Coach Chris

Coach Chris

Coach at East Coast Jiu Jitsu Academy. Classes in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Group/Personal Training.

Jimmys Winnin Matches FULL Documentary 06/09/2014

A fantastic RTE documentary covering Jimmy McGuinness' Donegal team in 2012 - their All Ireland winning season (spoilers).

A fantastic watch regardless of your sporting discipline, watch how the players evolve and grow in confidence under McGuinness and how he was able to turn Donegal GAA around.

Believe and acheive, MMA fighters tell us this, your teachers in school told you this. The mental game is the common denominator amongst champions. Time to sit up and take notice!


p.s no need to be a fan of Gaelic Games to watch, I wager this will spark an interest, however!!

Jimmys Winnin Matches FULL Documentary Removed from RTE Player so I put it here. Donegal's 2012 All Ireland winning season.

Timeline photos 02/09/2014

Any of you nice people interested in MORNING BRAZILIAN JIU JITSU CLASSES IN BRAY? I have an opportunity to run some classes, if the interest is there.

No weekday evening slots available however, looking at early mornings, afternoons and weekends. Would need at least 10 per class to make this happen.

Let me know if any of you brayzilians are interested!

Timeline photos 14/08/2014

email [email protected] for details!

For a limited time only, I am offering HALF PRICE blocks of personal training sessions. If you need a kick up the glutes, or know somebody else that needs the same, what are you waiting for?
You wont find a better deal than this!

- CONTACT ME HERE OR AT [email protected]

!!! Limited time only, once the spots are gone, they're gone!!!


"When i was younger I was in great shape"

If you don't use it, prepare to lose it. If you've already lost it, you probably weren't using it enough.

Don't expect to be able to move when you're old and grey if you don't move now.

If you have it, keep it, if you've lost it go and find it! Its never too late.

Regain control of your body. Don't turn into a chair.

Rewind the Future -- Stop the Cycle 10/08/2014

Extremely powerful video. Stop the cycle.

Rewind the Future -- Stop the Cycle This video touches on the point that obesity doesn't happen overnight. It's a lifetime's worth of bad habits, bad choices, and bad nutrition. There's still t...

Timeline photos 04/08/2014

Had a great day at the academy on Saturday, intro class grading for their first and second stripes followed by a busy open mat! Congratulations to all the guys who took part!


Taking my duck walk to the next level thismorning. I'll be crossing the Grand Canyon on a high wire next.

Practicing your duck walk and other low walks on a line like this makes for some interesting training, try it at home - mark a line on the floor with tape or follow the grooves on floorboards. Once you have your balance, try to get off the ground!

Next stop the circus.

Mobile uploads 26/07/2014

Busy intro class thismorning at ECJJA. Did you know all beginners get 30 days FREE to try this amazing martial art. Email me at [email protected] or visit out website to start your journey!

Bob Marley - Sun is shining original 25/07/2014

Everything is better in this weather, spend some time outside today if you can, lap up that vitamin D and work on that base tan for your holliers.

Off to the Park for some more training in the sun, Ill let Bob play us out.

Enjoy the heat while you can!

Bob Marley - Sun is shining original so as melhores

Mobile uploads 25/07/2014

Ready for some AM movement

Timeline photos 23/07/2014

For a limited time only, I am offering HALF PRICE blocks of personal training sessions. If you need a kick up the glutes, or know somebody else that needs the same, what are you waiting for?
You wont find a better deal than this!

- CONTACT ME HERE OR AT [email protected]

!!! Limited time only, once the spots are gone, they're gone!!!

Timeline photos 22/07/2014


Ido Portal - Just Move | London Real 21/07/2014

Find time to watch this over next couple of days, you can also find the audio on iTunes to listen on the go. Ido is a very interesting talker, no bu****it here!


Ido Portal - Just Move | London Real Ido Portal is a Movement Artist MONKEY NUTRITION: SUBSCRIBE: To be honest, I was a bit skep...

Timeline photos 20/07/2014


I wore 'runners' as a kid, my parents wore shoes when they were kids (their parents probably didn't) and its been a long time since I've seen an unshod child running around playing football (but maybe I'm not looking hard enough!).

What sort of trade-off are we making here? Clean feet, protected from injury by a durable sole, in return we risk permanent damage in the feet, gait development and posture. Your child (and you!) need to release your feet from these shackles as much as possible, as soon as possible.

How many people do you know who are wearing insoles? Have bad posture, walk with an uneven gait, sore back, tight hips, sore ankles.. (I could continue). Are you putting any measures in place to help your kids skip around these pitfalls?

The norm is to be more worried with a child's social and mental development than their physical development (funnily enough there is a lot of evidence showing how the latter can positively effect the former).

Children's bones are much softer than an adults, as such, the effects of childhood foot damage may not show themselves til adulthood. Does your back get sore from standing for over 20-30 minutes? Might have something to do with your school shoes you were squeezed into as a kid, are you a younger sibling, did you receive hand-me-down shoes from your big brother/sister? Very likely this could be the cause of your back problems, albeit 20-30 years later!

