Jessica Rae

Jessica Rae

I am a certified wellness and lifestyle coach helping people transform their bodies, minds and hearts to create healthy habits that stick!

Timeline photos 29/01/2020

Ready to Feel Better Than Ever? Join Us! -

Timeline photos 06/01/2020

Morning! I know today feels like the reckoning for many of us. But it’s also a new day, a new week, a new year, a new decade. In that lies a new opportunity for something special to happen! 💚⚡️🌟

Timeline photos 19/11/2019

Happy Tuesday! There's exactly 6 weeks to the day left in 2019. How will you use them?

I thought about this today as I was beating myself up over all of the things that I didn't check off the to do list this year...then I changed my mind. Instead of focusing on what I didn’t do, I'm choosing to applaud myself for what I did accomplish and start taking a look at what I want in 2020.

Take this time to check in on your goals and figure out what still matters to you and just allow it to become a new goal for 2020. Other things you were worrying about might just be things you can let go of to make room for new dreams. If you start getting ready now, you'll be ready to hit the ground running!

Ever thought about talking to a coach? No better time than now for a little support, stretch and accountability to get you ready for a new year. For the next 6 weeks, I'm offering FREE one on one discovery sessions to help uncover what's been stopping you and develop a powerful vision for what exactly it is that you want and how to get there. DM me to set it up!

Timeline photos 02/09/2019

One of my favorite ways of investing in and caring for myself is making delicious food and having a dinner party of one. Lemony lentil and arugula salad and honey, garlic and lemon roasted salmon. Yum. 😋💚

Timeline photos 24/07/2019

It’s International Self-Care day! Today reminds us of the importance of investing in ourselves to stay healthy and prevent or delay illness.

Many of us in our workplace and home life have made a habit of putting others before ourselves. Our list of things to do can get so long that we forget, even neglect, to take care of our minds and bodies.

Do something nice for yourself today. Drink more water, say no, spend a few minutes in nature, get some exercise or enjoy and savor a nourishing meal. Whatever self-care means to you, don’t forget to put yourself at the top of the priority list! 💚💚💚

Timeline photos 17/07/2019

It’s a full buck moon and a partial lunar eclipse. With the bright light cast on Earth, this is a powerful time for releasing; whether you need to let go of a habit, a relationship, the past or any restriction that’s holding you back. Breathe, let go of your limits and allow yourself to evolve into the person of your dreams.

Timeline photos 31/05/2019

A little light Friday morning reading recommended by my 💚’s

Timeline photos 20/05/2019

Research shows that the average American spends 87% of their time in enclosed buildings and 6% in vehicles. That’s 93% of your life spent inside! We spend our workdays indoors under fluorescent lights and in front of computers, then return home to bask in the glow of television screens and other devices. This can cause a wealth of health issues including anxiety and depression.

It’s extremely important and beneficial to make time to get outside, it’s essential to your health! Spending just 15-20 minutes outdoors can help relieve stress, strengthen your immune system, calm the mind, sharpen your focus, improve your mood and short-term memory and help with weight management. It’s one of the easiest things to do for your wellbeing.

Find a few minutes for yourself today and just get out there and breathe some fresh air and take in a little sunshine. Your mind and body will thank you for it later. 💚💚💚

Timeline photos 09/05/2019

Ain’t 👏🏾 got 👏🏾 time👏🏾

Are you your own worst enemy? You’re not alone, all of us are prone to negative self-talk. Now, a little bit here and there in service of positive change and growth can be ok but excessive self-criticism is harmful to your overall health and well-being, causing high levels of stress, anxiety and depression.

Love yourself AND your mistakes and stop being your own worst enemy, become your own best friend instead! You’re kind to your friends and family, yes? Give yourself the same treatment.

Photos from Jessica Rae's post 06/04/2019

Celebrating my favorite human, my sister , this weekend! After girls night out I wanted to plan something rejuvenating for the afternoon. We had an amazing time mixing custom all natural, food grade face masks for DIY facials at . Self care can be super fun!
@ Scratch Goods

Timeline photos 01/04/2019

April got me feelin’ like...

Time to wake up! It’s Springtime and I’m excited about all of the new things blooming. I’ve been talking to a lot of women over the past few weeks about working together to see how I can help them achieve their personal wellness and lifestyle goals.
Every so often we have to expand and upgrade. It’s our job as living beings to evolve and grow. We are meant to shift and change, NOT STAY THE SAME!
Catching that nagging feeling that something’s gotta give is a positive thing! It’s a sign that you are ready for a reboot and about to get an upgrade. But sometimes it doesn’t always feel good because it often shows up when we’re feeling discontent, bad or in toxic situations. This is the universe’s way of telling you that it’s time to take your experiences and your gifts and figure out what you are meant to do next. It FEELS TERRIFYING. You don’t know what you “should” do and you don’t know “how”.
I GOT YOU. I’ve done this for myself and my clients, and I can help you do it too! When you take charge and get the right support, stretch and accountability, your life shifts MASSIVELY. My life opens up more and more every day. I feel growth and possibility on a consistent basis and I want this for you too.
Feeling ready for a Spring upgrade? Message me for a FREE discovery session this week!

