HomoEconomicus Ltd

HomoEconomicus Ltd

We offer top-notch wealth management by experienced professionals in various fields.

Mitigating Tax Risk and Reducing Compliance Cost of Transfer Pricing (TP) through Effective Documentation – HOMO ECONOMICUS 15/03/2024

How deep is your knowledge about Tax...?

Are you navigating the best ways or proper Tax proceedures personally or as a corporate entity...?

Join our informative session exploring our signature Special Tax Exposition series. Click the link in our bio to registr for this webinar series.

It promises to be an exciting experience.

Mitigating Tax Risk and Reducing Compliance Cost of Transfer Pricing (TP) through Effective Documentation – HOMO ECONOMICUS Mitigating Tax Risk and Reducing Compliance Cost of Transfer Pricing (TP) through Effective Documentation Mastering the act of safeguarding Tax position under an increasing breadth and depth of regulatory and administrative documentation requirements in Nigeria and under the OECD Guidelines. Date :....


We offer top-notch wealth management by experienced professionals in various fields.