Sam Twohawks

Sam Twohawks

Twohawks uses Shamanic energy healing and Amanae emotional release healing in ShAmanae. Heal on a s



Christine shares this message from the Pleiadians:

As we stand at the threshold of the biggest and most momentous shift in the history of humankind, the Pleiadians have some very important information to share with us about this time, which they refer to as “The New Dawning.”

Their urgent message is that there is a mutual birthing taking place within the Earth and within us. Now is the time to step forward and consciously participate in our own remembering and reconnection with our natural spiritual nature.

The Pleiadians remind us that we too are a part of this “New Dawning.” This new energy is birthing within our cells, even as we ourselves are birthing into a new consciousness.

The Pleiadians speak of the importance of our self-resurrection process in this lifetime, ending the aspect of separation within us. They remind us that we are here to have a human experience, while at the same time re-awaken to our spiritual nature.

In order to move forward into this re-awakening, we must first turn back and honor ourselves for our humanness, to hold ourselves in love, compassion, and patience for all that we have lived in this lifetime, and to understand and embrace the fact that we are “perfectly imperfect” in our humanness.

The Pleiadians speak of our mission in this lifetime, that we have come here to change our relationship to our human selves, moving from a 3rd dimensional relationship of self-condemnation to a 4th/5th dimensional relationship of self acceptance. And at the same time we consciously reconnect to our spiritual nature of our higher selves. The Pleiadians say we will achieve this in this lifetime.

Many Blessings



I have been mostly quietly (some raging) watching and working behind the scenes. Sending love and light to you all and the planet. We are all working on ourselves so that we can be there for each other when it's over. Peace


Be strong. Resist the urge to cave in to the mass hysteria. Be in Light and you are protected. Faith, Love, Charity. Fe, Amor, Caridade

So I'm hearing from clients and peeps in general that life is bat s**t crazy! Just hold on to your hat, walk barefoot every day on the earth, sleep if you can, eat good food and drink plenty of clean water. We are shifting and shifts are painful until they are beautiful. Breathe through it and let it go. The more we hold onto old ways, ideas, things, and people who no longer serve our highest good, the more WE suffer. I say WE because I'm right there with you. But hey, I'm in it to WIN it. I won't let the Darkness beat me down. Light is with me and Light is stronger than any darkness the opposition can bring. Call on your Spiritual team. You don't have to do it alone. We are Light Warriors! Go team!

"MY STICK!" — A Bad Lip Reading of The Last Jedi 06/02/2020

lol. A funny video shared by a client who recently received one of my prayer sticks. Use with care. Powerful tools to be used with LOVE and LIGHT !!

"MY STICK!" — A Bad Lip Reading of The Last Jedi Yoda lectures Luke on the merits of his beloved stick. "MY STICK!" merch: Follow on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook! LYRICS (below): ...


Ya'll come see me September 14 in Ft. Walton at the Annual Harvest Festival at Stone Soup on Beal Pkwy. 10-5. Giving readings, making custom Medicine sticks, and doing energy healing.

Pensacolians at Inspire event seek better lives in anxious, uncertain world | Moon 19/07/2019

Pensacolians at Inspire event seek better lives in anxious, uncertain world | Moon While life expectancy falls in the United States, with suicides rising, some try to find balance in their lives.

Photos from Sam Twohawks's post 01/07/2019

A Drumming brother and his mother need our help. Stay CLOSELY tuned for information on a DRUM Raiser for Mi Ke Mi Ke. Will happen quickly and with much love and light. Will be a collaborative/community effort (hint need some help organizing). Bring your heart and your drum and oh yea show me the money lol. AUGUST sometime in Milton on Sacred land. Primitive camping overnight for donation. Mvto/thank you. Be well. Vendor spots available for donation. More information in a few days.....


R.I.P. Chief Robert CedarBear of Perdido Bay Tribe. Smiling down from Heaven.


New flyer. Please feel free to print and post if you are guided. Love and Light to you all.

