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How Terahertz Technology and PEMF are Revolutionizing Emotional Wellness

In the field of science and technology, there are continuous advancements that are revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. Among these, Terahertz and Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) technology stand out for their potential applications in emotional wellness.

Terahertz technology refers to the application of the Terahertz (THz) frequency range within the electromagnetic spectrum. This technology is often used in imaging and sensing applications due to its non-ionizing and penetrative properties. On the other hand, PEMF technology involves the use of electromagnetic fields to improve health and well-being. It's widely recognized for its therapeutic effects, especially in the field of regenerative medicine and pain management.

These two technologies, though different in their applications, share a common thread – their potential contribution to improving emotional wellness. This potential has sparked a tremendous amount of research and development, leading to some groundbreaking discoveries.

Understanding emotional wellness

Emotional wellness is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being. It involves the ability to manage and express feelings effectively, cope with stress, and maintain a positive mental outlook. Emotional wellness also encompasses the capacity to form satisfying relationships, adapt to change, and appreciate life despite its occasional disappointments and frustrations.

Achieving emotional wellness is not about being happy all the time. Instead, it's about being aware of your emotions – whether positive or negative – and being able to navigate through the challenges of life. It's about resilience, self-care, and understanding that it's okay not to be okay sometimes.

The role of Terahertz and PEMF technologies in promoting emotional wellness cannot be overstated. They offer innovative methods to help individuals achieve a balanced emotional state, reducing stress, and improving mood.

The role of Terahertz technology in emotional wellness

Terahertz technology's application in emotional wellness is a relatively new area of study. Researchers are exploring the effects of Terahertz radiation on the human body, particularly on the endocrine system which plays a vital role in our emotional state.

Preliminary research suggests that Terahertz radiation has a positive impact on the production of certain hormones. These hormones, including serotonin and dopamine, are essential for maintaining a balanced emotional state and promoting feelings of happiness and satisfaction.

The role of PEMF in emotional wellness

PEMF technology has been widely studied for its potential benefits in promoting emotional wellness. This technology works by emitting electromagnetic fields into the body, stimulating the body's natural healing process.

Research has shown that PEMF can positively influence the brain's electrical activity, potentially alleviating symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress. By improving sleep patterns, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall relaxation, PEMF can contribute significantly to emotional wellness.

Despite the promising evidence, more research is needed to understand the full scope of PEMF's role in emotional wellness. Nevertheless, the initial findings are encouraging and highlight the potential of PEMF as a non-invasive, drug-free alternative for managing emotional health.

Connecting Terahertz and PEMF with emotions

The connection between Terahertz and PEMF technologies with emotions lies in their potential to influence the body's physiological processes. Both technologies can affect the production of hormones and neurotransmitters associated with emotion regulation.

For instance, research suggests that Terahertz radiation can boost the production of serotonin and dopamine, thereby promoting a positive emotional state. Similarly, PEMF technology can influence the brain's electrical activity, altering mood and emotional responses.

It's important to note that these technologies are not standalone solutions for emotional wellness. They are tools that can complement traditional approaches like psychotherapy and medication. Their goal is to enhance the body's natural ability to regulate emotions, thereby promoting overall emotional wellness.

How Terahertz and PEMF are used to manage stress

Stress management is a critical aspect of emotional wellness. Chronic stress can lead to a host of health problems, including depression, anxiety, and cardiovascular disease. Both Terahertz and PEMF technologies offer unique approaches to managing stress.

Terahertz technology, through its influence on hormone production, can potentially help regulate stress responses. By boosting the production of "feel good" hormones like serotonin and dopamine, Terahertz radiation can help mitigate the effects of stress and promote relaxation.

Similarly, PEMF technology has been shown to improve sleep quality, reduce inflammation, and increase overall relaxation – all of which can help manage stress levels. By influencing the brain's electrical activity, PEMF can also help manage the physiological effects of stress, thereby promoting emotional wellness.

The science behind Terahertz, PEMF, and emotional wellness

The science behind the use of Terahertz and PEMF technologies for emotional wellness is rooted in understanding how these technologies interact with the human body. Both technologies influence the body's physiological processes, either through the emission of electromagnetic radiation (in the case of Terahertz) or through the application of electromagnetic fields (PEMF).

In the context of emotional wellness, these technologies can influence the production of certain hormones and neurotransmitters that play a crucial role in emotion regulation. These include serotonin and dopamine, both of which are essential for promoting a positive emotional state.

Terahertz and PEMF technologies hold great promise for revolutionizing emotional wellness. Their ability to influence the body's physiological processes offers a unique approach to managing emotional health.

As we navigate through the challenges of life, it's comforting to know that science and technology are working together to provide innovative solutions for emotional wellness. The journey towards emotional wellness is a personal one, and with tools like Terahertz and PEMF technologies, we are better equipped to navigate this journey successfully.

