Clayton Boyd

Clayton Boyd

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 27/06/2024

over Greenland on the flight home. i was scolded for opening my window shade.

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 24/06/2024

When we were in Norway I went to an Ai Weiwei exhibit at a small gallery in Lofoten. The works were about migrants crossing the mediterranean - the lego image is made from a photo of a body at the bottom of the sea. The inner tubes are life sized, marble. They looked so heavy.

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 06/05/2024


2022, northern Norway with els

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 29/04/2024

Lofoten, 2022.

Elsa had a conference in Stockholm so we found some time to climb up in Norway. Happily it was raining the whole time.

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 22/04/2024


A trip to the Dolomites in 2022.

Approach with and Chief. Sport climbing on big erratics in an alpine meadow. Charcuterie board and beers at a hutte.
Moody hiking one afternoon. Tried a mulled wine at the bottom, didn't love it.
Trento - The view from and Suz's guestroom.
C'est moi.
Downtown Trento.

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 19/04/2024

rifling through the archives

rifling by the way; early 14c., riflen (implied in rifling), "to plunder or pillage" (a place, house, receptacle, bag, etc.), from Old French rifler "strip, filch, plunder, peel off (skin or bark), fleece," literally "to graze, scratch" (12c.), probably from a Germanic source (compare Old English geriflian "to wrinkle," Old High German riffilon "to tear by rubbing," Old Norse rifa "grapple, seize; pull up, tear, break," hrifsa "rob, pillage"). plundered from etymonline


Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 15/04/2024

last year on Ecstasy, a stunning 5.13a in Pine Creek.

For you climbing nerds with time to kill, or anyone who's looked at this thing in person, check out this video of Sharma onsighting it. Interestingly it takes him 23 minutes. That time was sort of revelatory to me, guess it is not a very chill onsight.

This thing is a mega mega, potentially lifelong proj for me. I did successfully make every move on the first four bolts. Not consecutively. 4 out of the 16 bolts, on toprope. ha. It’s a long route. It’s actually a slab climb, less than vertical the whole way. Very cool tricky feet and slapping the arete for a long way.

I’m getting psyched just typing this

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 08/04/2024

Roanen πŸ‘€

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 04/04/2024


Shot this on a hot day, arrived covered in sweat but the mist from the falls was freezing.

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 26/01/2024

fitness for

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 10/04/2023

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 14/02/2023

.in.mountains !

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 10/02/2023

love this guy!


again. leaning into what I always liked about the photos- abstracted reality, the gaze

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 18/01/2023

Back in November I shot a new set of portraits with

It was such an experience. Honestly, it felt like a homecoming, which was a little surprising; when I was on staff at tnf I had always felt like an outsider around this group, like I wasn't contributing enough or that dumb luck had landed me there. Imposter's syndrome. But this year it was a reunion in a very real sense, everyone was so welcoming and psyched and it felt like I actually had something to bring to the table. and thank you both so much for making it happen.

Anyway, in spite of super cold temps and rain I shot my brains out for five days in a horse trailer and am psyched to finally start putting these out in the world. I wasn't sure where to start so I thought I'd just do it chronologically. Here's looking super photogenic as usual. Good to see you, the little boat tour sounded wild!

Photos from Clayton Boyd's post 29/09/2022

I’m deeply saddened by the loss of this week. When debating whether to have kids, Elsa and I have often thought of her wisdom around raising kids in unusual circumstances; normal is what you make it. Thinking of her family.