Breakthrough Remedies

Breakthrough Remedies

Promoting well being, and describing breakthrough remedies, with research, articles and product offerings.

Mito Osteo for pain relief, better memory and increase in energy 07/12/2015

All Natural Remedy For Joint Pain, Better Memory & Increase Energy...Check out the Link below

Mito Osteo for pain relief, better memory and increase in energy The Ultimate Anti Aging Energy and Joint Pain Supplement!

Timeline photos 03/12/2015

The Amazing Benefits Of Knowing, Growing & Using Herbs For Health and More... Click The Link To Find Out More

Timeline photos 16/11/2015

Have you gotten out of your comfort zone today?

Does the thought of exercise turn you right off? Then try this!
Say to yourself, "self, what is your body going to look like in five years time. Am I going to be waddling rather than striding. Am I going to be taking anti-arthitus pills rather than keeping all my joints working. Am I going to be looking for a diet rather than eat healthy now.

Our poster for today, reminds us that we all need exercise. The hardest part is actually taking time out, or making the effort to do it.

Whether you use the treadmill inside for twenty minutes, or go to the gym, or simply leave the car in the garage and take a walk to the shops, you know it's going to be beneficial long term.

Don't put it off. Just get up RIGHT NOW and walk out the door. Go on - as Nike says, JUST DO IT!


Avocados are one of the healthiest foods on the planet!

Here's more info... with scientific research to back it up.
Avocados, which are actually classified as a fruit, are rich in monounsaturated fat that is easily burned for energy. Personally, I eat a whole avocado virtually every day, which I usually put in my salad. This increases my healthy fat and calorie intake without seriously increasing my protein or carbohydrate intake. (See Nutrition Facts Panel below.) It is also very high in potassium and will help balance your vitally important potassium to sodium ratio.

verall, most people would do well to get upwards of 50-70 percent fat in their diet (along with high amounts of vegetable carbs, moderate-to-low amounts of high-quality protein, and very little, if any, carbs). According to the California Avocado Commission, a medium Hass avocado contains about 22.5 grams of fat, two-thirds of which is monounsaturated.

They're also very low in fructose, which is yet another boon, and provide close to 20 essential health-boosting nutrients, including:
Potassium (more than twice the amount found in a banana)
Vitamin E
Folic acid
Avocados are one of the safest fruits you can buy conventionally-grown,and most experts do not believe you need to purchase organic ones. Their thick skin protects the inner fruit from pesticides. Additionally, it has been rated as one of the safest commercial crops in terms of pesticide exposure,3 so there's no real need to spend extra money on organic avocados, unless you can afford it.

Avocados have a long list of potential health benefits. For example, besides its anti-inflammatory properties, previous research from Japan suggests this powerful fruit may also help protect against liver damage. In one study,4 laboratory rats were fed avocado and 22 other fruits. The rats were then given D-galactosamine, a potent liver toxin that interferes with cell synthesis and results in cell death. The rats fed avocado suffered the least amount of liver damage. The chemical-induced liver injuries resemble those caused by viruses, so the researchers suggested avocado could potentially offer support in the treatment of viral hepatitis.

According to one lead author Hirokazu Kawagishi, Ph.D:
"Besides offering taste and nutrition, avocados seem to improve liver health. People should eat more of them."

How to Get More Avocado into Your Diet
While avocado is commonly eaten raw, on salad or alone, with nothing but a dash of Himalayan salt and some ground pepper, for example, there are many other ways to include avocado in your diet.

For example, you can use avocado in the following ways:
Use as a fat replacement in baking. Simply replace the fat called for (such as oil, butter or shortening) with an equal amount of avocado
Use as a first food for babies, in lieu of processed baby food
Add raw avocado to salads every day

Seven Superfoods for Weight Management 21/10/2015

My favorite is #2, but #1 is my hubby's fave.
What's yours?

Seven Superfoods for Weight Management A key principle for successful weight management is to teach your body to burn fat instead of sugar and to do that, you need to eat foods high in healthy fats.