Photos from Jessica Rae's post 19/03/2019

We’ve all heard the term “mind over matter”, but what does that really mean? How do we practically apply this in our everyday lives? As a coach, I care deeply about helping people uncover their limiting beliefs and work closely with my clients to change their mindsets and release what is not serving their highest potential.

As part of my own personal growth, I’m constantly seeking out new opportunities to put into practice the art of “releasing” and “letting go”. Last night I ventured a little out there and attended a workshop on psychokinesis - how we can actually use our minds to influence, change or move physical, material objects. The class instructor gave us stainless steel silverware and promised that by the end of the hour, we would channel our group energy, manifest our intentions and be able to bend and twist forks and spoons with ease, just using the power of our minds. Yeah right...I was definitely the most skeptical person in the room, but I remained committed to the experience and allowed myself to play full out. HOLY SH*T IT WORKED!!! I felt the warm surge of energy and for a few seconds, the utensils felt like putty in my hands and I could easily twist and mold them into different shapes.

Not only was my mind completely blown, I deepened my understanding of the true power of a dedicated practice of “releasing” and “letting go” of outcomes once you set your intentions. Just like a basketball player releasing a 3-pointer, or sending a package through the mail - we must actively practice the art of trusting that things will follow suit, more importantly simply ALLOWING it to happen.

Sometimes, all we have to do is get out of our own left-brained way to access incredible power that we never knew to we had to reach our deepest potential. After all, EVERYTHING is just energy. 💚🔮💚
@ Equilibrium Energy + Education

Timeline photos 28/02/2019

So many times we focus on what we lack, what we're not doing well, and where we are falling short.

Play to your strengths, talents, & gifts. Celebrate your successes - both big and small.

Most of all, enjoy the ride! 💚💚💚


Instead of imagining all the things that could possibly go wrong, imagine all the things that could possibly go right!

Timeline photos 08/02/2019

Everyone is winning the game they are playing...🧐🤑💚

Timeline photos 05/02/2019

Happy lunar (Chinese) new year! Not sure about you, but January kind of felt like a trial month. With the conventional calendar year, I often find that I’m not totally ready to shift into a refreshed mindset so soon after the holiday season. Since the lunar new year comes a little while later, it gives me time to cleanse and reset my mind and space.

So if those New Year’s resolutions have already gone off the rails, not to worry, the first new moon of the year is a perfect and powerful time to reassess, set intentions and start anew.

I decided that this year I’m releasing all limiting beliefs about money - I will simply allow money to flow easily and freely to me from multiple sources. I’ve been learning a lot about Feng Shui over the past year and have been making shifts and tweaks in my home to spark new energy. In preparing my home to welcome in a prosperous year, I placed a wealth bowl of crystals - tiger’s eye, green aventurine, citrine, jade, pyrite and clear quartz - in the back left corner of my home.

May this lunar new year bring you happiness, wealth, abundance and good fortune! 💚 💴 💰 💚


Super Bowl Sunday Funday! How planning something fun every Sunday can help with anxiety...

Timeline photos 31/01/2019

Being stuck inside with this polar vortex has inspired me to make deliciousness. Veggie and chickpea Thai coconut curry with forbidden black rice noodles. Healthy, warming and soooooo good! 😋


Do you suffer from the "Sunday Night Spiral"? Here's a reframe...

Timeline photos 16/01/2019

Yep! Give yourself permission to be great. 💚💚💚

Timeline photos 07/01/2019

Burning the candle at both ends? When did being busy, overwhelmed and exhausted become a badge of honor? Think about the last time someone asked you what you’re up to - did you hear yourself saying “I’ve just been soooo busy!”? I’ve certainly said it. It’s partly habit, partly that we’re almost scared not to say it. Because, the opposite of being “sooooo busy” is...well...apparently no one wants to be that - lazy, no friends, no activities, no life. What a loser! But what if instead of being busy, we’re present and intentional about how we spend our time and that was the new cool?

