Hope for Healing Kitchen

Hope for Healing Kitchen

Gluten-Free, dairy-free recipes for the whole family, along with the pursuit to inspire more hope and healing in the journey.

My name is Stephanie Laidlaw, and I am the author of the food blog, Hope for Healing, www.glutenfreehope.blogspot.com. I live in the lovely city of Grand Rapids, MI. I strive to live a gluten-free, frugal and sustainable lifestyle. Eating whole nutritious foods has changed me and healed me, and I have more hope for healing now than ever. All of my recipes are gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free, ref

Photos from Hope for Healing Kitchen's post 01/08/2020

pick-up and farmers market haul 🌈✨ so much gratitude for our local farmers and markets right now 🙌🏻💪🏼what are some of your favorite summer veg recipes? What foods are keeping you grounded and nourished right now?

Peppermint Pattie Cookies 11/04/2020

Another great homemade candy-cookie that is just a few ingredients and always a favorite! Give it a try and hopefully those in quarentine with you are willing to be nice and share ;) Happy Easter, friends!


Peppermint Pattie Cookies I dunno about you, but I am going to celebrate with some mouth-melting peppermint patty cookies. It's no green beer, or corn-beef and ca...

Homemade Chocolate Covered Sunbutter Eggs 11/04/2020

A fun Easter recipe from many years ago... some homemade candies from the pantry...you can use whatever nut or seed butter you got and can even use any meltable chocolate too... Hope you are finding ways to enjoy this season and stay safe- sending love and light to you xoxo


Homemade Chocolate Covered Sunbutter Eggs Happy Easter! This was a last minute treat I made today. Yes, Easter is tomorrow. And, yes I know it is not really all about eggs, bu...

Sunbutter No-Bake Oat Cookies 23/03/2020

No Bakes!!! Kid-friendly-fun, hopefully easy pantry items, and they are so yummy! Stress eating these too.... it could be worse ;) Stay home and safe my friends xoxo


Sunbutter No-Bake Oat Cookies Hope you all had a great Christmas- can you believe how it goes by so quickly and then the new year is right before us?! I love reminisci...

Photos from Hope for Healing Kitchen's post 20/03/2020

Friends, the last week has had me, like I'm sure many of us, in waves of disorientation, shock, panic, stress, and anxiety. This collective energy of disruption to “normal life” and need to a place to land and feel secure. Feelings of fear, of uncontrollable unknowns, of what to do and how to help. The magnitude of this disruption has left me without words really. Just mostly trying to be still and listen and wait for what unfolds next with a prayerful heart.

And in those first few days of state-wide shutdown (like only 7 days ago!), it was just making sure my own little family had what it needed to ride this out on a very real and practical way. I too went to many stores to get whatever needed pantry food and vegetables to ride out a few weeks at home. I too made my necessary stops for family medicines, vitamins and whatever I could think of we would need in this emergency situation. I know, my dear friends, you were and are doing the same.

We have been all hustling to do what we must and as we settle in our home-quarantines the dust settles a bit more, and we try and check on the stress-inducing news less, and we are doing the hard work of keeping our families alive and safe at home as best we can amidst financial stress and all the other facets for our health and economy. All the while checking in with all our loved ones or neighbors that might need help in some way. Maybe for many of us the main stress has been how to keep the kids busy and learning, and how to stay sane in the unknowing weeks ahead. I’m right there with ya!

I have found so much grounding in this time being surrounded by so many wise friends that have gifted us their presence online. The last few days of people pouring out educational resources, kid-friendly movement videos, music, virtual book-readings, podcasts, meditations, spiritual practices, yoga, and so much more to help us tap into our humanity, but also that we are all connected and in this effort together. I love it. I tear up every story I hear of how we are coming together and fighting the Coronavirus in our own little corner. And were only a week in. I can’t even imagine the creativity and possibilities to come as we continue together in this global challenge. This suffering will in no doubt change us.

So, I am staying vigilant on looking for the good, for the helpers, prayers for the front-line workers in hospitals and grocery stores, and seeing where I can best support or give, but also in my own little corner I create and make recipes in hopes to bring love, connection and nourishment to my people. So I thought I would gather a few of my favorite pantry-rich-staple recipes together and share them here...


