Rachael Levines' Drawings. "Once Reality Was Black and White"

Rachael Levines' Drawings.  "Once Reality Was Black and White"

Large Charcoal Drawings on paper . Unframed . Enquiries Welcome
Drawings created during 1990's


“There is a space in you
That can never be touched

There is a place in you
That can never be harmed

There is a strength in you
That can never be stolen

There is a faith in you
That can never be shaken

There is a voice in you
That can never be silenced

There is a peace in you
That can never be disrupted

There is a fire in you
That can never be extinguished

There is a joy in you
That can never be diminished

There is a spirit in you
That can never be broken

There is a dream in you
That can never be forgotten

There is a hope in you
That can never be crushed

And there is a love in you
That can never be lost.”

— Tahlia Hunter



Heart Of-The South-Care and Rachael Levine

Donate to WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine 08/04/2024


Donate to WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine HELLO EVERYONE My name is Rachael Levine . I am 66 years old. I ha… Rachael Levine needs your support for WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke


Rachael Levine has now disappeared
Good Luck
Had enough of living. In hell

WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine 27/03/2024


WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine HELLO EVERYONE My name is Rachael Levine . I am 66 years old. I ha… Rachael Levine needs your support for WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke



i hope you can all
read this as it’s a quote from Able Mobility for my 4XL DL wheelchair plus all the add ons I need
As you can see it’s big big money BUT it will be 100% worth it
Since the stroke in 2018’Ive been wandering in a no man land - having lost my identity, my home , my status , everything.
Now to try to rebuild my life from a completely different way of being with people around me to help enable things to be possible
I was and remain a highly independent person with a strong will
I challenged the system , as they wrote me off as being unable to walk in 2019

I was in Falmouth Hospital in 2019 when i was told
I remember looking across from the view of the day room towards Swanpool
and beyond to beautiful trees and fields - I remember thinking of if I can’t walk then I don’t want to live .
So for weeks I went into ‘mourning ‘
and didn’t know how to go on .
People tried to help me but my soul had to withdraw and find strength again
This was a slow slow process and even now I stumble mentally and emotionally as the stroke is very unforgiving companion.
But I am blessed ;
I have my little kitten Amber .
I have my dearest companion I have known since 1984, living nearby in
I have a wonderful care provider
I am blessed .
I need to find courage everyday
Please Please help me
I know we are all dealing with our own lives and the mystery of our lives, in all its many guises
Let’s help
one another please in whatever we can

this is the one faith , I follow , the ‘religion’ of the heart .

With Love always , as spiritual beings on this planet,let’s love , no more hate ,
Love , Kindness and Compassion are the way forward.
All our lives are moving upwards to the 5 th dimension to a higher consciousness
The path forward is of the Heart.
The one Heart x


I love this recent comment by a trusted friend , I was privileged to meet on my ‘Save Woodland’, before i had a stroke

“You've got this and you've got everything which comes after.

You are hardcore, amazing, built of epic stuff. You can do this. Out of everyone, you are an absolute fighter. “

Hard core made of epic stuff
i think a fitting epitaph when i cease my life here
I love that !
thank you always
Stuart x

Photos from Wheels4Rachael Living in Nature's post 27/01/2024
WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine 24/01/2024


Hello Everyone,
My name is Rachael Levine . I am 66 . I have lived in St.Ives Cornwall for most of my life.
I have been an artist working out of a studio in St Ives. I have exhibited my work all over the world .
I have created a website of my work also I have created a number of Pages on Facebook detailing my journey.

My reason for creating WHEELS4RACHAEL, Life after a stroke ;
is because I am
fundraising for a special wheelchair , that will improve my life 100%.
I have suffered with mental health issues from the age of 14 years old .Creating art works and walking in Nature helped me manage my troubled mind.
In 2018 I had a deep stroke. My life changed from being totally independent, a free spirit, to being dependent on carers . I am paralysed on my left side . I have not painted since my stroke .I have not been able to draw .
I wrestle with total hopelessness.My spirit is empowered by my history.
My father was a Polish. Russian Jew , I am very conscious of the immense strength
of my ancestors.
The impact of the stroke has been very traumatic, even after 5 plus year’s .
I am dependent on carers for most of my personal needs . I have learnt to be humble and my heart is filled with gratitude .
Please read all the information.
This page will I trust prompt you to donate to my fundraiser, and to follow my journey. 
Thank you .
Rachael Levine 26th December 2023

WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine HELLO EVERYONE My name is Rachael Levine . I am 66 years old. I h… Rachael Levine needs your support for WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke

WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine 07/01/2024

please read my fundraising page
my story is true
the wheelchair i am fundraising for would be a new life for me
no matter how small your donation
i know we are all here to help one another
with gratitude
everpresent love
Rachael Levine
Wheels4Rachael Living in Nature

WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine HELLO EVERYONE My name is Rachael Levine . I am 66 years old. I h… Rachael Levine needs your support for WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke


Hello Everyone
We are £25 away from climbing another mountain
Will you help push my fundraising campaign to the next platform
I need your support please
I’ve been thinking a lot today and will attempt to verbalise soon my thoughts of my stroke
For now
Everpresent Love
Rachael # # #
please read fundraiser updates


HEY Everyone !
People are being so very generous supporting my fundraising campaign.
I am truly blessed and watched over by angels.
Please if you can share my fundraising link, that would be an excellent way to spread awareness.
Also thank you Everyone.
Please continue to support me in making my better quality of life become a reality
Heartfelt Gratitude
Rachael Levine
28 December 2023



Wheels4Rachael Living in Nature I’m Rachael Levine.In 2018 I suffered a life changing stroke.I am fundraising for a 4XL DL wheelchair

Show your support: WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke 26/12/2023

Show your support: WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke HELLO EVERYONE My name is Rachael Levine . I am 66 years old. I h… Rachael Levine needs your support for WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke

WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine 25/12/2023

Hello Everyone
People are being so generous .
Please help this fundraiser to reach a true first step of £500 .
We are almost there .
I cannot do it without you all .
Everpresent Love and Gratitude .

Today I went to church and took communion
I haven’t been to church for 5.5 years since the stroke .
I was moved to tears by the words spoken .

When I was in hospital just after the stroke-a voice whispered to me ‘ be baptised’
I then became confirmed .

In the years that followed being imprisoned in a care home , I lost all faith.
Today I found it , in
I have found my faith in humanity by the generosity of all supporting my fundraising campaign
Thank you from my heart
Rachael xx

WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine HELLO EVERYONE My name is Rachael Levine . I am 66 years old. I h… Rachael Levine needs your support for WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke

WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine 22/12/2023


contact me


WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke, organized by Rachael Levine HELLO EVERYONE My name is Rachael Levine . I am 66 years old. I h… Rachael Levine needs your support for WHEELS 4 RACHAEL Living in Nature after a stroke
