Dr. Monteic A. Sizer

Dr. Monteic A. Sizer

Rev. Dr. Monteic A. Sizer is a skilled public servant who seeks a healthy, vibrant world. www.kingdomclothing.shop


We will soon launch our "Project Sticker Shock" campaign, an awareness campaign to help educate the public and change attitudes about selling and serving alcohol to anyone under 21.

NEDHSA Executive Director Dr. Monteic A. Sizer said, "the agency is committed to creating and providing the resources and innovations needed to help our region's youth and young adults become more resilient, overcome adverse childhood trauma, and succeed academically."

"We must do different things to educate, engage, and inspire the public," Dr. Sizer said. "We're helping people in our region to better understand addiction and mental health issues with this innovative prevention approach. You'll notice this innovative approach is coupled with creative images, as we believe there is medicine in creative expression. The arts can help people come alive in ways traditional treatment options can't."

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 05/12/2023

As I continue to contemplate the challenges ahead for vulnerable people and communities in the and across the state, I have become more confident and resolved to work even more collaboratively across service sector silos so that system improvements can be made. Vulnerable people and fragile communities deserve solutions to problems from those who lead and .

Of the many hundreds of mentally ill, addicted, and developmentally disabled patients we serve, most of them rely on and . And without Medicaid, Medicare, and our agency's indigent health care coverage options, our patients would be without lifesaving care and treatment. Literally, without our behavioral and primary health systems model and network, most of our patients would be homeless, in jail, over using hospital emergency rooms, or dead.

Unfortunately, in Louisiana's Delta, we had to build our own integrated service network and community partnerships from scratch to help meet the complex needs of our Medicaid and Medicare patients. We had to develop transitional housing options, community and inpatient mental health and addiction services, workforce development programs, establish peer support centers, and a host of other special initiatives that targeted marginalized children, seniors, veterans, and members of houses of faith.

When it comes to negative , we are tackling them head on. We know that they are complex, historical, political, and spiritual. These challenges don't scare us. We are truly after improved outcomes and regional transformation. In the coming days, we will also be tackling the and challenges of our patients in Louisiana's Delta. Stay tuned.

Lastly, the costs are too high for our state and nation to remain divided on things that should unite us. When you add up the cost of lives lost, high medical expenditures, lost worker productivity, social strife, and hopelessness that comes from unrealized potential, it puts our state and nation on an unsustainable, downward spiral. We can do better. We must do better.

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 02/12/2023

I am looking forward to scaling our NE Delta HSA Opportunity Zone work across 's Delta. We will be more focused on helping mayors, parish leaders, school superintendents, business executives, entrepreneurs, and law enforcement officials better understand the connection between jobs, housing, municipal infrastructure, education, food deserts, poverty, and behavioral and primary health outcomes. And once understood by all, we plan to then lead the ex*****on of positive, systemic changes that will help transform vulnerable people, communities, and institutions for the better. We are after improved regional outcomes.

NE Delta HSA Opportunity Zones grew out of our regional community and faith-based listening sessions. Our listening sessions were designed to hear from regional constituents so that we could then work in a reciprocal way to help transform communities and mitigate negative of health. They were also designed to work across race, class, faith traditions, political ideology, and governmental silos.

Stay tuned for more regarding this work and regional transformation. We will be documenting and measuring outcomes associated with this purpose-driven work.


We are intentional about our regional community engagement work. Our work is based on empathy, understanding, shared respect, and earned trust. We are after real outcomes for vulnerable people and communities. I believe population health transformation occurs when people trust you to help them solve problems. We intend to be problem solvers.

Just like our agency's vision statement and phoenix logo, we intend to help create an environment where dreams are realized, families are strong, bodies are healthy, community institutions are thriving, and spirits are renewed.

Photos from Northeast Delta Human Services Authority's post 28/11/2023

Monroe, LA - Northeast Delta Human Services Authority (NEDHSA) is set to unveil a Deterra® Drug Deactivation and Disposal System Container at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, November 28, at True Releaf CBD/Hemp Store, located at 611 N. 4th Street, Monroe, La. 71201. This is the first partnership between a state agency and a Cannabidiol (CBD) store to help increase harm reduction efforts by ensuring additional safe spaces for disposal and fentanyl testing of products.