This last week I have had many of my dear friends text and say that they are making one of my soup recipes, or my red lentil taco recipe… and well, it reminded me that we all have something to share in this. Or maybe just having a little more time in the kitchen at home won’t be a stressful thing ;) Hopefully cooking can add value and strength to your mental and physical health too. All those vitamins and rest nourishing our systems and giving us courage for our next steps.

Also, I have fed my kids frozen pizza a few of the days this week, so there’s that… :)

I hope only to share the recipes to maybe inspire some ideas for what to make from pantry items or what maybe to buy if you have to run to the grocery store once and want to make it without heading back for a few days/weeks. Some of my best meals come out of a lacking-pantry with whatever I've got and can be put together quickly. Sometimes the best soup or stew is just cleaning out the fridge with whatever is left. I hope you are finding ways to do the same for your family and loved ones.

Sending love and virtual hugs xoxo


Elderberry Ginger Blueberry Warm Smoothie Recipe
¼ cup of dried elderberry
1 quart glass jar
4 cups of boiling water

Steep the dried elderberries in the boiling water in the quart jar for at least 15 minutes and really let the elderberries get soft and soak in, then use a tea sieve or strainer and another jar to remove the elderberries from the tea. You can use the berries again for a more diluted tea if you prefer before composting.

In a medium saucepan, add the 4 cups of elderberry tea with the following to steep:

2 cups of frozen or thawed blueberries
1 cup of pomegranate juice (or you can use whatever fruit juice you have available….apple, pear, cherry...the hope would be to use a no sugar added and 100% fruit juice option)

Approximately 1 cup of peeled and roughly chopped fresh raw ginger
1 organic orange sliced
1 small organic lemon sliced
Pinch of sea salt

Optional drizzle of raw honey or maple syrup to sweeten the ginger

Also optional spices to add:
Pinch of cinnamon, cloves, and cardamom

You can also play around with the recipe amounts if you would like to add more blueberries then go for it- or more ginger- thats great!!

Let all the above ingredients simmer and boil on the stove for an hour and then let cool for another 30-60 minutes before adding to a high power blender and blending until smooth and still warm to drink. You may need to blend two batches depending on the size of your blender and just be careful to wait until the brew is cooled a bit so you are not blending boiling liquid.

It should be smooth and warm to drink and occasionally you might get a little string of ginger but just think of all the ginger nutrition you’re drinking ;)

I store the extra smoothie in glass jars with lids that I can easily warm up with ½ part hot water and ½ part smoothie and get almost a warm smoothie tea-like brew. Also, you can drink best at room temperature or warmed up. Try to avoid drinking the smoothie cold when trying to nourish and keep the digestive tract warm.

Sending love and nourishing vibes your way, my friends xoxox

Warm Cranberry-Ginger-Pear Smoothie 06/03/2020

Another warm smoothie recipe with cranberries, pears and tons of fresh ginger 🥰🥰🥰

Maybe these few recipes will inspire some warm immunities booster smoothies of your own with whatever ingredients you have available... if you come up with one- please share!!!!


Warm Cranberry-Ginger-Pear Smoothie It's been a busy few weeks of November here. Hence my lack of presence. It doesn't mean I haven't been cooking. Oh jeez- I have been cooki...


Hello dear ones 🙏❤️ Staying healthy is so much on our collective minds right now and a great reminder to us that our bodies are a gift to love and nourish. I just picked up a big bag of fresh ginger and elderberry to make this warm and nourishing smoothie this weekend.

+ it’s packed full of vitamin C with elderberry, blueberries and lemon or oranges

+ a major dose of fresh ginger that can strengthen your whole system and fight off any invasive germs

Also, it is one of my most favorite ways to use all those frozen Michigan blueberries in my freezer... and beyond all of that, this smoothie is special because it is WARM. It will not shut down digestion or our immunities boosters by drinking a COLD drink.

Let’s keep reminding each other that the best ways to stay healthy is in nourishing ways for my mind, body and spirit 🙏

Hope you give this one a try- sending love and light to you 💕💕💕


Photos from Hope for Healing Kitchen's post 03/02/2020

Another women’s wellness retreat weekend of nourishing women with love, connection and presence! What a gift to do this work and to be always inspired by women who show up to the hard wounds and tapes that we no longer want controlling us! Women are the force of change and love in the world🙏❤️ I am so honored to bear witness to this work while sharing my recipes and presence!


