Liam Gately

Liam Gately

LG Wellness supports individuals and groups to reduce stress and increase empowerment through innovative and engaging programmes.

All information and results stated in this page are for educational and informational purposes only, to help the client to pursue his/her life goals in a healthy manner. Coaching is NOT a substitute for counselling, psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, mental health care, or substance abuse treatment. Coaching is not to be used in place of any form of diagnosis, treatment, or therapy. The content should


Finding your purpose is one of the most difficult and trying things we do in life. More often than not, we have to experience tragedy or hardship to know what our purpose should be. In my latest blog, I have put together a few tips that may help you find your purpose.

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It's surprising how often people poorly communicate to get what it is they want. In this blog, I focus on some of the lesser-known communication skills you can use to finally get what you want in life.

Please visit my new website at


It's one thing to fight without fear it's quite another without hope, but it happens to us all. Finding inspiration when hope is lost can be your biggest battle but to hold on and fight and find that last ounce in you that tells you there is light at the end of the tunnel, that the battle isn't lost is truly life-changing. Find your reserves and never give up.

Mindfullness and Epilepsy 11/01/2024

Mindfullness and Epilepsy - Epilepsy Foundation

Mindfullness and Epilepsy Mindfulness can benefit people living with epilepsy and their caretakers. How can mindfulness help you?


One of the most difficult challenges we face is recognising that a person we love does not feel the same in return. If their love is conditional, it's not love. It's controlling. Yes, there are times we all must experience tough love, but that hurts them just as much as it hurts you. The difference is tough love is selfless conditional love is selfish. Want to know how to tell the difference, people who love you won't demean you to others. They love you enough not to shame you for your faults.


Genuinely what do you have to lose? Our emotions have power and you must gain control. What is holding you back from what you want to achieve?


Our character is formed out of a lifetime of learning mostly from tough times and mistakes. If you are having a tough time right now there is hope, you're not alone, you will come out the other side stronger and better than you were before.


When I'm stuck in a negative place, I often feel like there's no way out. It almost feels like my mind is programming itself to stay in that bad place. And then I realized this isn't true — there are ways to get unstuck, and they're more straightforward than you might think! Here are six things that can help you get unstuck from your negative place:

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Why do we fail to grow? In my latest blog, I hope to give an insight into why so many people fail to produce. Personal growth requires the right environment, nourishment, and a plan. Go. Click on the link below to discover more.


No one experiences life in exactly the same way, Other peoples views of you are filtered and based on their prejudice and life experience NOT yours. Please don't make the opinion they have of you your business.

People Are Revealing The Toxic Behaviors In Their Relationships They Thought Were Completely Normal 04/01/2024

People Reveal Toxic Behaviors In Their Relationships That They Normalized, And Some Of These Are So Overlooked - BuzzFeed

People Are Revealing The Toxic Behaviors In Their Relationships They Thought Were Completely Normal "My partner will take any disagreement or criticism and throw his hands up and say, 'I feel like I can never do anything right,' and walk away instead of having a discussion."


I focus a lot on who you surround yourself with. The reason for this is your environment and the people within it can seriously damage your health. You can not grow or recover if you stay around the wrong people. Indeed I'd go as far as to say living with a narcissist is modern-day second-hand smoke.

Please visit my new website at


How much energy do you spend worrying about things that never happen or, at worse, weren't as bad as you thought? You may have a propensity for catastrophising. Catastrophising is debilitating; it shuts down the critical thinking you need to resolve problems. Click the link below to find out what you can do about it.


Happiness isn't bought it's practiced. Love for oneself is something we work on through meditation/mindfulness and focussed thought. Pick one negative viewpoint you have of yourself and ask when did I decide I was too/not etc..... and then ask yourself what other advice or rebuke do I take seriously from a child? Don't let that very young version of you prevent you from being happy.


We all have moments of feeling down and out, of feelings of losing control. How we recover depends upon our resilience levels. My latest blog looks at how we may improve our resilience and recover much faster.

Please visit my new website at


"🌟 NEW BLOG ALERT 🌟 Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress and endless commitments? Wish you could navigate life's ups and downs with more grace and ease? Our latest blog post dives deep into the transformative power of detachment! 💡

Learn how to break free from emotional rollercoasters, make wiser decisions, and even improve your relationships—all through the art of detachment. 🌈🌿

👉 See our latest blog at or Click the link in our bio to discover how to elevate your well-being and live a more fulfilling life!


Our darkness is a trial. We are unique amongst the animal kingdom in that we are born premature and must learn so much after birth. We are intelligent because we can adapt and learn. The downside is that we must also learn the hard way. Our trials and tribulations is a test; it's where we grow, and if we succeed, we become stronger and better from them.

Study links too much free time to lower sense of wellbeing 28/12/2023

Study links too much free time to lower sense of wellbeing - The Guardian

Study links too much free time to lower sense of wellbeing Research shows there is a ‘sweet spot’ and subjective wellbeing drops off after about five hours


Avoid judgement on a book you haven't read in its entirety. No one can know someone's story. Indeed most people judge based on reviews from others who haven't read it either. No one is qualified to judge another you have no idea what they have been through. And if you are the victim of this judgement, they are revealing more about their own character than they reveal of yours. Stay beautiful; stay away.

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My favourite poem is IF by Rudyard Kipling. I have the entire poem hung on the wall of my office. I read the poem daily and do my best to live to its truth. This line always hits home. You will hear hurtful things said about you. Don't let them get you.


Our character is formed out of a lifetime of learning, mostly from tough times and mistakes. If you are having a tough time right now, there is hope; you're not alone, you will come out the other side stronger and better than you were before.


Your responsibility to help someone will never outweigh their responsibility to help themselves.

But it's worth asking yourself why you resonate so strongly with someone who desperately needed 'fixing' in the first place.

Our toxic romantic and non-romantic attachments often tell a story about an issue we have within ourselves.


No affection can fill the void in someone who doesn't love themselves.

There is no independence in dependency.

There is no security in attaching yourself to a secure person.

You won't make healthy decisions about someone else until you have a healthy relationship with yourself.


It's about time you stop worrying about what other people think of you and realize you are as awesome as you really are.

Walking Outside: 3 Practices That Enhance Your Wellbeing 21/12/2023

Walking Outside: 3 Practices That Enhance Your Wellbeing - Psychology Today

Walking Outside: 3 Practices That Enhance Your Wellbeing Tuning in to sounds, seeing, and sensations have a positive impact on your life.


A hater is born out of insecurity. They see you, and you shine light upon their failings. Your light is shining bright, and they will attempt to dull it. It's never about you but them. Avoid the poison they throw your way and move on.


We can not help but be influenced by who we surround ourselves with. When in uplifting company, we aspire, and when we are in negative company, we fall way short of our best. I know you know this, but how can you practice this. Decide what you want and who you want to be. Sometimes we must make tough decisions to have what we need.

Videos (show all)

Developing Empathy for Others Part 1
In this video I discuss how we can use self empathy to change our negative habits. If this video helps you please like a...
In this video we begin to look at how we can succeed in our goals through self empathy.
To make the positive changes in your life, this is day 1 follow our page to get the latest videos.