Harding University in Greece
Where the Bible, History and Mythology all meet. The entire ancient world is our classroom!
Harding University in Greece provides a unique opportunity for students to study for an entire semester in Greece. Each semester includes trips all over Greece and even extensive trips to Israel, Turkey and Egypt.
The spring 2023 HUG group has left Greece and taken pieces of our hearts with them. Now on to the next adventure!
An era is coming to a close. Sklavenitis bought out Gegos.
We had a great tea time tonight in Searcy! Several groups were represented.
Processing the first batch of HUG olives. Hand picked from our olive tree at the Artemis.
Traditional Greek Dance class.
The next three groups left the Artemis in such a flurry of activity that all that was left was the empty spaces. We miss them all already. It was a wonderful semester. Now on to September!
First group is off to their next adventure!
HUG students got to see an Ancient Greek tragedy, in the Ancient Greek theatre of Epidauros, performed in Greek, with a bunch of Greeks, all in the country of Greece! Aeschylus “The Persians”