I Let My Grandson's Baby Stroller Fall Down a Hill, But I Always Did It With Her And She Turned Out Fine Doug was babysitting his granddaughter and took her for a walk. As a game he let go of the baby stroller and let it roll down a hill

I Gave My Family A Christmas List To Make Shopping For Me Easier And They All Laughed At Me 29/11/2023

Miranda put together a Christmas List for her family to make it easier to shop for her and her kids. They all laughed at her and complained that her requests were way too expensive. But she doesn't understand why they won't just buy the things she wants

I Gave My Family A Christmas List To Make Shopping For Me Easier And They All Laughed At Me Miranda put together a Christmas List for her family to make it easier to shop for her and her kids. They all laughed at her and complained

How Do I Tell My Mother That I Had A Quickie Vegas Wedding While Visiting My Boyfriend's Parents For Thanksgiving? 28/11/2023

Maren and her boyfriend went to LA to visit his parent for Thanksgiving. While they were there they decided to pop over to Las Vegas for a quickie Vegas wedding. How does she now tell her parents that she's married and his parents got to be there but they didn't

How Do I Tell My Mother That I Had A Quickie Vegas Wedding While Visiting My Boyfriend's Parents For Thanksgiving? Maren and her boyfriend went to LA for Thanksgiving. While they were there they decided to pop over to Las Vegas for a quickie Vegas wedding.

My Cheap Ass Friends Came To Visit And Expect Me To Pay For Everything For Their Vacation 27/11/2023

Owen hosted a few friends who came to visit Boston. To make things easier he paid for everything up front for their trip and then sent them an itemized bill when they returned home. His friends were under the impression that he was going to pay for everything and are now shocked that he sent them a bill

My Cheap Ass Friends Came To Visit And Expect Me To Pay For Everything For Their Vacation Owen hosted a few friends who came to visit Boston. His friends were under the impression that he was going to pay for everything


Has an NFL game ever ended in a 0-0 tie?

A Christmas to Treasure | Official Trailer | All he wants for the holidays is...👬 23/11/2023

Wasn't planning on watching Christmas movies just yet, but been waiting a year to see this one and for some reason it's free right now, so I'm going with it

A Christmas to Treasure | Official Trailer | All he wants for the holidays is...👬 ▶Watch "A Christmas to Treasure": https://bit.ly/3FvwsnDThe passing of beloved old neighbor, Ms. Marley, reunites six estranged friends for one final hometow...

My Son Wants To Bring His Girlfriend Of Seven Years To Thanksgiving Dinner But I Said No Because She's Not Family 22/11/2023

Caitlin's son has been dating his girlfriend for seven years but they have no intention of ever getting married. His girlfriend's mother died so she has nowhere to go for Thanksgiving dinner. But Caitlin is adamant that Thanksgiving dinner is for family only, so if they aren't going to get married, then she is not family. And she is not welcome at Thanksgiving dinner

My Son Wants To Bring His Girlfriend Of Seven Years To Thanksgiving Dinner But I Said No Because She's Not Family Caitlin's son has been dating his girlfriend for seven years but Caitlin is adamant that Thanksgiving dinner is for family only

I Don't Want My New Girlfriend To Find Out I Tattooed An OnlyFans Model's Name On My Body 21/11/2023

When Steve was younger, during COVID, he got a bit obsessed with an OnlyFans model who said that if he got her name tattooed on his body, she would give him a free lifetime subscription. Now, a few years later, she's no longer on OnlyFans and he has a girlfriend who is curious about whose name is tattooed on him. But he doesn't want to admit what he did.

I Don't Want My New Girlfriend To Find Out I Tattooed An OnlyFans Model's Name On My Body When Steve was younger, he got a bit obsessed with an OnlyFans model and got her named tattooed on his body

I'm Tired Of All These BOOMERS Thinking Its OK To Talk To My Child 20/11/2023

Blair is tired of BOOMERS coming up and talking to her children. She doesn't care for the "compliments" they pay her kids and she doesn't know why they feel entitled to talk to them in a manner she doesn't like

I'm Tired Of All These BOOMERS Thinking Its OK To Talk To My Child Blair is tired of BOOMERS coming up and talking to her children. She doesn't care for the "compliments" they pay her kids

I Had Words With A Guy At The Grocery Store For Manspreading With His Cart 17/11/2023

Amanda was food shopping and tried to get around a man with a cart in the aisle. For some reason he was pulling his cart from alongside instead of pushing it from behind. Amanda is tired of men and their manspreading ways so she had words with him. He made her feel like she was crazy, so when she got home she vented to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend responded that he does the same thing when shopping and he doesn't get her anger.