Rhythms of Life - Trailer 13/05/2019

Rhythms of Life - Trailer Rhythms of Life is a feature length documentary about the community drum circle movement and how rhythm makes us feel. The film features inspiration from internationally…


Note to clients: pricing is higher when we work out of shops because we pay commission on all of our services. Sorry in advance. Never let money keep you from healing. Sliding scale if you are in a true pinch.


I met Sam TwoHawks a little over a year ago at this point, and was in a transitional and fairly dark place in my life. I had been involved in the psychological and spiritual communities for quite some time, but felt as if I had run out of new answers and information to apply to my life, health and process. Thankfully I was about to find my powerful shaman and friend Sam before it was too late. She has opened my eyes and the eyes of my family to a world full of new and ancient possibility. Sam’s medicine sticks are beacons of light illuminating the darkness. I recently took a trip to Cincinnati Ohio to visit a community there. Things began to go somewhat differently than planned and many dark forces approached me during my stay. Sam’s medicine stick was thankfully there with me though, and the energies were washed over by the light of the Spirit which she channels into her craft. So thankful I had that protection with me! Things turned out far better than they might have otherwise. Of all the many abilities Sam possesses and offers, her ShAmanae practice has been the most helpful for me. It is very important that we go back and face times in our lives that have had a lasting impact, good or bad, so that we may process these and work through them. Sam and her benevolent entities guided me back through difficult moments in my life and helped me to find closure and release for many of my traumas. Now I feel much lighter and am not carrying as many of these burdens around with me. I am able to go on with my life and face the world around me with greater clarity than I was able to before. This process is nothing less than a complete soul retrieval and I am grateful and honored to have been able to experience this with her. I feel that my inner child has indeed returned! Big thank you to Sam and all she is doing shining a light for our community! Aho, Soren


Sam Twohawks is in service! All services 10% off during April. Thank you Creator in advance for the beautiful souls you shall send. I promise to do my best.

MEDICINE STICKS: Current cost are $25 for Universal sticks * $55 for Custom sticks with Intuited Reading * ShAmanae: Emotional Release Energy healing sessions $88 * SHAMANIC HEALING (in person or distance) $88 * JOHN OF GOD CRYSTAL LIGHT BED - Balances your Chakras and is a portal for deeper healing to occur: (remote or in person - this is new direction coming through) $33 1/2 hour or $66 full hour * SACRED DRUM HEALING: $44. All work can be REMOTE/LONG DISTANCE except ShAmanae - must be in person. Twohawks also leads free DRUM CIRCLES for love offering. When ordering, please include name and birthdate and current photo when possible. Current cost are $25 for Universal sticks * $55 for Custom sticks with Reading * ShAmanae Emotional Release Energy healing sessions $88 * Shamanic healing sessions $88 * John of God Crystal Light bed sessions $1 per minute. Maximum 60 minutes * Drum healing $44. All work can be remote except ShAmanae - must be in person. Twohawks also leads drum circles for donations. Intuited/guided readings remote or in person $55. NEVER let lack of money keep you from healing. We can always work something out! Shipping is $5.

Photos from Sam Twohawks's post 31/03/2019

Drumming, it's all about the drumming.


I'll be at Crystal Vibrations Gift Shoppe in Pace tomorrow 11-3 for drum healings, readings, energy healing.


Sam Twohawks special offering in 2019: Refer a friend and receive free Sacred Drum bath/sound healing. Appointments only at Sananda Center for Healing and Light (Garcon Point/Milton). Crystal Light Bed treatments, ShAmanae powerful multidimensional emotional release therapy, Custom Medicine sticks, Variety of crystals and rocks for purchase. Available to lead drum meditation/drum circles at your location. Follow my site for more events. Coming in February begin working over in Robertsdale some at Healing Acres Wellness Retreat.


And so much more.......

The Little Drummer Boy Sing Along with Lyrics 26/12/2018

The Little Drummer Boy Sing Along with Lyrics The Little Drummer Boy Sing Along with Lyrics


My Christmas rock/crystal sale has been extended until January 10. Today, Sunday December 23 you may come in person from 1-4 for some awesome discounts! Thereafter, it is by appointment only. The healing crystal light bed is always available by appointment. What are you waiting for? 916 Dolphin Rd Milton 850-981-9847


Rise and shine


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00