Jay, North Shuswap Info

Jay, North Shuswap Info

Here you'll find updates, information and my opinions about the issues of the North Shuswap.


Posted: July 25, 2024 – 10 AM

• The fire situation in the Shuswap remains stable and cooler weather helps to reduce fire behaviour. The Shuswap Emergency Program continues to be in communication with BC Wildfire, especially for the Mara Mountain (K41070) and Newsome Creek (K41454) wildfires, as these are the closest fires to populated areas.

• Shuswap Emergency Program staff were able to view the the Mara Mountain (K41070) and Newsome Creek (K41454) fires by helicopter late yesterday (July 24) afternoon. They did not observe significant growth on the Newsome fire, we continue to expect visible smoke as temperatures and wind increase.

• For Mara Mountain, Rank 2 and 3 (moderate fire behaviour) was observed in steep terrain inaccessible by ground crews. BCWS continues to indicate there is no threat to surrounding communities. Proactive planning for structure protection continues with the assistance of the Sicamous and Swansea Point Fire Departments.

• For operational updates on any of the Shuswap wildfires, check the information on BC Wildfire Dashboard. For questions, contact the BC Wildfire’s Kamloops Fire Centre Fire Information: 1-250-554-5965.

• The Shuswap Emergency Program is assisting the Golden and Area Emergency Program with the response to wildfire affecting Parson and Nicholson in Electoral Area A (Rural Golden.) For information on this situation, please monitor the Town of Golden website and social media as well as the BC Wildfire Dashboard.

District of Sicamous City of Salmon Arm Sicamous Fire Rescue Swansea Point Volunteer Fire Department

Alertable - Emergency Alerts 25/07/2024

Did everybody get the alertable notification about the potential for thunderstorms today?

Alertable - Emergency Alerts Alertable provides a smart alert system to notify Canadians. Sign up today for severe weather, floods, tornados, wildfires, and local community notifications.


Posted: July 23, 2024 – 11 AM

• The Shuswap Fire Department is now on stand-by with BC Wildfire Service (BCWS) assuming command of the fire in the Elson Road area (K41454) of Sorrento. An Initial Attack crew and a response officer responded.

• The Shuswap Fire Department reports access to the fire is difficult due to steep terrain.

• An Evacuation Alert has been issued by the CSRD due to a wildfire burning in the South Shore Place and Elson Road area south of the CP Rail tracks. A total of 14 addresses have been placed on Alert. See the CSRD’s Shuswap Emergency webpage for more information on the Alert.

• The Mara Mountain Fire (K41070) continues to burn. BC Wildfire Service continues to report this fire is no threat to surrounding communities. The Shuswap Emergency Program remains in close communication with BCWS on this fire.

• For operational updates on the wildfire, please monitor the information on BC Wildfire Dashboard. For specific questions regarding BC Wildfire operations, contact the BC Wildfire’s Kamloops Fire Centre Fire Information: 1-250-554-5965.

See: https://ow.ly/yq4950SIwah


• With the number of fires in the province, it is a good idea to get prepared in case of an evacuation. You can streamline the process of receiving Emergency Support Services (ESS) by creating a profile in advance through the BC Services Card app. With your ESS profile already set up, you’ll be a step ahead. Use this link through Emergency Management BC for info on how to get set up.

• The best thing people can do to reduce the fire risk to their property is to conduct FireSmart activities. This includes removing combustible materials from around homes to create a more fire-resistant area. For more information, see the CSRD’s FireSmart webpage.

• Sign up for the CSRD’s Alertable notification program. It can alert you in case of an emergency across the CSRD. You must sign up and please ensure you have set up your locations for all areas you want to receive notifications. That can include Columbia Shuswap Regional District Electoral Areas A through G and all municipalities. See; https://www.csrd.bc.ca/alertable

District of Sicamous City of Salmon Arm Swansea Point Volunteer Fire Department Shuswap Fire Department


Posted: July 23, 2024 – 8:45 AM

• The Shuswap Fire Department is on scene of a fire near Sorrento. The department was the first to report the fire to BC Wildfire and the Emergency Operations Centre. The firefighters are reporting a spot-sized fire, burning at Rank 1, which is the lowest level of fire rank behaviour. This has dropped from Rank 3 early this morning.