I Had Words With A Guy At The Grocery Store For Manspreading With His Cart Amanda was food shopping and tried to get around a man with a cart in the aisle. She is tired of manspreading so she had words with him.

Why Won't My Wife Agree To Wait To Get Pregnant So I Can Take Paternity Leave During Deer Season? 16/11/2023

Holden and his wife are trying to have a baby. She feels the clock ticking and wants to try right now. But Holden loves deer hunting and feels like if they wait a few months, she will have the baby next fall and he can take paternity leave during deer season. He feels like the father is barely involved in the first few months, so it's the perfect time to get his deer hunting on

Why Won't My Wife Agree To Wait To Get Pregnant So I Can Take Paternity Leave During Deer Season? Holden loves deer hunting and feels like if they wait a few months, she will have the baby and he can take paternity leave during deer season

My Husband Won't Dance With Me. But Now He's Angry That I Danced With Another Man 15/11/2023

Nikki was out with her husband and wanted to dance but he refused to, so she danced alone. Then a random guy came up and offered to dance with her so she went for it. Now her husband is angry that she embarrassed him.

My Husband Won't Dance With Me. But Now He's Angry That I Danced With Another Man Nikki was out with her husband and wanted to dance but he refused to. Then a random guy came up and she danced with another man

I Worked At My Job For Three Months Before I Left. Why Did No One Thank Me For How Hard I Worked While I Was There? 14/11/2023

Stephanie worked for a few months at her job and didn't like it so she left. Now she's looking for a new job, but she doesn't want to use her old job as a reference because she felt like someone should thank her for her time while she was there

I Worked At My Job For Three Months Before I Left. Why Did No One Thank Me For How Hard I Worked While I Was There? Stephanie worked for a few months at her job and didn't like it so she left and feels like someone should thank her for her time

I'm Worried My Son Is Becoming A Bully But My Husband Thinks I'm Over Reacting 13/11/2023

Tara is convinced that her son is a bully because he won't share his toys, makes fun of another boy in his class and pushed someone who tried to hug him. Her husband doesn't think its an issue, but she's worried she is raising a bully

I'm Worried My Son Is Becoming A Bully But My Husband Thinks I'm Over Reacting Tara is convinced that her son is a bully because he won't share his toys, makes fun of another boy in his class and pushed someone

My Wife Turns Up The Thermostat Behind My Back Whenever I'm Not Home. Does She Not See Our Heat Bills? 10/11/2023

Chase keeps his house at 63 degrees. His wife works from home and turns up the thermostat to 80 when he's not there. He insists that heating oil is too expensive and she should just wear a sweater, but he's not home during the day so she does what she wants

My Wife Turns Up The Thermostat Behind My Back Whenever I'm Not Home. Does She Not See Our Heat Bills? Chase keeps his house at 63 degrees. His wife works from home and turns the thermostat up to 80 when he's not there.

My Husband Is Incapable Of Aiming. So Now I Am Forcing Him To Sit To P*e. 09/11/2023

Valerie's husband makes a mess every time he p*es. After cleaning it up for years, she is tired and won't do it anymore. So now she is forcing him to sit to p*e. And he feels emasculated

My Husband Is Incapable Of Aiming. So Now I Am Forcing Him To Sit To P*e. Valerie's husband makes a mess every time he p*es. So now she is forcing him to sit to p*e. And he feels emasculated

I Like The Kid Down The Street Better Than Either Of My Kids And I Admit It 08/11/2023

Caleb's wife admitted to him that she has a favorite between their two sons. He responded that he actually likes the neighbor boy better than either of his kids, who he refers to as "little monsters"

I Like The Kid Down The Street Better Than Either Of My Kids And I Admit It Caleb's admitted to his wife that he actually likes the neighbor boy better than either of his kids, who he refers to as "little monsters"

My Husband Chose His "Spot" Over Me 07/11/2023

Delaney went to her husband's favorite bar with him to watch a Patriots game. She had never gone with him before but wanted to be supportive. When they got there he sat on a barstool with no place for her to sit. When she asked him to move he said that was "his spot" and he wasn't moving. So she left. Now she thinks he didn't want her there in the first place

My Husband Chose His "Spot" Over Me Delaney went to her husband's favorite bar with him to watch a Patriots game. When she asked him to move he said that was "his spot"

My Husband Wants To Drag Our Whole Family To See Plymouth Rock. How Do I Talk Him Out Of It? 06/11/2023

