YOUniversal Truth

YOUniversal Truth

"See the Light, Feel the Love, Know the Truth!"


a book by annie kagan
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So True!
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The beginning of Chapter Twenty …

“Massive changes taking place within your cellular structure are causing symptoms that many find puzzling under the conditions of profound change taking place in your world. Each of you is experiencing evidence of the ascension process in every aspect of your daily lives. And even though there may be a firm theoretical understanding of the basis for these phenomena, your conditioning as a being schooled in consensus thinking brings you to question, again and again, what your own experience has shown you.

There is no reliable frame of reference to draw on for some of what you may experience. For, life as you know it has taken a radical divergence from what you have been programmed to expect. You are being presented with conditions of an uncharted territory within the context of your own linear awareness.

Your concept of reality will have shifted countless times in the course of coming to this place in your unfoldment. Others who surround you will have reflected some degree of affirmation of the validity of these changes. Yet, now you find yourself questioning much of the ground you have covered. Even though many others are undergoing similar upheavals in their own lives, it is part and parcel of the process to drift back, yet again, into the seas of doubt.

You will experience this momentary sense of backsliding over and over again, as you begin to harness the surge in the energies that drives you to peer over the edge of all you have come to know and believe. Your priorities will have shifted so radically in this heightened phase of your transformation process that the choices presented are often between your own vantage point and that of another. You come to understand that there are truly no generalizations to be made about the nature of your own journey. And you will come to own and to cherish your own perceptions, regardless of whether there is contradictory information coming from other sources.

This is the time to cease looking to your left and to your right to be sure that the others with whom you assume you are sharing this experience of transformation are still beside you. In likelihood, they are not. They will have followed their own divergent paths, reinforced by their own experiences. The guidebooks penned by those who have, themselves, made this journey, can map the way for you just so far. For, each can only document his/her own personal experience. No one can begin to outline what will come to pass for you.”

Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 20

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On manifesting, backsliding, and the ascension process …

“The level of resistance one experiences at the various categories of vibration you would consider to be your “dimensions,” would be a mirroring of one’s own density resonance in juxtaposition with that reality at large.

Thus, one being is simultaneously experiencing the full gamut of possibilities and the full range of ease or difficulty at *manifesting* their heart’s desire, or their highest thought for themselves, at an infinite number of levels.

The focus upon a particular scenario and one’s perception of that reality as the “here and now” is determined by one’s ability to deal with the life lessons being presented at a given level of awareness.

One is able, then, to tune in sequentially to a range of possible realities and to perceive that collective body of experience as one cohesive unit.

In fact, one is technically bouncing between realities all the time, depending upon one’s state of beingness in the “now moment.”

When one’s awareness, as a materialized presence, has bridged the gap between major categories of vibration, known as “dimensions,” the crossing over is more dramatic and the transition more obvious.

What could be perceived as *backsliding* experientially is, in fact, evidence of a major crossing over into realms of experience wherein one is then of greater density, relative to the environment at large.

Inter-dimensional *ascension* is marked by dramatic and poignant experiences of difficulty where seemingly only days or weeks earlier, life was moving forward with an ease that had never before been experienced.”

—- Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 19

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Every experience, whether gentle or challenging, is a perfect reflection of our inner experience. When we see the world through a lens of beliefs and attachments, that is what we see. The same challenges are presented to us, over and over again, perfectly reflecting the beliefs we hold.

The challenges we face in the world—with our families, our work, and the rest of our lives—exist to shed light on inner beliefs. If we believe something is wrong, the universe shows us what is wrong. These attachments keep appearing until we decide to let them go in order to move beyond them. When certain thoughts and feelings are not held, then the universe shows us something else.

Experience Life through Stillness, through pure detached Awareness, and that is what we will see. In this moment, Life becomes an expression of pure clarity, of divine flow. 'The world is who we are', writes MSI, “We are our Attention”.



“The most important teacher is always going to come from deep within you.”
~ Adyashanti
Individuality and the Totality
January 11, 2023


We are Ascending

“Never before in the history of your world has there been a time of transformation such as this. These times mark the completion of a cycle whose ramifications are felt throughout Creation.

What is transpiring in the “here and now” of your experience is no more or less intense than the shifts being integrated by beings in other dimensions. For, All Creation is engulfed in the momentum of change. And all are grappling with the repercussions of the integration of accelerated vibration—and experiencing the wonders of a new world of perception—on an individual basis.

