John Fischer

John Fischer

Welcome to the Official page for John & Marti Fischer and Non Profit The Catch community


Online church 7/14/24


Online church 7/7/24


Online church


online church 6/16/24


online church 6/9/24
Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt


Follow along with John's message tonight...

Beyond the Shadow of a Doubt
by John Fischer

I can laugh, and I can cry
I can shake a fist at the sky
And what I see so dimly I will soon find out
When I see beyond the shadow of a doubt

I can know the sorrow and the pain
I can sow in the season of the rain
But when these dormant seeds of joy begin to sprout
I will know beyond the shadow of a doubt

I will sing in the morning light
And the words will ring through the middle of the night
And when the shades are drawn and the lamp at last goes out
I will go beyond the shadow of a doubt


online church 6/2/24


Online church 5/26/24


Online church 5/19/24


online church 5/12/24


Online church 5/5/24


Online church 4/28/24


Online church


Online church 4/14/24


online church 4/7/24


Online church 3/24/24


online church 3/17/24


online church 3/10/24


Online church 3/3/24


online church 2/18/24


Give Her …
by Marti Fischer

Whether you are married, dating, about to… thinking of… or already getting a divorce, consider this: Just stop. Stop the complexity, and start making your life more simple. Buy your wife, your date, or your departing partner Roses on Wednesday — today, Wednesday, February 7th, and every Wednesday thereafter.

“But, oh no!” you say, as though shocked that I would suggest such a simple form of manipulation. Yes, my dear brothers, Yes. I will say it again – YES! Buy her Roses on Wednesday. Think of a Rose on Wednesday as a story of a woman who holds to the earth and to God for life and love for generation after generation, and who, like Juliet and her Romeo, if it weren’t for Christ and his love, like any delicate beauty, will die.

Give her Roses on Wednesday when everything is blue. Roses are red and your love must be new. Give her Roses on Wednesday, and keep it shining through. Love her when love’s the hardest thing to do.

Seek out the woman you lost, gentlemen, which begins within your home, which is your wife, or the woman you are dating, or the woman you let go. Don’t shy away from her. Instead, go deeper into her life. Once in her life, bless her by praying for her, as you are bound together in fellowship with respect; then care for her, and when she asks, “What is this?” tell her the Kingdom of God is here!

Join the Lord’s system. You, my dear brothers, must be convinced that God has a destiny greater and better than your present circumstances. She is God’s gift to you, and you are God’s gift to her. It is not just a truth we can grumble about; it is an attitude of appreciation and not expectation. If you think you have married the wrong person, like Esther, choose to treat her like the right one, and she will turn into the right one. On the other hand, if you married the right one, yet treat her as though she were the wrong one, she will turn into the wrong one. I suggest you declare right now that your mate (past, present or future) is God’s gift to you.

Embrace the Lord’s system, passionately. You must put your arms around her. Eat and drink what is put before you. So often, you have rejected her, and she you,(either verbally or more than likely through the conversations you have with yourself in your head), pointing out the flaws instead of the hope that lies ahead.

Improve with the Lord’s system by conveying a deep value on her and when your improvement is the result, tell her it was from the Lord. She wants to be held, told she is important to you, admired, cherished and treasured by you. What woman would want more?

Bring the kingdom of God to your marriage. Bless your marriage, whether it is alive, dead, or moved on. Wholeheartedly bring to bear the power of God on the areas that require miracles. Once the kingdom is in place, it is bound to expand to your children, your neighbors, your community, and your jobs. I do not think it works in the reverse.

Restructure from God's perspective of what you are to be doing. Expect her to come to you with as much anticipation as she would to Christ, and greet her, preparing to die for her as Christ died for you.

The key is to move forward.

No more contemplating, gentlemen. Either join the system, embrace it, improve with it, bring the kingdom of God to your relationship, and when miracles arise, give praise to the Lord for His work through you or … don’t. It’s your call, my dear brothers. Your call. However, whatever you do … resist denial!