As with most things, measures can be taken to tackle these problems later in life, in some cases the damage can be irreversible, but I believe there are always ways to better manage such problems to improve quality of life! If you have children, or are planning a family in the future, give this some thought.

Everyone knows children have softer, more mailable bones, but we seem to forget this when were lacing up their little pair of converse before they can even walk!

Take off your brĆ³gai, reset your feet, and don't let your child make the same mistake you did!

- Chris

Timeline photos 18/07/2014

Mobile uploads 18/07/2014

Thanks again as usual to everyone who moved with us on the mats today. I Can already see improvements in those who have been attending the last couple of weeks, and it really shows who is doing their homework!

While our symptoms may differ, 95% of people will have imbalances or impingements in the same areas. Ankles, hips, thoracic spine and shoulders. Learn how to unlock your body and feel fast, strong and balanced.

Email [email protected] for more!

Timeline photos 16/07/2014

I have been instructing beginners for close to 4 years in martial arts techniques and basic movements and movement patterns, this picture outlines 'the four stages of learning', four stages which i have identified in my own practices and in the practices of my students.

You can look at any activity or skill under this microscope, identify what stage you are at and do what you need to do to move to the next stage, 'unconscious competence' is what we strive for, where we do the right thing seemingly without thinking, just as we would drive a car without thinking when it was time to accelerate, brake or change gears.

Are you a martial artist? Look at your style, your game, what stage are you at? Look at your individual techniques, positions, transitions, each aspect can be assessed the same.

The same is obviously true in the world of health and fitness, MANY people spend most of their time at stage 1, 'Unconscious Competence', stuck in a rut and unsure of how to get out, probably unsure they are even in a rut in the first place.

My aim is to bump you as far along the timeline as I can, certainly out of the first stage. Identifying your weaknesses, your Achilles heels, and providing a no nonsense, no gimmicks route to the next stage.

Have a think about yourself, your training, your diet, whatever. See where you are on the scale, and see what you need to do to move forward.

- CoachChris


Coach Chris aka Garda Foot aka the foot police Video Blog #1


Switching shoes and paying closer attention to my feet is something that has benefited me greatly, especially in my jiu jitsu, which is obviously a barefoot sport, my feet have gained great mobility and flexibility which transfers fantastically to movement for jiu jitsu, but really for any movement in general.

There are plenty of trainers online who are happy to link their clients to articles written by someone else but I would prefer to share with you something I have experienced myself and not something regurgitated from some article I found on Reddit.

Its a bit long but lets be honest youll just be scrolling through your newsfeed otherwise.

Let me know what you think, i think this is especially important for jiu jitsu athletes and MMA fighters, a lot of whom i know follow this page.

- Chris

Coach Chris: Minimal Shoes vs 'Traditional' Modern Sports Shoes - My Experience Chris Leddy is a coach at East Coast Jiu Jitsu Academy. - This is my experience in changing from a shoe with modern support, to a minimal shoe.

Mobile uploads 11/07/2014

šŸ‘£training at ECJJAšŸ‘£

Thanks to everyone who trained today, I hope you guys enjoyed the class, same time next week!

Timeline photos 11/07/2014

***** Training today at 6pm at East Coast Jiu Jitsu Academy *****

Class today at the academy open to all ECJJA members, building on what we learned last week and adding a couple new techniques and sequences into the mix.

This class is now a permanent fixture on the timetable at East Coast, and is suitable for all ages and fitness levels, each exercise is scalable (up or down!) to suit everyone's needs.

All the exercises on today's 'menu' will help us gain control of our body, strengthen and mobilize joints and regain a natural and healthy posture.

"What use is it learning how to control a heavy bar when you cannot yet control your own arms and legs?"

- These exercises are a fantastic remedy for bad posture, tight back muscles, weak legs, weak core. Do you suffer any of these ails? Does your job require you to sit down a lot every day? Is that 'ergonomic' chair the old lady in HR gave you not doing the job?
- Contact me here or at [email protected] to arrange a consultation!

- Chris

Timeline photos 10/07/2014

I include these 4 super vegetables in my diet every day, do you?!

When I started training, i thought it was all about protein, carbs, and fat. I paid no attention to the micro nutrient content of the foods that I was eating. Over the past 3 years, I have made many adjustments to my diet and changed my mind on what a 'good diet' is, and I have certainly reaped the benefits.

My focus is now on FRESH fruits and vegetables, nutrient dense, natural food. I don't count calories and have actually seen fat and weight loss results from clients ADDING fresh fruit and veg to their diets, no extra training, no watching what youre eating at work, just ADDING these foods to your plate, every day. - Your body is craving these nutrients, whether you know it or not.

Look after your gut, send it fresh fruit and veg, eat leafy greens in abundance, stay hydrated. - It will look after you in return!

- Chris


Hey guys, this is my page for all things training, fitness and diet related. Hope to share with you guys some of my top secret recepies and techniques that I use every day to help me stay so delish.

Stay tuned for videos and blog posts, coming soon!

In the meantime click the like button!

- Coach Chris

Videos (show all)

Taking my duck walk to the next level thismorning. I'll be crossing the Grand Canyon on a high wire next. Practicing you...