A Ginger Turmeric latte (AKA golden milk) was calling for me the past few days. I ran out special yesterday to get fresh ginger and fresh turmeric to grate into the coconut milk. In this season of cold and darkness, this simple warm cup of goodness nourishes the body and soul 💛🌕✨ You can also play around with the measurements and use whatever plant mylk you love. I also sometimes add a can of coconut cream to thicken it up too. ENJOY and much love xoxo


Photos from Hope for Healing Kitchen's post 07/01/2020

January is for bread making, tea brewing, and sharing grace and kindness to ourselves and those around us. We need to know we are loved and supported even when the voices of 'doing more or better or resolutions' are in full force. Or maybe you need that extra reminder of love when you are in the struggle for change and better choices for yourself. We are better together- connected- and you are worthy, beautiful, and enough just as you are dear one


Happy Winter Solstice, friends 🧡✨ this recipe is a warming, centering, and calming brew for the season of feasting and togetherness. The fragrant ingredients in this recipe will nourish your body and fill your home with all the warm fuzzy feelings of Christmas too 🙏🎄🥰 May you not fear the darkness of this season- but welcome it’s gift of inner growing, quietness, and rest for the soul- and may you not feel alone for you are loved ❤️❤️❤️


Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Chickpea Curry 15/12/2019

Made this lovely meal for a group of courageous women today 🙏❤️ wanted to share again as it is one of those wonderful simple recipes to make this holiday season or in the new year 🙌🏻🙌🏻 enjoy!!!


Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Chickpea Curry HAPPY NEW YEAR, friends! I hope you had only positive affirmations, dreams and goals as you process the past and look forward to the next ...


How about getting into the Christmas season with some allergy-free fun that includes all humans- especially those who have been excluded because of what you look like or what foods you CAN’T eat. These are for you! It doesn’t matter what you look like or what you believe or where you came from or what you’ve done or what was done to you- you are loved and you are an amazing breathing human being just for being you ✨❤️🧡💛💚💙💜Gingerbread People Cookie Recipe
{gluten, dairy, egg, nut, seed and refined-sugar free}

1 1/2 cup of ground certified gluten-free oat flour
1 cup of white rice flour
1/2 cup of tapioca flour
1/3 cup of potato starch
1/2 cup of coconut palm sugar
1/2 ts. of sea salt
1/2 ts. of baking soda
1/2 ts. of baking powder
2 1/2 ts. ground ginger
1/2 ts. ground cinnamon
1/3 cup of applesauce
1/4 cup of blackstrap molasses
1/4 cup of maple syrup
2/3 cup of soft coconut oil
1 ts. of apple cider vinegar

Mix all the dry ingredients together first in a large mixing bowl. Then add in the wet and lastly mix in the softened coconut oil. It may seem to resemble a biscuit recipe and will be a sticky mess. Use extra rice or tapioca flour to make it less sticky and knead the dough ball into a nice rounded ball and place back in the mixing bowl and in the fridge for 15-20 minutes. This will stiffen the dough and make it ready to cut in 2 or 4 pieces and roll out on a parchment paper to 1 inch thickness and then you can use your cookie cutters on them. This one I used the ginger-people cutter- but you could also just boycott the people and go straight to the stars and hearts 🙂 Bake on a parchment papered baking sheet in a 350 degree oven for 12-15 minutes until golden and crispy. Let cool for 15 minutes before moving to avoiding cracking and breaking of the cookies.


Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving breakfast anyone....??? If you are looking for a gluten-free and dairy-free favorite dessert- THIS. IS. IT!