Give her Roses on Wednesday when everything is blue
Roses are red and your love must be new
Give her Roses on Wednesday and keep it shining through
Love her when love’s the hardest thing to do

It’s easy to love when it’s easy
When you’re in a Friday frame of mind
But lovin’ when living’ gets busy
Is what love was waitin’ for all the time
Give her …

Love isn’t something you wait for
Like some feeling creeping up from behind
Love’s a decision to give more
And keep given every time
Give her …

Roses on Wednesday when everything is blue
Roses are red and your love must be new
Give her Roses on Wednesday and keep it shining through
You’ve got to love her when love’s the hardest thing
Keep on lovin’ through everything
Love her and love won’t be so hard to do
“Roses on Wednesday” Words & Music by John Fischer


Anxiety relief


Online church 11/26/23


Church at the Catch 11/19/23


By John Fischer
Wherever I look, I see destruction and violence. I am surrounded by people who love to argue and fight. The law has become paralyzed, and there is no justice in the courts. The wicked far outnumber the righteous, so that justice has become perverted.
Had I started this Catch out with the above as my assessment of the current state of affairs in America, you wouldn’t have flinched. You might have even assumed I was a rather astute observer. Prophetic if anything. Destruction, violence, arguing and fighting, lack of justice in the courts, the wicked outweighing the righteous, justice perverted and the law, paralyzed (defund the police) — reads like the front page of my newspaper. But I didn’t write it. It is a direct quote of Habakkuk 1:3-4 from the Old Testament of the Bible. There is truly nothing new under the sun.
The important thing is what did Habakkuk do? Perhaps we can get some direction from him as to what a prophetic response to our times would be. Well, first, he climbed atop his watchtower to await how the Lord might respond to his complaint. That tells us something. While awaiting a word from the Lord we don’t hide away somewhere in a cave or a private room. We go to a vantage point where we have the best view of everything. God does not want us to unplug from the world. He wants us to be where we can observe. The idea is that when God speaks to us, it’s not isolated from what’s going on around us, but that God speaks to us out of what He is doing in the world.
When God does speak to Habakkuk, this is what He says: “Write my answer plainly on tablets, so that a runner can carry the correct message to others. This vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.” Habakkuk 2:2-3
Habakkuk’s message dealt with the end times and what God would do to ultimately fulfill His promises to the nation Israel. Our message is for now, and it has to do with introducing everyone everywhere to the gospel of welcome — grace turned outward. This is a message that sharply contrasts the times. It is a message of hope in a time of fear and despair. And it is a message of welcome in a time of exclusivity and intolerance. And we, my dear Catch Community, are the runners. We are the ones to run with this message to everyone around us. Our boots are on the ground and we are ready to run. That’s why we must be younger than that now because we are called to run, not stroll or saunter or twiddle our thumbs or expect people to come to us. Run, not walk. Run!


Dear Catch Community,

As our three-week journey through “I’m Younger than That Now” nears its end, let’s reflect on the profound transformation we are undergoing. Bob Dylan’s words, “Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now,” encapsulate our collective experience of shedding old perspectives and embracing newfound freedom.

Earlier in our lives we might have been confident, even opinionated, about what’s right and wrong. But the complexities of the world have unveiled many shades of gray, challenging our former certainties. Rather than growing older, we’ve become “younger” in thought, finding liberation in what we don’t know.

During these weeks, we’ve critically examined our past selves, exposing prejudices, sentimental romanticism, and self-centeredness. Instead of pointing fingers outward, we’ve turned the spotlight inward, fostering a humility that allows us to question our own beliefs.

Let’s distance ourselves from the divisive politics that surround us. What if we step away from the current definition others have imposed on us? It’s time to stop taking ourselves so seriously, acknowledging that we may not have all the answers.

The world’s issues are complex, and perhaps our thinking and expressions have been too simplistic. It’s time to inject a sense of playfulness into our writing, music, and interactions. Embrace a more lighthearted approach, allowing room for exploration and discovery.

As we close this chapter this weekend, let’s remember Dylan’s words: “I’m younger than that now.” It’s an invitation to infuse our lives with a renewed spirit, to be open to growth and change, and to approach the world with a youthful curiosity. Together, let’s ignite change, not only in ourselves but also in the way we engage with the world.

Join us in making the final push to complete our fundraising campaign. Your support has been the catalyst for this transformative journey, and your contribution will fuel the continued impact of the Catch Ministry.