NEDHSA purchased the Drug Deactivation and Disposal Container for the public to access and use at no cost and with no questions asked. Drug Deactivation and Disposal System Containers provide safe, convenient, and permanent disposal of unused, expired, or unwanted medications.

"We are connecting more strategically and intentionally with communities and local businesses to join us as we seek to battle mental illness and addiction," Dr. Sizer said. "When evidence-based treatment and training are expanded, we will provide even more accessible, quality, and competent care to those in our region."

Dr. Sizer said "Drug Deactivation and Disposal Container initiatives have proven to be an effective weapon in helping to combat the opioid crisis. As an agency, we intend to offer our region as many opioid and other drug mitigating strategies as possible to help reduce addiction rates and early death."

True Releaf Owner Markus Bosley, Licensed Addiction Counselor, said "partnering with NEDHSA to help enhance harm reduction efforts through the CBD/Hemp community creates another avenue and opportunity to educate individual about the harmful effects of fentanyl and provide a safe space to dispose unused pills.”

"As a licensed addiction counselor and business owner with over 100 employees, this work pairs well with my personal and professional mission to empower communities and see them thrive.” Bosley said. “I am grateful for Dr. Sizer’s vision to see the CBD/Hemp community as contributors to harm reduction and bringing attention to how we can all play a vital role in combating the opioid epidemic.”

Dr. Sizer said, "we will continue to be intentional about scaling our Integrated Healthcare model in Louisiana's Delta."

"We will be more focused on helping mayors, municipal leaders, school superintendents, business executives and entrepreneurs, and law enforcement officials better understand the connection between jobs, housing, municipal infrastructure, education, food deserts, poverty, and behavioral and primary health outcomes," Dr. Sizer said. "We must think and act systemically if we hope to see significant population health improvements."


As I travel around our twelve-parish region meeting with staff, engaging with partner agencies, visiting with patients, and interacting with the general public, I am convinced of the need to further deploy our capabilities. The needs are great in Louisiana's Delta.

We announced a partnership between Northeast Delta Human Services Authority (NEDHSA) and Healthcare Pharmacy (Genoa). Genoa has served the behavioral health community for more than 20 years with its array of comprehensive pharmacy services. Genoa also offers customizable, tailored services to help meet individual needs in rural communities.

Through our partnership with Genoa, more of our patients, staff, provider network, and the entire region can now obtain cost-effective medications as part of our holistic and health care delivery system. And as part of our holistic care model and partnership with Genoa, we are now able to prescribe and ship psychotropic and primary health medications to patients regionally, better coordinate and communicate with prescribers inside and outside of our provider network, are better able to monitor patient tolerance and adherence to medications more efficiently, and can better ensure the proper storage and disposal of unused and unwanted medications.


Happy Thanksgiving to all!

's offices and clinics are closed today and tomorrow, however; if you need assistance, call us:

For individuals in a crisis regarding behavioral health, call the NEDHSA 24/7 Crisis Line at 800-256-2522. For individuals who have developmental disabilities, call the NEDHSA Waiver Service Help Line at 800-660-0488.

Other behavioral health immediate resources are as follows:
Office of Behavioral Health Keep Calm Line - 1-866-310-7977
Behavioral Health Recovery Outreach Line - 1-833-333-1132
National Su***de Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255 (vets press 1)
Crisis Text Line - Text REACHOUT to 741741
Louisiana 211 - Call 2-1-1
Emergency - Call 9-1-1

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 21/11/2023

In complex organizations, must understand and be able to successfully navigate vertical and horizontal reporting structures, service systems, and patient realities.

For more than ten years, I have been blessed to lead and intentionally build a complex organization and healthcare system in Louisiana's Delta. I have entitled the system Quantum Health Systems Model (QHSM).

QHSM is an applied conceptual framework that evolved from my training as a clinical-community psychologist, leadership scholar, behavioral and social scientist, and years serving as a CEO. Most importantly, this framework is rooted in my faith-walk.