Here's a list of emotional benefits from PEMF alone:

1. Neurotransmitter Modulation:

◦ PEMF therapy may influence neurotransmitter levels, such as serotonin and dopamine, which play key roles in regulating mood.

2. Cortisol Regulation:

◦ Studies suggest that PEMF therapy may help modulate cortisol levels, the hormone associated with stress. By reducing cortisol levels, PEMF could contribute to a more balanced mood.

3. Brainwave Activity Modulation:

◦ PEMF therapy has been theorized to influence brainwave patterns. Certain frequencies may promote relaxation and alleviate symptoms associated with mood disorders.

4. Improved Sleep Quality:

◦ PEMF therapy has shown promise in improving sleep quality. Since sleep is closely linked to mood regulation, better sleep can positively impact overall emotional well-being.

5. Stress Reduction:

◦ Exposure to PEMF may help reduce stress by promoting relaxation and calming the nervous system. This stress reduction can contribute to a more stable and positive mood.

6. Anti-Inflammatory Effects:

◦ Chronic inflammation has been linked to mood disorders. PEMF therapy may have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially contributing to improved mood regulation.

7. Enhanced Blood Flow:

◦ Improved circulation is a potential benefit of PEMF therapy. Better blood flow can enhance oxygen and nutrient delivery to the brain, positively impacting cognitive function and mood.

8. Alleviation of Depressive Symptoms:

◦ Some studies suggest that PEMF therapy may have antidepressant effects, potentially alleviating symptoms in individuals with depressive disorders.

9. Anxiolytic Effects:

◦ PEMF therapy has been investigated for its anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) effects. Reducing anxiety levels can contribute to a more stable and positive mood state.

10. Non-Invasive Nature:

◦ One of the advantages of PEMF therapy is its non-invasive nature. Unlike some other interventions, PEMF doesn't involve medications or invasive procedures, making it an attractive option for those seeking alternative approaches to mood regulation.

11. Adjunctive Treatment:

◦ PEMF therapy can be used as an adjunctive treatment alongside traditional approaches. It may complement other therapeutic interventions for mood disorders, potentially enhancing overall outcomes.

12. Well-Tolerated:

◦ PEMF therapy is generally well-tolerated with minimal reported side effects. This makes it a potentially viable option for individuals who may not tolerate certain medications or therapies.

13. Enhanced Neuroplasticity:

◦ PEMF therapy may contribute to increased neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to reorganize and adapt. This could have positive implications for mood regulation, especially in the context of mood disorders where neural circuitry may be affected.

14. Improved Energy Levels:

◦ Some users of PEMF therapy report increased energy levels and vitality. Higher energy levels can positively impact mood and motivation.

15. Enhanced Cognitive Function:

◦ PEMF therapy may have cognitive benefits, including improved concentration and mental clarity. Enhanced cognitive function can positively influence mood and overall well-being.

16. Potential for Rapid Effects:

◦ In some cases, individuals using PEMF therapy report experiencing rapid effects on mood. This quick onset of action could be advantageous for those seeking immediate relief from mood-related symptoms.

17. Balancing Hormones:

◦ PEMF therapy may play a role in hormonal balance, including the regulation of hormones that influence mood, such as estrogen and progesterone.

18. Reduced Perception of Pain:

◦ Pain and mood are interconnected, and PEMF therapy has been explored for its analgesic effects. By reducing the perception of pain, individuals may experience improvements in mood and overall emotional well-being.

19. Improved Overall Well-Being:

◦ Users of PEMF therapy often report a sense of improved overall well-being. This subjective feeling may include a more positive outlook on life and a greater sense of emotional balance.

20. Portable and Convenient:

◦ Many PEMF devices are portable and easy to use at home. This convenience can be particularly beneficial for individuals with mood disorders who may find it challenging to engage in regular outpatient treatments.

21. Positive Impact on Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

◦ PEMF therapy has been explored as a potential intervention for Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression that occurs seasonally. Preliminary studies suggest that it may have a positive impact on symptoms associated with SAD.

22. Potential for Long-Term Benefits:

◦ While more research is needed, some studies suggest that the benefits of PEMF therapy for mood regulation may extend into the long term, contributing to sustained improvements in emotional well-being.

23. Complementary to Lifestyle Interventions:

◦ PEMF therapy can complement lifestyle interventions aimed at improving mood, such as regular exercise, healthy diet, and stress management. Integrating multiple approaches may enhance the overall effectiveness of mood-regulating strategies.

Utilizing Terahertz waves and PEMF in the OlyLife Tera P90 has countless different ways it can help support your health, and emotional regulation is just one of many different aspects you can apply the device toward bettering your life. That fact that’s affordable, easy, portable, and with no monthly fees – you can use it in nearly every situation you can imagine to work as a complement to your health support regiment.