Rachel has lived in Massachusetts her whole life but she married a man from Indianapolis. He wants to go to Plymouth Rock for Thanksgiving but she wants to go Black Friday shopping and feels like its "just a rock" and its not worth going to

My Husband Wants To Drag Our Whole Family To See Plymouth Rock. How Do I Talk Him Out Of It? Rachel's husband wants to go to Plymouth Rock for Thanksgiving but she wants to go Black Friday shopping because it's "just a rock"

My Wife Is Worried About A Bear Attacking Our Children If We Go Outside 03/11/2023

After there was a bear sighting in Whitman, Donnie's wife refused to let their children go trick or treating for Halloween because she was terrified of a bear attacking them if they go outside

My Wife Is Worried About A Bear Attacking Our Children If We Go Outside Donnie's wife refused to let their children go trick or treating for Halloween because she was terrified of a bear attacking them

Just Because My Daughter Had Lice Doesn't Mean He Shouldn't Be Invited To the Party 02/11/2023

Kennedy's daughter had lice. She dealt with it and got cleared by her doctor, but she was made fun of at school for it. Last weekend she was supposed to go to a birthday party, but when they arrived the mother told her they weren't welcome because she didn't want the other children at the party exposed to lice.

Just Because My Daughter Had Lice Doesn't Mean He Shouldn't Be Invited To the Party Kennedy's daughter had lice. . Last week she was supposed to go to a birthday party, but the mother told her they weren't welcome

Is It Wrong To Put A Bucket Of Nips Out For The Parents On Halloween 01/11/2023

Rodney put out a bucket of nips for the parents along with the candy for the trick or treaters on Halloween. His neighbors are upset because some of the kids took some nips, but he thinks its their fault for not supervising their children on Halloween

Is It Wrong To Put A Bucket Of Nips Out For The Parents On Halloween Rodney put out a bucket of nips for the parents along with the candy for the trick or treaters on Halloween.

I Think My 3 Year Old Daughter Is Psychic. She Thinks I'm Going To Die Soon 31/10/2023

Tara's three year old daughter keeps making predictions that have come true which is making her think she might be psychic. But her latest prediction is that Tara is going to die and her husband will find her a "new mommy". Should Tara be freaked out about this?

I Think My 3 Year Old Daughter Is Psychic. She Thinks I'm Going To Die Soon Tara thinks her daughter is psychic which is a problem because she just predicted that Tara is going to die and she would have a new mommy

My Husband Has Kept And Displays Every Trophy He Has Ever Won 30/10/2023

Jordan's husband still has and displays every trophy he has ever won. Now that she is pregnant and they need the room for the baby, she has asked him to get rid of them and he won't. So Jordan threw them out.

My Husband Has Kept And Displays Every Trophy He Has Ever Won Jordan's husband still has and displays every trophy he has ever won. Now that she is pregnant and they need the room for the baby, she has asked him to get rid of them and he won't. So Jordan threw them out. Do you think its reasonable for him to keep every trophy he has ever won? Is Jordan wrong f

My Wife Hates Video Games. I Go To Grandma's House When I Want To Play 27/10/2023

Charlie's wife hates video games, so when he bought a PlayStation 5, he set it up at his grandmother's house. He has been going over to visit her a few times a week and playing with her, but one day Charlie's wife stopped by to surprise them and saw that he was playing video games. Now she is angry at him.

My Wife Hates Video Games. I Go To Grandma's House When I Want To Play My wife hates video games, so when I bought my PlayStation 5 I set it up at my grandmother's house. But then she caught me

I Am Uncomfortable With What My Boyfriend Has Been Making Me Do 26/10/2023

Alyssa's boyfriend likes to steal small things when they go out to dinner and she is uncomfortable with the fact that he has been putting stuff in her purse, so its actually her stealing them. Is stealing stuff from restaurants a red flag? Or is completely normal?

I Am Uncomfortable With What My Boyfriend Has Been Making Me Do My boyfriend likes to steal small things when we go out to dinner and I am uncomfortable with him putting them in my purse


So I got a new set of tires today (Hello $1000 I don't have....) but that's not the point. While I was waiting I decided to walk to the nearest supermarket and restock a bit. I didn't realize how far I'd walked or how much I purchased until I had to stop multiple times on my way back and was covered in sweat when I picked up my car.

Obviously I felt like I must be in worse shape than I thought until I did the math. I looked up the weight of what I purchased and the distance from the supermarket to the tire place and apparently this is what I did...

I carried 50 pounds of groceries about a mile and a quarter.

I addition the forecast said it was supposed to be 60 degrees, but according to the news it was 76 when I was doing this. And I was in a jeans and spring jacket.