Within QHSM, there are continuous intersections of vertical and horizontal leadership lines. Decision-making, budget negotiations, data analytics, quality assurance, staff development, programming, public relations, contracting, and patient dynamics are among other internal and external considerations that drive organizational decision-making.

At the end of the day, great organizations and health systems are centered around a profound vision to make a difference in the world. It must have a measurable mission and be grounded in transformative values. Lastly, great organizations and health systems must have a company culture that takes care of its employees, believes in innovation, and are fiscally sound.

Stay tuned for my next two books, the Spiritual Determinants of Health and Quantum Health Systems Model: Transforming America's Healthcare System.

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 16/11/2023

We are committed to creating and providing the resources and innovations needed to help our region's youth and young adults become more resilient, overcome adverse childhood trauma, and succeed academically. We hosted this event for nearly a thousand students.

We will continue to create a positive regional child, young adult, and family ecosystem that will further address the , , , , and needs of children and young adults much earlier than ever before. We also know that there is a direct correlation between childhood and negative health outcomes for children and young adults.

Lastly, we know children and young adults are looking for authenticity and a place to belong. They are looking for genuine connections to be able to express their hopes, fears, and dreams. We plan to further create lifesaving opportunities for our region's children and young adults to thrive.

Northeast Delta HSA releases Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Impact Report - Northeast Delta Human Services Authority 14/11/2023

announces its Annual Impact Report for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 (FY23), a document highlighting the agency's service in fulfilling its mission to Northeast Louisiana.

"We understand the interconnectedness between primary care and behavioral health challenges and are so committed to innovation and improving the overall population health outcomes of those who are mentally ill, addicted, disabled, and poor in Louisiana's Delta." - Dr. Monteic A. Sizer

Northeast Delta HSA releases Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Impact Report - Northeast Delta Human Services Authority Monroe, LA - Northeast Delta Human Services Authority (NEDHSA) announces its Annual Impact Report for the Fiscal Year 2022-2023 (FY23), a document highlighting the agency's service in fulfilling its mission to Northeast Louisiana.

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 14/11/2023

NEDHSA Executive Director Dr. Monteic A. Sizer said, “we must stay focused on truly meeting the comprehensive health and social needs of marginalized people in Louisiana and the nation, and we must also continue to be innovative in how we conceptualize issues and solve problems on behalf of vulnerable people and communities."

"We understand the interconnectedness between primary care and behavioral health challenges and are so committed to innovation and improving the overall population health outcomes of those who are mentally ill, addicted, disabled, and poor in Louisiana's Delta," Dr. Sizer said. "In this annual report of impact, you will see how we are transforming the region using traditional and non-traditional methods."

*Stay tuned for the press release and full analytics report dropping tomorrow. It's full of very interesting data elements. What's below is only a snapshot of what's in the full report.


presents its 2023 Winter Youth Summit "YOUth Got Next!" at North Monroe Baptist Church next Wednesday!

Get ready to be inspired this school year with Dee-1, Vitus Shell and JiggAerobics!

“We are taking action against those social determinants of health we know exist in our communities and are negatively impacting our children and youth,” Dr. Sizer said. “Events like this can help reduce childhood trauma, youth drug and alcohol addiction, su***de attempts, school truancy, and ultimately graduation rates. And even more so, events like this can create more productive citizens who have been transformed and inspired by what we’ve started.”


Executive Director Dr. Monteic A. Sizer will be a featured speaker at VFW Post 1809 Rodney J Hobbs - Monroe, La Veterans Day Event on November 11th.

“No military veteran should ever be abandoned, alone, suicidal, hungry, or homeless. They should have a safety net that meets their needs.” - Dr. Monteic A. Sizer

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 09/11/2023

While working with many years ago in Columbia, South Carolina, I promised that I would never forget their stories and service to our country. I also promised that I would be their voice and advocate for obtaining excellent primary and behavioral health services. I kept my promise then, and I continue to keep my promise now. And because of my promise, Operation Leave No Veteran Behind was born.