Timeline photos 06/10/2015

Bodacious Berry Explosion
1 cup blueberries
1 cup strawberries
1 cup raspberries
1 cup blackberries
1 cup grapes
2 Fuji apples
Juice (or blend) the berries first, apples last.
Health nuts can add a little kale...

Learn Herbs - With Jane Williams - Breakthrough Remedies 06/10/2015

Would you like to learn more about herbs?
Our own Jane Williams has a great guide
to choosing, growing, and using herbs. Check it out

Learn Herbs - With Jane Williams - Breakthrough Remedies Learn Herbs is a 200+ page book that shares growing tips, medicinal uses and recipes for 30 essential herbs! Click to learn more.

5 foods that relieve pain with Jane Williams - Breakthrough Remedies 06/10/2015

Our own Jane Williams shares 5 great pain-relieving
remedies you can put in action today!

5 foods that relieve pain with Jane Williams - Breakthrough Remedies Here's our own wonderful Jane Williams with a short video showing you five common foods that will give you pain relief.


Here's some great simple smoothies for you to try.
Makes me wonder... are smoothies a regular item for you?
Y =yes
N = no


Do you look like this on Monday mornings?

Timeline photos 30/09/2015

Today we show a poster with the expression that if you are not sick then you must be well, but we all know deep in our heart that wellness has to be created.

We need to eat the right foods. Cut down on those excesses. Exercise as often as possible. Get enough sleep. Stop worrying about the little things. Forgive. Smile. Have fun. Enjoy life.

Type in Y if you can feel the warmth returning.
Type N if you need a hug.

Herbal Remedies to Relieve Arthritis Pain - Breakthrough Remedies 09/09/2015

Here's a great little article on herbal remedies for arthritis.
Check it out...
And if you have a favorite arthritis remedy,
please tell us about it.

Herbal Remedies to Relieve Arthritis Pain - Breakthrough Remedies Arthritis can’t be cured, but it can definitely be managed. Many tips towards natural healing that we discuss on Breakthrough Remedies, such as water therapy, exercise, mindfulness, and more, are excellent sources of strength and comfort over the long-term. While exercises such as yoga are crucial t…

Grow Your Own Herb Garden - Breakthrough Remedies 08/09/2015

Growing herbs is easier than you think... here's a great article.
Have you ever grown your own herbs?
Y = yes
N = no

Grow Your Own Herb Garden - Breakthrough Remedies Herbs are one of the easiest things you can grow at home. They don’t need a lot of space, so even if you live in a city or a small apartment you can have a windowbox garden. It’s cheaper than buying fresh herbs from the store, and you also know that they are organic and …

Herbs for Pain Relief - Breakthrough Remedies 08/09/2015

Would you like to learn more about herbs for pain relief?
Then check this article out!
Also.... would you like an ebook all about knowing, growing & using herbs?
Y = yes, tell me more
N = no thanks

Herbs for Pain Relief - Breakthrough Remedies Sometimes it can be just as important to think about what we don’t want from the new year as it is to think about what we do want. Sure, running that 5K would be nice. But in addition to adding extra successes to your year, is there anything that’s a drain on your happiness, and that you’ve …


Here is a short story I wrote last week...
not related to remedies...

Timeline photos 03/09/2015

ROSE OIL. Beauty epitomised in a single exquisite flower. Is the thorn there to prick us back to reality?

Damask rose oil has an alluring aroma. Colour ranges from clear to a pale yellow. A rose distillery existed in Shiraz, Persia in 1612. Rose is one of the first flowers to be distilled into oil.

It takes about 60,000 roses, to make 30 mls of rose otto. Damask rose oil is non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing but should not be used during pregnancy.

Damask rose oil soothes and balances the mind, and helps fight depression, anger, grief, fear, nervous tension and stress, whilst addressing s*xuality, self-nurturing, self esteem and dealing with emotional problems.

It is helpful for poor circulation and heart problems, including heart palpitations, arrhythmia and high blood pressure. It is also used to boost the liver and gall bladder.

For the respiratory system it assists with asthma, coughs and hay fever, and in the digestive system for liver congestion and nausea.