My most beloved and favorite Thanksgiving recipe and delight! The main question is how many pies/bars am I going to make?!? Time to start planning- you for sure want to have some leftovers and maybe even start the day with the pie like we have made a tradition the past few years ;) So much love and light as you plan for the holiday in the coming days xoxo



You may notice my recipe links are at a new place... :) I have been posting and will continue to grow my recipe bank at my new site...www.hopeforhealingkitchen.com

Here is another beautiful dish with a blend of wild rice and mushrooms. It can be used to fill roasted acorn squash or even as a stuffing-like side for the Thanksgiving table. So much robust flavor! Hope you ENJOY xoxo


Photos from Hope for Healing Kitchen's post 20/11/2019

Hello friends


So warm and comforting... the Creamy Vegan Tomato Bisque! I’m making this family favorite soup for dinner tonight with some vegan grilled cheez, yummmmm! This recipe is from a few years ago but always a favorite when the weather turns cooler and the rain and leaves are a blowin’ 🍁🌧💨hope you give it a try and ENJOY ❤️❤️❤️ much love and light to you!


Damn Good Crock Pot Beef Stew 12/10/2019

One of my kids favorite fall crockpot meals- making it today and remembering how wonderful it is!!! Hope you have some warm and nourishing meals available this weekend- much love and light to you!!!


Damn Good Crock Pot Beef Stew Thank you, God- for crock pots, stews, soups and whatever else you can cook-up, leave and then serve wonderfully a few hours later. But re...

Photos from Hope for Healing Kitchen's post 23/09/2019

Happy first day of FALL, friends! I am feeling it today :) The clouds rolling in with the cooler air and the sound of the leaves falling and crunching in the breeze. The most wonderful time of year!!! But also, because it is soup and bread season of course and here is my latest little soup recipe to nourish your body and soul. One full of anti-imflammatory ingredients and a broth that will make you feel strong in mind and body. I hope you give it a whirl and ENJOY xoxo


Photos from Hope for Healing Kitchen's post 08/08/2019

The start of school is just around the corner! Here's a post with a few easy ready-to-pack ideas to enjoy some fruit and veggie snacks and also a few big batch recipes of granola and muffins to enjoy all those fresh blueberries and fruits this season. Putting aside just a bit of time to plan and create will make the packing and enjoying less stressful. I hope you ENJOY and PLEASE share any other ideas and recipes here to contribute to the conversation!!!! Sending love and light today xoxo



A little recipe to help nourish and balance after all the spring dampness. Lots of pungent flavor! and lots of love and light to you as you usher into this summer season!


Photos from Grand Rapids Wellness's post 15/05/2019

The grass and trees are filling in with that bright green we've been missing for months! And now my body is craving that green too- a kale smoothie- is just about perfect on a day like today out in the sun. ENJOY!


show up for yourself this dreary Monday morning. feed your mind and your body and your soul. find a few moments to connect with yourself with meditation or journaling or prayer. may you know and believe that you are love and light today, friends❤️

Kale Smoothie Recipe* : http://glutenfreehope.blogspot.com/2017/06/pineapple-kale-lime-smoothie.html?m=1

*today I left out the dates and added a bunch of cilantro and some fresh raw ginger


I made these quick vegan GF cookies a few days ago as an after-school snack for the kids and they have been a hit for snacks, breakfast and lunchbox treats all week 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 I’ll share the easy peasy recipe below in comments...


Fri-YAY! We made it! Friday-Night-Pizza-Night!!!

This recipe is our weekly ritual. I dig out some of the leftover veggies and whatever is left in the fridge for the week to top the pizzas. The kids like it simple and basic, and I don't care! We sometimes pick out a movie and make it a night to connect and ground us after a busy week. May love and connection be yours too


simple things bring great joy 🎉 (but I also humbly come from the opinion that there is nothing better than bread+butter+honey)

how do you love using my oat bread recipe!?!? I would love to hear as I write my cookbook... 🤗😘

Photos from Hope for Healing Kitchen's post 20/02/2019

toast. my breakfast lunch and dinner meal. there’s a thousand ways to dress toasty bread. I believe bread heals. I make bread as a meditation and a prayer. I share bread as a gift far beyond filling a belly. it nourishes body, mind and soul. and that’s why in my cookbook writing, my first chapter is fully dedicated to my bread. yes, mine is a bit off the beaten-kneaded path being GF and free from all major allergens 😂🤗 but bread none the same that heals and transforms ❤️🙏 so tell me friends and followers- what of my recipes would you say is a favorite or a must for my cookbook? I have a list of my own 😂 but what would you say?!?