Last year, I spoke about believing in the best of America. I discussed how we currently live in a divided nation. I mentioned that our nation was complicated. I also shared that our nation's founding federal and state constitutional documents were brilliantly written and aspirational. They call us to our highest and most noble virtues. They speak of freedom, faith, justice, opportunity, fairness, fellowship, among other things. However, while enjoyed by many Americans, too many veterans and marginalized communities struggle to grasp or keep those promises.

I asked what will we do at this critical moment in our nation? How do we make good on those promises contained within those idyllic constitutional documents that are preserved within our federal and state legislatures? The same noble ideals many have died to protect. The same ones soldiers are still willing to risk their lives for.

I went on to share that we (NEDHSA) would do our part to ensure that our brave military veterans get quality , , , and related social supports such as housing, employment, and food. I also stated that no military veteran should ever be abandoned, alone, suicidal, hungry, or homeless.

I ended with saying that God has given us all we need as a nation. The question is, will we use what we have to benefit all? Will we continue to be entangled in the complexity of our nation’s history and our own making? Will we continue to allow untold veterans and marginalized communities to die prematurely and live beneath the rights and privileges enshrined in our nation's and state's most sacred documents? Or will we humble ourselves and truly be one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all?

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 06/11/2023

Each year, Elvin Howard, Sr. PCAF (Foundation) presents an opportunity for friends and supporters to help raise money to fight and other chronic health conditions. This year, we are honored to have Lantangela Faye as our hostess and George Bell and Friends as our musical guests. We will be revealing other guests and surprises in the days to come.

Pancreatic cancer continues to have extremely low survivor rates, and early detection and awareness are critical to beating this devastating disease. Having more could also improve client outcomes and lead to innovative pharmaceuticals and further scientific discoveries.

Recently, the Foundation modified its vision and mission statements due to African Americans and people of color being disproportionately affected by and other . The Foundation looks at the aforementioned issues through the lens of , genetic factors, public policies, insurance coverage, and individual factors.

Throughout Louisiana and nationally, I will be leading the Foundation's work with research scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and health systems. In particular, I will be sharing how a person's and health are interconnected with social and environmental factors. Additionally, I will be discussing how the aforementioned factors interact with factors. Further, I will be articulating how the previously listed factors lead to various types of cancer and related like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, and kidney disease in largely poor and marginalized communities.

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 03/11/2023

Northeast Delta HSA and Christal Wheeler Productions to present TWO showings of the new "Under Construction."

The first showing begins at 2:30 P.M., followed by another showing at 6 P.M. on Saturday, November 4th.

Attendance is FREE
Tickets are available at:

Our Why: "NEDHSA Executive Director Dr. Monteic A. Sizer said the agency "intends to help make Northeast Louisiana a regional creative hub, a preferred destination that will generate much-needed regional economic development, diversity, job creation, and more."

"We must do different things to educate, engage, and inspire the public," Dr. Sizer said. "We're helping people in our region to understand addiction and mental health issues with this innovative prevention approach. We want them to understand that all people have value and potential. This production is designed to challenge us, sadden us, and motivate us towards collective action."

"We believe there is medicine in creative expression, and the arts can help a person come alive in ways traditional treatment options can't," Dr. Sizer said. "We intend to help create an environment where dreams are realized, families are strong, bodies are healthy, community institutions are thriving, and spirits are renewed."


This , sits down with Christal Wheeler.

The writer and director of the upcoming stageplay "Under Construction," premiering Saturday at Jack Howard Theatre. (2:30 P.M. and 6 P.M.)

Catch the LIVE convo on Thursday at Noon, and reserve your FREE ticket to the play at nedhsaunder2023.eventbrite.com!

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 26/10/2023

MONROE, LA - Northeast Delta Human Services Authority (NEDHSA) announces its memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Pelican State Credit Union to help plan, coordinate, and execute efforts to educate its patients and those living in Northeast Louisiana about . The ex*****on of this partnership helps NEDHSA expand its efforts to mitigate the many negative of health found in Louisiana's Delta.

NEDHSA Executive Director Dr. Monteic A. Sizer said, "Negative social determinants of health are correlated with mental illness, addiction, disability, and primary healthcare challenges."