Click the link below now to make a difference. We are a match away from our goal!


We are living in unprecedented times. Long-held beliefs are unraveling in front of our eyes. Things are happening so fast, we can hardly recognize the world from one day to the next. Judeo-Christian values can no longer be assumed. The history we are currently writing is like runaway trucks careening willy-nilly into the future with no real direction other than the personal ambitions of those at the wheel.

Fifty years ago, a Jesus Movement brought clarity to the political and social confusion of the times. There was a void in the heart of a generation that only a spiritual renewal could fill. Today there is a similar void in the middle of an upcoming generation of Millennials that a concert or a crusade or a mass rally will not fill. Our current society is fragmented into so many tiny pieces that it seems fruitless to try and put it back together again. Certainly not one talk our one event will do it. It will take a new commitment to impart what is necessary — a commitment to relationships.

Fifty years ago, we needed a Jesus Movement to set us on the right track again, today we need a Relationship Movement albeit one still centered around Jesus — the real Jesus that can be imparted over time through the walking and talking of a living relationship.

Only through a relationship can you impart the depth of what is needed to follow Christ and change the times, and relationships are what Millennials are seeking. Raised on the internet, many of them do not even know what they are missing.

When Jesus said, “Go and make disciples,” this was exactly what He was talking about. He didn’t say “Go make converts,” or “Go make clones,” or even “Go make believers,” He said “Go make disciples.” He might as well have said, “Go make relationships,” because that is how you make a disciple as Jesus did. You walk and talk. Go make relationships that will turn us all into disciples, because we are disciples together learning to follow the Lord.

This is why our mission is so important.

It’s important to understand that in 2012, the Catch Ministry’s founders bought real estate in cyberspace and incorporated it as a cyber church for the sole purpose of developing disciples, or boots on the ground, so that we might make real its vision, which to introduce the Gospel of Welcome — grace turned outward — to everyone, everywhere. They were getting us ready for the next great movement in history — the Relationship Movement. You are in at the ground level of something extraordinary. We are making history.

But we cannot embark on this transformative journey without your invaluable support. Your belief and your participation make all the difference.

Join the next movement — the Relationship Movement. Ignite change now


Veterans Day 2023
Pictured here with me is my high school classmate, Tim Lickness, taken last March at an event here in southern California at which he spoke. The event showcased a traveling replica of the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington referred to as “The Wall That Heals” on which are inscribed over 58,000 names of soldiers who gave their lives in fighting in Vietnam. I would like to honor Tim representing all the other Veterans we honor today on Veterans Day.

Tim has horrific stories to tell of the war — experiences he had and things he saw. He credits the Lord with taking away his nightmares, but I can’t imagine a day goes by that he doesn’t think of it. I honor Tim this day especially because unlike many of the recruits that went to Vietnam, it was his choice to go. He enlisted. He went to fight for his country and he came home with no change in his motivation and no regrets. Regardless of whether or not that was an honorable war (if there is such a thing), he did the right thing for the right reason. His return to normal life has not been without struggle and hardship, but he thanks the Lord every day for bringing him through.

So today, here at the Catch, representing all those who have served their country in any capacity, we would like to honor Tim Lickness: infantry platoon leader with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Thank you, Tim, for your service to your country.



If you have not yet joined our 10-Day Catch Experience, there’s still time. Things are revving up this week with three Zoom Meetings at 5 pm Pacific time on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

And there is still time to join the festivities in our Go Live group ( ) with Daily messages from John Fischer.

But to get the full experience and to attend the Zoom Meetings, you need to register at
Hope to see you there!

Let Us Pray for You

If you are facing a challenging situation today, let us pray for you. Just click here .

Videos (show all)

Church at the Catch 7/14/24
Church at the Catch 7/7/24
Church at the Catch 6/23/24
Church At the Catch 6/16/24
Church at the Catch 6/9/24
Church at the Catch 6/2/24
Church at the Catch 5/26/24
Church at the Catch 5/19/24
Church at the Catch 5/12/24
Church at the Catch 5/5/24
Church at the Catch 4/28/24
Church at the Catch 4/21/24