In your world, these times mark the end of an era that has been characterized by unprecedented change. In a relatively short period of time, the human race on planet Earth has gone from the level of material subsistence to a level of sophisticated technological advancement that refines and re-refines itself with each waking breath.

At the same time, your innate sensitivity and awareness of the reality of the world beyond the material has come to the forefront of the consciousness of humankind, irrespective of differences in culture.

There is a spontaneous experience of awakening transpiring throughout the “here and now” of your world. And for those privileged to be living in populations where awareness of these changes is acknowledged openly, there is much camaraderie and support available.

For others in more repressed cultural environments, the experience of energy assimilation is a more personal one. Individuals going through these times under such conditions are experiencing the major shifts in awareness in ways that are profound and empowering, many of them unaware that all are undergoing these experiences.”

— Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha beginning of ch. 19

Available through all major retailers and the Oneness website here:


“What moves you and motivates you from a non-personal view is Love. Not a personal love but God’s Love, a universal Love. This Love is beyond any personal motivation or energy. It is not a motivation nor an agenda, but rather the movement of that which is beyond self. It happens almost unconsciously in the sense that it is non-self-reflective and non-self-motivated, but rather spontaneous and unselfconscious. It is not a feeling either, but pure action arising from emptiness.”
~ Adyashanti
“Experiencing No-Self” Audio Course


From the book “Journey to Oneness” by Rasha


The soul is the place within which everything you know is already integrated, and simply awaits the outward expression of that. So take a moment whenever anything is confronting you—something that you call “good news” or something you call “bad news”—and instruct your Mind to let you act as if you are out of your Mind. Then notice your response emerge without thinking, producing a spontaneous demonstration of your Soul’s wisdom and awareness.


“If we are to find heaven here on earth, we must be willing to open ourselves to the unknown, far beyond where most people will allow themselves to go.”
~ Adyashanti
Resurrecting Jesus


“Those who persist in the myopic, ego-centered focus of the present will fall by the wayside as they encounter and integrate the higher frequencies. The thrust of the momentum toward the unification of all consciousness will not touch some and spare others.

All will feel and manifest the consequences of aligning with or resisting the powerful energies of change.

All will know, as they rise to the fullness of their potential as beings, or succumb to their stubborn refusal to acknowledge their connectedness, that the force they have encountered is undeniable.

Some will call it God and will open with the fullness of their essence to the opportunity to integrate and become One with All That Is. And some will grumble and curse their deteriorated circumstances and blame others for their plight.

As the schism widens between those living in alignment and those living in separation from the energy of Oneness, it will not be possible to maintain a position of compromise.

Ultimately, the choice must be made to respond to the energy that reaches out to include you in its loving embrace. Recognizing that invitation, within the depths of one’s heart, is the beginning of the process. And as the smile of inner recognition spreads across your face, you know, without knowing how, that a passionate, never-ending journey has begun.”


Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 9

Available through all major retailers and the Oneness website here:


“One’s priority becomes one in which the self is revered, and the maintenance of one’s state of inner harmony outweighs any inclination to engage in encounters where conflict and discord would diminish that state.

One becomes aware that the need to put forth one’s viewpoint and to have it embraced by others is of less importance than maintaining the harmonious state within. A peaceful sense of allowance takes precedence and one finds oneself responding with what could be called “detached indifference,” more often than not.

In this state, there is simply not the vested interest in certain issues that may once have been major “triggers” of emotional response throughout most of one’s life. Now, such matters seem irrelevant. One takes on a distanced perspective with regard to the choices of others. And one realizes that meddling in the affairs of another has no place in this journey.

Ultimately, one’s choices are one’s own. And while it is the cultural norm, for so many of you, to put forth your viewpoint on the actions and choices of others, this is an action that detracts from the focus on self which is of greatest importance in the times at hand.”

Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 8

Available through all major retailers and the Oneness website here:


“It is to be expected that moments of profound clarity are interspersed with episodes of diminished response where one’s performance in a given interaction is less than elevated and reflective of the vibrational levels embodied in the moment. Do not fault yourself in these momentary setbacks.