"We are adding financial literacy because it is also a negative social determinant of health," Dr. Sizer said. "Of the thousands of regional patients we see across our programmatic service areas, many struggle with financial issues. Our new Money is Health initiative is specifically designed to help our patients understand the connection between properly managing finances and health outcomes. Our initiative is also designed to help our patients gain control over their finaces, feel empowered, and further learn how to make informed decisions that will ultimately lead to improved health outcomes," Dr. Sizer said.


and Christal Wheeler Productions to present TWO showings of the new "Under Construction."

The first showing begins at 2:30 P.M., followed by another showing at 6 P.M. on Saturday, November 4th.

Attendance is FREE
Tickets are available at:

Northeast Delta HSA sees community utilizing no-cost vending machine for addicts 25/10/2023

Northeast Delta HSA sees community utilizing no-cost vending machine for addicts The counseling agency says it gives users the opportunity to vend any of the items privately by using what they call a privacy screen that hides the vending machine.

"Under Construction" Psychodrama 25/10/2023

"Under Construction" Psychodrama Northeast Delta HSA and Crystal Wheeler Production's theatrical production of "Under Construction." ATTENDANCE IS FREE


A Note To Leaders: Open up your mouth. The world needs to hear the truth and righteousness in an authentic, transparent way. God's truth is the only thing that will set the world free. Now, understand speaking God's truth will not be without consequences. You will be received, misunderstood, and even persecuted for the truth you carry. However, when you speak, speak from God's perspective. Seek to join people together in truth and love. Be free of spreading opinion, blame, and lies. As God's ambassador, your will is His will. Your truth is His truth. You were created with a purpose for such a time as this. To be silent is to abort the reason God created you. People are depending on what God gave you to say. So, open up your mouth!

Photos from Dr. Monteic A. Sizer's post 18/10/2023

I am a founding board member of the Elvin Howard, Sr. Advocacy Foundation (Foundation). Elvin Howard, Sr. was my father-in-law.

Each year, friends and supporters of the Foundation help raise money to fight and other chronic health conditions. Pancreatic cancer continues to have extremely low survivor rates, making early detection and awareness critical to beating this devastating disease. Having more would also improve client outcomes and lead to innovative medicines and further scientific discoveries.

Recently, the Foundation modified its vision and mission statements due to African Americans being disproportionately affected by and other forms of . The Foundation looks at the aforementioned issues through the lens of , genetic factors, public policies, insurance coverage, and lifestyle factors.

Throughout Louisiana and nationally, I am blessed to lead the Foundation's work with research scientists, pharmaceutical companies, and health systems. In particular, I am sharing how a person's and health are interconnected with social and environmental factors. Additionally, I am discussing how the aforementioned factors interact with factors. Further, I am articulating how the previously listed factors lead to various types of cancer and related like heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, liver disease, and kidney disease.

At the Foundation, we believe now is the time to commit to making good on our nation's noble promises and highest aspirations. We believe every American should be afforded an opportunity to be healthy enough to contribute to our nation and be all that God created them to be. We also believe in one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, justice, and health care for all.

Videos (show all)

As I travel around our twelve-parish region meeting with staff, engaging with partner agencies, visiting with patients, ...
2 of 4. Northeast Delta Human Services Authority (NEDHSA) announces the launch of its #suicideprevention campaign, STAY....
1 of 4. Northeast Delta Human Services Authority (NEDHSA) announces the launch of its #suicideprevention campaign, STAY....
Below is a short clip from my 2023 #OpioidSummit featured address. The theme of our summit was "Building Resilience for ...
Thousands die every year due to #opioid-involved overdoses. The misuse and addiction to opioids—including prescription p...
I discussed our nation's collective trauma and the structured relationships that formed to help shape who we are as a pe...
I discussed our nation's collective trauma and the structured relationships that formed to help shape who we are as a pe...
We must galvanize and build consensus around why it's important to improve the health of all Americans. The costs are to...
I know our nation is divided. I understand our state is, too. But how do we reduce the divisions and focus on what unite...
As I reflect this Saturday on health system leadership and the practices needed to help transform the lives of vulnerabl...
WATCH this intense scene from our Alky and Users: An Ongoing Tragedy production. This production is powerful! We hope to...