So.... guess I'm not as bad as I thought

I'm Sad And Confused Because My Wife Won't Have S*x With Me Anymore 25/10/2023

Ian's wife just had their second baby and informed him that she has no intention of having s*x with him anymore. He doesn't know what to do because they still love each other and have two kids, but she is no longer s*xually attracted to him

I'm Sad And Confused Because My Wife Won't Have S*x With Me Anymore Ian's wife just had their second baby and informed him that she has no intention of having s*x with him anymore.

My Boyfriend Thinks I'm a Perv Because I Like To Watch My Hot Neighbor Walk His House Around Naked 24/10/2023

Ali has a neighbor who regularly walks around his house naked with the blinds open. She makes a point to enjoy the show every night, but now her boyfriend has been complaining that she is doing something wrong. Is he just jealous, or does he have a point? If the neighbor walks around his house naked with the blinds open, does he have a right to privacy?

My Boyfriend Thinks I'm a Perv Because I Like To Watch My Hot Neighbor Walk His House Around Naked Ali has a neighbor who regularly walks around his house naked with the blinds open. She makes a point to enjoy the show every night

My Husband And Son Got Into A Fist Fight Over The Patriots / Bills Game 23/10/2023

Elaine's son is a die hard Bills fan and came to visit for the Pats / Bills game. During the game they got drunk and got into a fist fight over the game. They laughed it off, but Elaine is worried they got too physical and it’s a problem

My Husband And Son Got Into A Fist Fight Over The Patriots / Bills Game Elaine's son is a die hard Bills fan and came to visit for the Patriots / Bills game. During the game they got drunk & got into a fist fight

My Fiancé Wants To Continue Living in Separate Houses After We're Married 20/10/2023

Kendall's husband thinks that they should continue to live in separate houses after they get married. Is that a red flag for their marriage?

My Fiancé Wants To Continue Living in Separate Houses After We're Married

My Ten Year Old Is Too Cool To Trick Or Treat With His Dad 19/10/2023

Rob's ten year old son has decided he's too cool to trick or treat with his dad this year and wants to go with a bunch of friends without any parents. But Rob just doesn't think he's ready for that.

My Ten Year Old Is Too Cool To Trick Or Treat With His Dad Rob's ten year old son has decided he's too cool to trick or treat with his dad this year and wants to go with a bunch of friends

I Think My Husband Is Cheating Because He Wants My Ex-Boyfriend To Move In With Us 18/10/2023

Sara thinks her husband is cheating because he suddenly suggested that her ex-boyfriend move in. She's worried he is trying to tempt her into cheating because he already is.

I Think My Husband Is Cheating Because He Wants My Ex-Boyfriend To Move In With Us Sara thinks her husband is cheating because he suddenly suggested that her ex-boyfriend move in. Do you think her husband is cheating?

My Husband Was Embarrassed When I Asked For Separate Checks When Dining With Friends At A Very Expensive Restaurant 17/10/2023

Hillarie went out to dinner with her husband and another couple to a very expensive restaurant. The other couple bought an expensive bottle of wine and a bunch of apps, so Hillarie suggested they do separate bills. Her husband was embarrassed and insisted on splitting one bill evenly. Was Hillarie wrong to not want to pay more, or is her husband's ego blinding him?

My Husband Was Embarrassed When I Asked For Separate Checks When Dining With Friends At A Very Expensive Restaurant Hillarie went out to dinner with her husband and another couple to a very expensive restaurant, so Hillarie suggested they do separate bills

My Ex Talked Me Into Naming Our Twins Mario And Luigi And Now I Want To Change Their Names 16/10/2023

Lauren's ex-husband is a huge video game nerd and talked her into naming their twins sons Mario and Luigi. Now that they are divorced, she has decided to call them by their middle names because she's embarrassed. But he's angry and insists she use their real names

My Ex Talked Me Into Naming Our Twins Mario And Luigi And Now I Want To Change Their Names Lauren's ex-husband is a huge video game nerd and talked her into naming their twins sons Mario and Luigi.

Videos (show all)

Brett Young at MGM Fenway
Before He Cheats
Wait..... You Put A Potato Where?
Beaten at Work
Ask The Audience: Delivery Room
Do Ya Speak Truck?
Horse With a Spot of Tea
Push Presents
Office Dress Code
Deer Stories

Opening Hours

Monday 05:30 - 09:00
Tuesday 05:30 - 09:00
Wednesday 05:30 - 09:00
Thursday 05:30 - 09:00
Friday 05:30 - 09:00