For, full integration of the principles upon which you are working at the deepest level is a gradual and ongoing process. The testing conditions with which you are living in these times allow the principles in question to be fully integrated. The application of the understandings is given a full range of opportunity to be expressed as life experience. And one is able to reach a place within where one can feel whether or not one is attuned at the higher frequencies and know when one is operating from the higher end of one’s energy spectrum and when one is not.

With each choice made and in every encounter, one reinforces the levels at which one is able to perform in one’s day-to-day life. As the principles are integrated into one’s response mechanism and the reflex reactions of cultural conditioning are deleted, one emerges in a balanced, harmonious state that precludes the possibility of being drawn into encounters that would jeopardize those rarefied levels.

The conscious sidestepping of questionable encounters and compromised environments help to reinforce one’s heightened levels of attunement and one’s ability to sustain those levels consistently. One becomes aware of a newfound self-protectiveness, stemming not from fear but from self-love. With it comes a recognition of one’s right to honor and hold exalted the sanctity of that state of being.”

Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 8

Available through all major retailers and the Oneness website here:


“Surely most who read these words have experienced moments where one has tapped into levels of clarity and perspective that are rarefied. And most have had experiences where one speaks with a level of wisdom that is at once profound, and yet simple.

In that moment, there is the utmost clarity on the issues in question. And one wonders, in passing, “where the wisdom is coming from,” for it transcends conscious mind. These isolated moments are a taste of the state of beingness toward which you journey. These are moments where you embody the elevated perspective of the enlightened aspect of your own being, with whom you are bonding in increments.

The process is not focused on a clearly demarcated “goal line” that you cross, once and for all, after a marathon run. This process is ongoing. There are quantum leaps in vibration and in the consciousness that accompanies it.

And there are setbacks, as one is given opportunity upon opportunity to apply the understandings attained, until the concepts are internalized, not as newfound knowledge, but fully integrated as knowingness.

As one is able to apply one’s understandings consistently in one’s day-today life, one is able to manifest the exquisite moments of clarity more and more consistently. Ultimately, the lucid levels of perception become the norm, and one’s perspective stabilizes at the higher frequencies, permitting the more enlightened state of being to preside.”

Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 8

Available through all major retailers and the Oneness website here:


On the meaning of faith …

“When you recognize the level of connectedness that you carry within your very own heart and experience the love that is harbored there for you, you will have taken the first tentative steps toward that leap. For the leap in faith comes not in one’s denial, or one’s repression, of the fear of “the void” that is virtually universal. The leap in faith comes of daring to face the void and know it for the manifestation of the illusion of separation that it, in fact, is.

In order to transcend this, the ultimate fear—the fear that one is actually alone in this odyssey called life—it is necessary to surrender totally to that fear. In order to know, experientially, the state of fearlessness that comes of aligning with one’s Godself, it is necessary to undergo what might be considered to be a series of initiations. These manifestations, as experiences, of one’s fear of the state of disconnection, are in fact illusory devices that you have created for yourself so that you might have the means of proving otherwise.

By consciously choosing, in one’s darkest hour, to reject the vision of hopelessness that appears inevitable, and to choose instead the knowingness that the outcome will reflect your highest possible good, you open the doorway within to the place of loving trust that will lead you home.

This blind leap in faith has been spoken of throughout time immemorial, and is known by every culture throughout your planetary history. Yet most address this reference with an air of mockery in light of the very real-seeming circumstances at hand.

What is called for is not bravery and heroism in that “moment of truth,” but total detachment. A level of surrender is called for that has released all attachment to outcome. This level of surrender is achieved when one stands on the very edge of one’s gravest fear and knows, in that moment, that there is nothing to fear.”

Excerpt From the book “Oneness” by Rasha ch. 8

Available through all major retailers and the Oneness website here:


First, we become aware of that which is Divine around us. Then we become aware of that which is Divine within us. Finally, we become aware that all is Divine, and that there is nothing else. This is the moment of our awakening.

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From the book ‘Journey to Oneness’ by Rasha


“As soon as you move out of truth, you feel it, kinesthetically; you feel it in your body when you’ve disconnected.”
~ Adyashanti
Resurrecting Jesus


"There will be many self-righteous practitioners along the way, who will seek to recruit you into their mode of belief and expression. Yet, your own path is uniquely yours. Come home to your own sacred center. For, it is here that the real journey begins."

-- from the book "A Journey to Oneness" by Rasha

Available through all major retailers and the Oneness website here: