A Dreamt Life

A Dreamt Life

‘In a dream, God threatened to put me in jail and throw away the key. But, we worked it out. It wa

Philadelphia's 1st Black-owned bookstore to be historical landmark 08/01/2023

Philadelphia's 1st Black-owned bookstore to be historical landmark In just a few weeks, the small storefront which houses hundreds of works by African American authors will receive a big honor.

Timeline photos 28/08/2022

Today in History: 200-250 thousand people arrived in the nation's capital to peacefully assemble & walk down the National Mall in 1963 in the at the March on Washington for Jobs & Freedom. Among many other speakers, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech here. https://www.loc.gov/item/today-in-history/august-28/?loclr=fbloc