• An Evacuation Alert has been issued by the CSRD due to a wildfire burning in the South Shore Place and Elson Road area south of the CP Rail tracks. A total of 14 addresses have been placed on Alert. See the CSRD’s Shuswap Emergency webpage for more information on the Alert.

• The Shuswap Emergency Program is waiting on more information from the BC Wildfire Service on this fire (K41454) and advise residents to monitor the information on BC Wildfire Dashboard. for For specific questions regarding BC Wildfire operations, contact the BC Wildfire’s Kamloops Fire Centre Fire Information: 1-250-554-5965.

See: https://www.csrd.bc.ca/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1923

District of Sicamous City of Salmon Arm Sicamous Fire Rescue Swansea Point Volunteer Fire Department Shuswap Fire Department

Photos from Shuswap Emergency Program's post 22/07/2024
Extreme Heat | Interior Health 19/07/2024

It's going to be hotter this weekend...

Interior Health guidance as heat warnings continue across the region

IH-WIDE – Interior Health is reminding people to be safe as prolonged heat warnings from Environment and Climate Change Canada continue across the Interior Health region and temperatures in many areas are increasing heading into the weekend.

While the Province has not declared an extreme heat emergency for this region, the risk of heat-related illness increases with elevated temperatures. With prolonged periods of hot temperatures, it is important to monitor indoor temperatures as well as take precautions when spending time outdoors.

The BC Centre of Disease Control provides a broad range of heat-related guidance on its website, including information on the different types of heat alerts, how to prepare for hot temperatures, symptoms of heat-related illnesses, those most at risk during hot weather and ways to stay cool.

Preparing for and responding to hot weather

If you have air conditioning at home, make sure it is in good working order.
If you do not have air conditioning at home:
Find somewhere you can cool off on hot days. Consider places in your community to spend time indoors such as libraries, community centres, movie theatres or malls. Also, as temperatures may be hotter inside than outside, consider outdoor spaces with lots of shade and running water.
Close windows, curtains and blinds during the heat of the day to block the sun and prevent hotter outdoor air from coming inside. Open doors and windows when it is cooler outside to move that cooler air indoors.
Ensure that you have a working fan, but do not rely on fans as your primary means of cooling. Fans can be used to draw cooler late-evening, overnight and early-morning air indoors.
Keep track of temperatures in your home using a thermostat or thermometer. Sustained indoor temperatures over 31 C can be dangerous for people who are susceptible to heat.
If your home gets very hot, consider staying with a friend or relative who has air conditioning, if possible.
Identify people who may be at high risk for heat-related illness. If possible, help them prepare for heat and plan to check in on them.

Who is most at risk?

It is important to monitor yourself, family members, neighbours and friends during hot weather. Consider developing a check-in system for those who are at high risk of heat-related illness.

Everyone is at risk of heat-related illness, but hot temperatures can be especially dangerous for:

Older Adults
People who live alone
People with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression or anxiety
People with pre-existing health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease or respiratory disease
People with substance use disorders
People with limited mobility and other disabilities
People who are marginally housed
People who work in hot environments
People who are pregnant
Infants and young children

Your health:

Drink plenty of water and other liquids to stay hydrated, even if you are not thirsty.
Spray your body with water, wear a damp shirt, take a cool shower or bath or sit with part of your body in water to cool down.
Take it easy, especially during the hottest hours of the day.
When outside, stay in the shade and use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher.
Take immediate action to cool down if you are overheating. Signs of overheating include feeling unwell, headache and dizziness. Overheating can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Signs of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, severe headache, muscle cramps, extreme thirst and dark urine. If you are experiencing these symptoms, you should immediately seek a cooler environment, drink plenty of water, rest, use water to cool your body and monitor your symptoms.
Signs of heat stroke include loss of consciousness, disorientation, confusion, severe nausea or vomiting and very dark urine or no urine. Heat stroke is a medical emergency – call 911.

Medical emergencies:

In the event of any medical emergency, call 911. However, it is important to use 911 responsibly to avoid overwhelming the system.

When to call 911:

In cases of heat stroke: loss of consciousness, disorientation, confusion, severe nausea or vomiting or very dark urine or no urine.
In general: when there is chest pain, difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, severe burns, choking, convulsions that are not stopping, a drowning, a severe allergic reaction, a head injury, signs of a stroke, signs of an overdose or a major trauma.

If you have a less urgent health issue:

You can call HealthLinkBC at 811 and speak with a nurse or go to an urgent care centre or clinic if you can do so safely. That way, our emergency medical dispatch staff and paramedics will be available for people who need their services the most.
There are also online tools at healthlinkbc.ca, including a “Check Your Symptoms” tool.

More information can be found in BC’s Extreme Heat Preparedness Guide and on the Interior Health website at https://www.interiorhealth.ca/health-and-wellness/natural-disasters-and-emergencies/extreme-heat.

Extreme Heat | Interior Health Stay on top of extreme heat advisories, and learn about heat-related illness symptoms, prevention and treatment.

Photos from Columbia Shuswap Regional District's post 19/07/2024

Damn, here we go again...

An Emergency Info update graphic for July 18 at 8:30 PM
Posted: July 18, 2024 - 8:30 PM

What you need to know

BC Wildfire is continuing to work on containing the Lower Blueberry Creek fire (K41061) located above Dasnier’s Bay in the Seymour Arm area. This fire is being given priority in the region because it is the closest wildfire to residences.
The Shuswap Emergency Program’s Structure Protection has laid the preliminary grid of structural protection hoses for the protection of properties along Blueberry Road and Thorpe Road in Dasnier’s Bay.
The Shuswap Emergency Program crew will remain in the community overnight to monitor and respond to the fire situation.
This is the final Shuswap Emergency Program update of the night, unless the situation requires more information to be posted.


Subject: Update on Wildfires in the CSRD

Hello everyone,

I spoke with the ZWCO out of Vernon and here are the updates I have on the fires in our area:

Lower Blueberry Creek – K41061 (above Dasnier’s Bay)

0.5 ha
Rank 1
Retardant drops early
Heavy bucket has been assigned
2 x IA crews enroute
Not a threat to the community at this time but they are watching it closely.
This fire is the biggest concern for BCWS in our area due to the proximity to residences.

Anesty Ridge – K41062

0.5 ha
Heavy bucket assigned
Rap Attack resources requested but not deployed yet.
Difficult, steep terrain for crews to work.

Queest Mountain – K41075

0.009 ha
IA crew on site
Expect it to be contained by tonight.

Mara Mountain – K41070 (above Sicamous)

5 ha
Steep terrain, difficult to action.
No threat to any community at this time.
No plan to resource it at this time.
BCWS will be engaged in advanced planning for this fire to anticipate where it might head.

Griffin Mountain (near 3 Valley Gap)

0.44 ha
Heavy bucket assigned.
Hope to have it out by tomorrow.
Another small fire has been discovered in the area. A single tree is smoking as a result of a lightening strike. Low priority but they plan on actioning it today or tomorrow.

Bannock Creek – N41079 (near the Shelter Bay ferry crossing)

2 fires, 1.1 ha and 0.3 ha
Rank 1
No concern for the ferry at this time.

Sean Coubrough


Keeping an eye on the fire in Seymour Arm, so far things seem calm an its being fought hard by BCWS, I'm told.

Official Shuswap Tourism Website | Explore the Shuswap 16/07/2024

Bookings are down...
[CSRD Shuswap Tourism]
Hope you all are having an amazing summer!

I wanted to reach out to you all with a potential larger regional initiative I want to pass along to promote our beautiful region as we approach the end of summer. As you may know, current trends for planning and booking are down by about 30% for August, with some areas in the Thompson Okanagan seeing year-over-year decreases close to 50%. We understand that recent year's smoke/fire/economy have led to some hesitation in preplanning vacations.
To help boost our region's visibility, the Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association (TOTA), is creating a database of hotels that are offering promotions for the rest of the summer. There is committed funding to support this initiative, and I want to ensure the Shuswap is well represented. TOTA has reached out to the board (which I sit on) and community DMOs to gather information on any Monday-to-Thursday campaigns currently running or planned through the end of August. Our focus will be on residents of BC, AB, and Washington State.
Some examples of offers could include:
Stay 2 nights, get the 3rd night free (Sunday to Thursday)
Percentage off (Sunday to Thursday)
Value-add promotions (Sunday to Thursday)
I’d love to hear your thoughts and find out if you're aware of any summer promotions planned within your networks. Please feel free to share my contact information and I'd be happy to give further details. If anyone is interested in collaborating on this, I’d be grateful to work together, but don't want to add to anyone's workload. At this stage, we are just gathering information and aiming to make this as easy as possible for everyone. Once we gain an understanding of the offers, we will be able to share what the multilayered promotional plan will look like.
Looking forward to hearing from you!

Manager, Shuswap Tourism & Film Commission

T: 250.833.5969 | C: 250.463.2473 | TF: 1.888.248.2773

E: [email protected] | W: www.shuswaptourism.ca

Official Shuswap Tourism Website | Explore the Shuswap ...

Shuswap Community Foundation 2023 Emergency Response Campaign: Community & Donor Impact Report 06/07/2024

A great video about the recovery from the Shuswap Community Foundation

Shuswap Community Foundation 2023 Emergency Response Campaign: Community & Donor Impact Report Join us as we present Shuswap Community Foundation's community and donor report on our 2023 Emergency Response Fundraising campaign. This video provides a lo...

As wildfire season looms, these residents aren’t waiting for government help 05/07/2024

As wildfire season looms, these residents aren’t waiting for government help After a record 2023 wildfire season, Canadian officials say they are better prepared to protect communities this year. Residents aren’t so sure.

Alertable - Emergency Alerts 30/06/2024

Alertable - Emergency Alerts Alertable provides a smart alert system to notify Canadians. Sign up today for severe weather, floods, tornados, wildfires, and local community notifications.


Timber days tomorrow in Scotch Creek, always a great time!

Timber Days Lumberjack Competition is this weekend ! 🪵

June 30th
Behind the The Scotch Creek Hub

✨Don’t forget to bring a lawn chair ✨


Friday night live... Tonight!

Kicking off this Friday !

✨FREE Family Friendly Event✨

Alertable Thunderstorm Alert 26/06/2024

10:11am Wednesday June 26, 2024I just received an alert from the Alertable app suggesting that there is a chance of heavy rain in this afternoons thunderstorms. If you are in a Red or Orange zone it's important to stay aware of the amount of rain received, and remember it's not just where you are, but upstream from you. If you see that heavy rain for as little as 15 minutes, there is a heightened chance of a landslide/debris flow....

Alertable Thunderstorm Alert 10:11am Wednesday June 26, 2024I just received an alert from the Alertable app suggesting that there is a chance of heavy rain in this afternoons thunderstorms. If you are in a Red or Orange zone i…


You may or may not know that the province is changing the rules for short-term rentals. There is a new Short Term Rental Accommodation Act which aims to limit short-term rentals in favour of returning second homes etc. to long-term rentals. The goal is to reduce the housing crisis.

Places like the North Shuswap are not the main target of this Act but we are affected. The main target is municipalities with greater than 10,000 population, like Salmon Arm for instance....

SHORT TERM RENTALS You may or may not know that the province is changing the rules for short-term rentals. There is a new Short Term Rental Accommodation Act which aims to limit short-term rentals in favour of return…


“Mother Nature isn’t being kind to the mosquito population in Scotch Creek this summer, which is great news for the comfort of residents and visitors. Without high-water conditions, we haven’t needed to conduct extensive treatment.”
− Ben Van Nostrand, General Manager of Environmental and Utility Services.

Read more: https://www.csrd.bc.ca/CivicAlerts.aspx?AID=1891


Tonight at 6:30, you need to register to get the zoom link. Information below...

❗The CSRD is hosting an important online public meeting on Monday, June 17 at 6:30 PM regarding public safety due to the risk of landslides in the areas burned by Bush Creek East wildfire.

If you live in the area, you can find out your risk level by using our mapping dashboard. Put in your address and find out about your property: https://ow.ly/ZUu850Sj6jy

For more information and to register for the virtual meeting: https://ow.ly/p1gO50Sj6jB



❗The CSRD is hosting an important online public meeting on Monday, June 17 at 6:30 PM regarding public safety due to the risk of landslides in the areas burned by Bush Creek East wildfire.

