Mann Cronin PR|Comm embraces the entrepreneurial spirit of the ever-evolving digital culture. I know how to shape a story and deliver it with a punch.
President of Mann Cronin PR|Communications, I am a PR, communications and social media consultant with a focus on the media, education, entertainment and publishing industries and the issues, technologies and trends that affect today’s consumer. With twenty plus years of experience and a results-driven, client-focused approach, I offer personal attention from a seasoned, senior professional. I not
only followed the development of the digital revolution, I helped launch it. My expertise in the design and implementation of strategic and creative brand-building publicity and social engagement campaigns has been integral to clients both entering and maturing in the industry. From leading technology, education, social media, entertainment and publishing companies, properties and Web sites to hi-tech gadgets, software and mobile apps, I service the press and influencers that speak to the 21st century consumer. Today's companies and brands need to think of themselves like TV networks putting out a consistent stream of great programming. I have strong relationships with press in the print, broadcast and online/blog media and an impressive track record for garnering significant media coverage, as well as experience in creating social media strategies and using Web 2.0 communications tools. I started my career as a publicist for the Broadway Theater in New York City. I spent three years with Hewlett-Packard as a marketing representative and acted as HP’s East Coast director of special events. From 1992 to 2001, I worked at leading technology PR firm, TSI Communications Worldwide (now part of Weber Shandwick) where I founded its Digital Consumer Group and managed its bi-coastal operations. In 2002, I worked as a senior vice president for Golin/Harris International, a top-tier PR firm and part of the Interpublic Group of Companies. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree from Cornell University. My passions are my family, friends, music, singing, writing, travel, yoga, swimming, theatre and, in the past – fronting a rock band as lead singer.