Busyness doesn’t make us great or better, and it doesn’t always translate into significance, rather it can give a false sense of purpose as we exert ourselves on a never-ending treadmill. Busy used to be my M.O. and at my breaking point I found myself questioning why I placed so much value in exhausting myself when it didn’t make me feel happy or accomplished. Busy people are more important, right? If you’re calm and on pace, you’re not valuable, right? Or...all that busyness might be just that - chasing your own craziness around the room. Have you ever gotten to the end of a day, week, month or year not knowing where it went, being “sooooo busy” that you couldn’t point to exactly what you’ve accomplished? Same. Busyness is actually the opposite of productivity, a joy-sucking and frankly unhealthy habit we all need to get real about. What’s up with trying to out-do each other with the amount of stuff we can pack into each day in an endless pursuit for the metaphorical busyness gold star?

I get it, we’re all busy, but check in with yourself and notice where you are giving your time and energy. You can’t pour from an empty glass and sometimes the best thing you can do is step back, put yourself first, rest and reassess. The image of being busy has nothing to do with actual results. 💚💚💚

Timeline photos 01/01/2019

Headed into 2019 like...
Ready to design and live a life you love? Giving away 5 FREE discovery sessions this week. Follow and comment on this post with one thing you want to accomplish in 2019! 💚

Photos from Jessica Rae's post 22/12/2018

Tired? Cranky? Sleepy? Happy winter solstice! It may be the shortest day of the year but the energy is powerful. Relentless and profound, it draws us inward, encouraging us to look within and revisit our purpose - that which brings us peace, fulfillment and joy.

Amidst the bustle of the holiday season, we are often tempted to ignore this time to slow down and reflect - there’s a million things to do, places to go and people to see. However, this is a poignant time to stop, listen, reassess and lay the foundation for manifesting the life you want. It’s a wonderful night to spend some quiet time alone, setting some intentions for the upcoming year. I’ll be skipping the parties tonight 💚💚💚
@ Chicago, Illinois

Timeline photos 02/12/2018

With this winter weather wreaking havoc on my sensitive skin, raw honey is my go-to ingredient. It’s naturally antibacterial, helping treat and prevent breakouts, full of antioxidants which is great for anti-aging and incredibly soothing and moisturizing. I love the Honey Potion mask. Leave a comment with what’s on the agenda for your 💚💚💚

Timeline photos 23/11/2018

That’s it. 💚😊💚

Timeline photos 14/11/2018

My favorite breakfast. Avocado toast is simple, delicious and healthy. Sliced avocado on Ezekiel bread with a dash of olive oil, lemon juice, red pepper flakes and pink salt. With protein, monounsaturated fat, fiber and high in nutrients like vitamins B, C, E, K and potassium, it’s perfect for after a morning workout and keeps me full for hours. 🥑💚🥑

Timeline photos 07/11/2018

I’m so excited about some amazing opportunities coming my way. When you truly acknowledge what you want and believe that it is perfect and right for you, incredible things start happening! Ask for what you want, give the universe permission to give it to you and expect to get it. Shift your focus. Let your inner brilliance shine. Attract more of what you want. Start by just making the choice! 💚💚💚

Timeline photos 23/10/2018

Post flight pick me up at my favorite juice bar ! Green juices are great way to get your phytonutrients in while traveling, providing immune support and increased energy. Feels good after a few days of margaritas by the pool 🌞 🏖 🌿💚🍍🥒

Timeline photos 21/10/2018

Sunsets are proof that endings can be beautiful too.

Change your habits, change your life!

I am a certified health and life coach, and I help busy executives and entrepreneurs develop solid wellness and self-care practices and focus their innate power to create whatever it is they desire - moving from indecision and confusion to confidence and clarity in bringing their dreams to life.

Why Do I need a Coach to Get Results?

You’re bold, ambitious and successful, but each day is a roller coaster of unexpected and sometimes “bipolar” type emotions - going from elation to complete lack of confidence - and stress seems like it’s an inevitable part of success. To top it off, there’s a health revolution happening and we’re constantly bombarded with “meal plans” and “workout programs” and “healthy advice” based on restrictions – ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’, ‘shoulds’ and ‘shouldn’ts’, instant gratification vs. long term gratification, it’s overwhelming.

Does this sounds like you? Do you want to make changes, feel fit and healthy, but your schedule and bombardment of information about how to live well leave you exhausted and overwhelmed? Maybe you have signed up for a gym membership with the hopes of turning your life around and after a few visits, you haven’t been back in months. This is what happened to me, despite being an avid gym-goer my entire life! So believe me, it can happen to anyone. That’s where I come in as your coach. I’m here to help you follow through and show up for yourself in a way that you never have before.

Videos (show all)

Instead of imagining all the things that could possibly go wrong, imagine all the things that could possibly go right!
Super Bowl Sunday Funday! How planning something fun every Sunday can help with anxiety...
Do you suffer from the "Sunday Night Spiral"? Here's a reframe...
I’ve been off for a while, enjoying the last bit of summer, resting, relaxing. It’s been wonderful but today the anxiety...