Makassed Scholars in America

Makassed Scholars in America

This page is to reunite Makassed students who graduated or studied at one of the Makassed schools in Lebanon and are living in the USA right now.


Help if you can!


To all Makassed scholars out there. Public Relations office in Al Makassed Beirut has reached out to our group to share this survey. They are working on collecting some information to learn more about us and strengthen the alumni network.

Please fill this survey:


Today, I met with Mr. Kamel Tabbara, president of Makassed Foundation of America, the cornerstone of my academic success.

MFA continues to advance education, empower women, and provide health care and medical assistance for underprivileged communities in Lebanon. MFA provides services to all, regardless of religion, gender, ethnicity or race.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is for the Makassed community to come together abroad, especially in the United States. By getting together, donating, and sharing, we help this institution grow and thus contribute to the honorable mission of Makassed and help make the dreams of several underprivileged students come true.

Please contact us at the page messaging feature and share our website.

- Farah Rawas

Welcome to Makassed Foundation Of America Makassed Foundation of America held a fund-raising Iftar dinner on Sunday June 26, 2016 at Me Jana restaurant in Arlington, Virginia. The dinner was attended by fifty of Makassed’s friends and alumni.

This Lebanese woman just won a $3 million prize at the 'Oscars of Science' 12/12/2016

Makassed Scholars in America everyone:

This Lebanese woman just won a $3 million prize at the 'Oscars of Science' She was the only woman to win an award at the ceremony.

Timeline photos 29/11/2016

Makassed is a model to be proud of...
half the World is at hand ... we even export expertise...

Bravo Ms Rana... Rawaa is a real Marvel !!!
I am proud to be with you Wednesday !!!!!

Learning without Borders at Makassed Khalil Shehab School
On November 30, Mrs. Rawaa Chehab (Teacher at Makassed Khalil Shehab Primary School) will travel virtual miles over Skype to share her teaching experience with thousands of educators around the world.
Makassed Khalil Shehab Primary school was selected by Microsoft to represent Lebanon in its Skype-a-Thon conference 2016.
This conference aims at emphasizing the importance of collaboration, innovation, and integration as the pillars for Global learning.
Join us live at ( .1878) to celebrate Khalil Shehab journey as they bring global learning to their classes on Wednesday November 30th at 9:00 am.


Eif Mubarak to All Makassed scholars in the US, special warm wishes to those celebrating it away from their families.

Timeline photos 05/07/2016

Eid Fitr Saeed to All Makassedies ❤


كل عام وأنتم والمقاصد بألف خير.

على مر 138 سنة، اعطت المقاصد الخيرية لاهل بيروت ولبنان بلا حدود. قدمت العلم والطبابة وساهمت في بناء واغناء الثقافة. لقد ولدت وترعرت في كنف المقاصد وها أنا اليوم احقق طموحاتي واحدا تلو الاخر بفضل المقاصد. في هذه الذكرى العزيزة اتمنى أن تدوم جمعيتنا بالخير والبركة. فالشعور بالامتنان لهذا الصرح العريق ليس كاف. انتمائنا للمقاصد هو ما أضاء مسيرتينا واعطى الحياة لاحلامنا. عاشت المقاصد رئيسا ومعلمينا وعاملينا وطلابا...
Makassed is a great institution and it has given a lot to the community during those 138 years. I myself was born in Makassed hospital, raised in Al Farouk School and I am here today, studying in MA, Thanks to Makassed. I really hope that this occasion brings us back to our ties to appreciate the gracefulness and greatness of Makassed. I am greatful to be part of this community and Makassed will always be part of me.

فرح رواس


Please join me in congratulating Marwa Mikati, graduate of Khaled Bin Al Walid class of 2013 on winning the Mount Holyoke College elections for 2016-2017 Student Government Association PRESIDENT.
Way to go Marwa!! Making us proud and making MHC great.



Al-Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association of Beirut Al-Makassed is a non-governmental association, established 146 years ago.


Adha Mubarak for all Makassedies in the US :)


Ramadan Kareem To All Makassedies :)

As-Safir Newspaper - لينا فخر الدين: «المقاصد»: «عندنا أمل» مع 6 ملايين دولار عجز سنوي! :: سياسة 05/06/2014

The great Makassed spirit!

As-Safir Newspaper - لينا فخر الدين: «المقاصد»: «عندنا أمل» مع 6 ملايين دولار عجز سنوي! :: سياسة في الماضي، كان لـ«جمعية المقاصد الخيرية الإسلاميّة» دعم خارجي، لا سيّما سعودي، يفوق الثلاثين مليون دولار سنوياً. وفي الماضي، كانت