If you live in the area, you can find out your risk level by using our mapping dashboard. Put in your address and find out about your property: https://ow.ly/ZUu850Sj6jy

For more information and to register for the virtual meeting: https://ow.ly/p1gO50Sj6jB

Rainfall & Landslides this weekend 14/06/2024

Direct from the CSRD June 14, 2024
Rainfall increases landslide risk in wildfire-affected areas Due to the increased risk of landslides in the areas affected by the Bush Creek East Wildfire, the Shuswap Emergency Program wants to alert residents and visitors to the area of the possibility of severe rainstorms over the weekend. Intense rain in these affected areas can trigger debris flows and debris floods that could threaten public safety and property. ...

Rainfall & Landslides this weekend Direct from the CSRD June 14, 2024 Rainfall increases landslide risk in wildfire-affected areas Due to the increased risk of landslides in the areas affected by the Bush Creek East Wildfire, the Sh…

Post-Wildfire Landslide Risk Report 12/06/2024

This information is direct from the CSRD webpage with a couple of my comments at the bottom. Unfortunately there is a lot of territory that shows as being in some kind of risk, far more than is not at risk. The upcoming meetings will provide more information on what we might expect and CSRD efforts to make us aware of potential dangerous situations....

Post-Wildfire Landslide Risk Report This information is direct from the CSRD webpage with a couple of my comments at the bottom. Unfortunately there is a lot of territory that shows as being in some kind of risk, far more than is not…


BGC Engineering has issued the final report on the post-wildfire landslide assessment and the CSRD is making the report available.

The report is highly technical in nature and complex in terms of data. The upcoming meetings on June 13 and 17 are designed to explain the content of the report and allow residents to ask questions to better understand what the data means for them.

Find the report and info on the meetings here: https://www.csrd.bc.ca/553/Bush-Creek-East-Landslide-Risk

Bush Creek East Landslide Risk | CSRD, BC 11/06/2024

I have not had a chance to review this report yet.

UPDATE: June 11, 2024
BGC Engineering has issued the final report on the post-wildfire landslide assessment. The report is highly technical in nature and complex in terms of data. The upcoming meetings are designed to explain the content of the report and allow residents to ask questions to better understand what the data means for them.

View the Bush Creek East Post-Wildfire Assessment Report. (PDF)

Please see the Bush Creek East Landslide Risk webpage for more information and details on how to register for the upcoming meetings on June 13 and 17.

Bush Creek East Landslide Risk | CSRD, BC This page provides information on post-wildfire landslide, debris flow, debris flood risks in the area affected by the Bush Creek East Wildfire.

Debris Flow Risk Report 11/06/2024

We're just getting some information on the results of this report and anticipate more information later today. This will be the first post in series to make you aware of these meetings, and to update you when more information is available. The CSRD Protective Services is taking this very seriously and wants to get the meetings message out to all people in areas affected by the Fire....

Debris Flow Risk Report We’re just getting some information on the results of this report and anticipate more information later today. This will be the first post in series to make you aware of these meetings, and t…


Seymour Arm Garbage Collection
There has been some concern regarding the local collectors truck not being able to use the transfer station due to a swing gate being installed. RH from Seymour Arm brought this to my attention and I contacted staff at the CSRD. Here is their response:

[CSRD]As for the safety railings at Seymour Arm, they were designed with swing gates but unfortunately the local collectors truck doesn’t fit with the current design. We are working to modify the railings to ensure the local service in the area can continue and garbage collection vehicle is able to use the transfer station. It’s a top priority and we’re on it.[CSRD]

Scotch Creek Wharf Rd. Water 04/06/2024

I've had some questions about the Wharf Road Park and how the water system will be impacting it's use this summer. The response I've had from Tim Perepolkin, Manager of Utility Services at the CSRD is as follows: We just had a meeting this morning and they are just wrapping up a few final tests on the intake pipes that were drilled into the lake before they can start the building construction....

Scotch Creek Wharf Rd. Water I’ve had some questions about the Wharf Road Park and how the water system will be impacting it’s use this summer. The response I’ve had from Tim Perepolkin, Manager of Utility Se…

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North Shuswap Lake Recreation & Adventure
The Sunny North Shuswap - Laid Back Life

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00