The Tera P90 can also be used in conjunction with personal therapy, psychologist and psychiatrist appointments, couples counseling, personal counseling, life coaching sessions, emotional release modalities, healing retreats, or even just by yourself at home with guided meditations or in silence.

The best part about the Tera P90 is that it supports and amplifies anything you do to support your health exponentially – meaning you can get more out of your efforts, and in less time.

This is just one of many reasons we believe literally every household on Earth should have one of these devices. I would be honored to help you get one into your wellness practice or your home. Leave me a yes please in the comments and I will send you the details. Or private message me.


One of the favorite aspects about the Tera P90:

Not only is it incredibly powerful on its own - but it amplifies ANY natural health modality you add with it.

Today's topic:

Neuroplasticity enhancement and Nerve Growth.

Be aware, this is a little longer post - but at the end I simplify it down to how you can skyrocket neuroplasticity on the daily, and on the easy.

Neuroplasticity refers to the capacity for nerves to grow new connections and repair damaged ones (as well as the ability to "prune" off old neural connections that are out-dated).

It's entirely possible to not only grow new nerves, but regrow old and damaged ones.

Terahertz waves work in a multitude of ways to support this:

- Terahertz waves encourage nerve remylination

Nerve demylination is a primary side effect of heavy metal toxicity, as well as consumption of "seed oils" in which the fatty coating around the nerves that insulates them and increases their action potential. Numerous other factors can also cause nerve demylination.

Terahertz waves are able to not only upregulate the remylination of nerves, but also stimulate nerve regrowth.

Neuropathy also is related to nerve death and nerve demylination due to poor circulation and other factors.

Utilizing the Tera P90 not only comes with Terahertz waves to signal new nerve growth and nerve remylination in the body, but also includes PEMF that can induce nerve growth as well as improve the circulation in the body to support the delicate nerves better.

Frankincense essential oil:

"In conclusion, frankincense extract is able to promote sciatic nerve regeneration and improve the function of a crushed sciatic nerve. This study provides a new direction for the repair of peripheral nerve injury."

Frankincense-Myrrh treatment alleviates neuropathic pain via the inhibition of neuroglia activation mediated by the TLR4/MyD88 pathway and TRPV1 signaling

Acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid promotes sciatic nerve repair after injury: molecular mechanism (a compound in frankincense)

The Biological Activity of 3-O-Acetyl-11-keto-β-Boswellic Acid in Nervous System Diseases (frankincense extract)

Acetyl-11-keto-β-boswellic acid extracted from Boswellia serrata promotes Schwann cell proliferation and sciatic nerve function recovery (Frankincense extract)

Mechanistic role of boswellic acids in Alzheimer's disease: Emphasis on anti-inflammatory properties

Effect of Frankincense Extract on Nerve Recovery in the Rat Sciatic Nerve Damage Model

Acetyl-11-Keto-Beta-Boswellic Acid Activates the Nrf2/HO-1 Signaling Pathway in Schwann Cells to Reduce Oxidative Stress and Promote Sciatic Nerve Injury Repair

Frankincense amended memory performance through the development of the rat brain by up-regulating calcium/calmodulin kinase II-α in the hippocampus. The improving impact of frankincense on memory acquisition in BDL rats might be related to all of its potential properties for enhancement of memory function. #:~:text=Frankincense%20amended%20memory%20performance%20through,for%20enhancement%20of%20memory%20function.


The SIMPLE point of this is....

If you add a drop of Frankincense essential oil under your tongue or topically to desired area (or even just on your feet as a whole) before your P90 session....

You're going to exponentially increase the benefits you'd get from Frankincense oil by adding the P90.

A drop of good frankincense costs about $0.10 each.

Those of you looking to skyrocket your memory or nerve healing....
...add a little frankincense before your P90 sessions.

The frankincense under the tongue will enhance the brain for the most part.

Frankincense topically will provide benefits mostly to the area applied.

Frankincense applied to your entire feet will affect pretty much the whole body.

Frankincense added to water and then drank 15 minutes before your session will REALLLLLLY get your body's frequency up there to accept the PEMF and Terahertz waves even MORE.

The best part about the P90....

Yeah, it works AMAZING on it's own....

But it can be used an INSANE tool to hack ALL OTHER modalities you do from chiropractic care, to cupping, to massage, to cranial sacral, to supplementation, to IV drips, to meditation, to prayer, to enhancing learning, to......well - you name it.

Leave a message if you want more details.

Giving Thanks Does Your Body Good 28/11/2019

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Happy Mother’s Day! Hope you had a beautiful day. ♥️♥️


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