Rose otto oil has a clearing, cleansing, regulating and purifying effect on the female s*x organs and can be used for regulating and balancing hormones, irregular menstruation, functional infertility, uterine bleeding and other uterine disorders, while having a general toning effect on the uterus.

It is most effective for moisturizing and hydrating the skin, whilst having a general stimulant and antiseptic action, which is good for all skin types, but especially so for dry, mature and irritated skin. It is used to repair broken capillaries, inflammation as well as skin redness and is useful in eczema and herpes.

Rose water can be used for conjunctivitis.

Natural Remedies for Oily Hair - Breakthrough Remedies 02/09/2015

Recently, we talked about some of the best natural remedies for dry and damaged hair.
Dry and damaged hair can be managed ithe short-term with any one of the remedies we posted, and in the long-term a change to your beauty regimen can go a long way. (For example, damaged hair is most often caused by harsh treatment, such as curling irons and hair dryers).

Oily hair, on the other hand, can be be more complicated. Oily hair is caused b one of two things. Either you inherited it from your parents (in which case, it’s a harder problem to solve), or you just need to be more stringent with your washing routine.

If you’re in the category of people who do wash regularly (those without oily hair can wash less frequently, but people with oily hair probably need to wash daily) and you’re still not seeing an improvement, then all hope is not lost.

Just like with dry hair, there are also plenty of natural remedies to manage your oily hair. Just try out some from this list by Mother Nature Network:

Home Remedies for Oily Hair

Rinse hair with a mixture of two tablespoons vinegar to one cup water, or one-quarter cup of lemon juice and one cup of water.
Use an alcoholic drink to create a drying effect on the hair. Mix a few tablespoons of alcohol with a cup of water, use to cleanse hair, and then rinse with water.

One-quarter cup of cider vinegar mixed with water can be used to create a spray that targets product build up.

Use diluted tea, which contains an astringent, to rinse your hair.
Healthy diet, healthy hair

Basic nutrition advice goes a long way in keeping hair and skin healthy. To target hair health, be sure to include salmon and walnuts in your diet for omega-3s, and spinach and carrots for vitamin A. High protein foods are also a staple in a healthy hair diet, as insufficient protein can lead to hair thinning and hair loss.

Another important similarity between dry hair and oily hair?

Though these challenges may seem like complete opposites (and in many ways, they are), both are a problem of hair that is not quite at its healthiest state. An extravagant hairstyle done with dry hair will be all frizz, and with oily hair will appear dirty even on a person who washed that morning. Remember: you absolutely do not need to be aiming for complicated when it comes to your daily hair routine.

Just shoot for simple, natural, and healthy, and you’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes.

Natural Remedies for Oily Hair - Breakthrough Remedies In yesterday’s post, we talked about some of the best natural remedies for dry and damaged hair. Dry and damaged hair can be managed ithe short-term with any one of the remedies we posted, and in the long-term a change to your beauty regimen can go a long way. (For example, damaged hair is most …

Yoga for the Eyes - Breakthrough Remedies 01/09/2015

Here's a great article on yoga for your eyes.
It's really great if you ever feel eye strain from looking at a computer screen.

Yoga for the Eyes - Breakthrough Remedies If you have an office job, you might know the feeling: strained, sore, tired eyes. Even if you don’t work in an office, it’s still possible! We spend so many hours at the computer, straining our eyes to stare at a bright screen without enough breaks. Whether you’re using the computer for work or pla…

Grow Your Own Mint - Breakthrough Remedies 01/09/2015

Growing your own mint is easier than you think.
Here's how... check it out.

Grow Your Own Mint - Breakthrough Remedies Mint has always been present in our daily lives. Just think about it: for one thing, most of us brush our teeth with mint-flavored toothpaste every morning and evening. Mint is a fresh, clean scent, and it’s one of the most refreshing plants out there. It’s also one of the easiest to grow. Mint is …

Timeline photos 26/08/2015

GERANIUM OIL. We all need 'balance' in our lives.

Geranium Oil has a great all-over balancing effect on the mind. The uplifting property also extends to the effect it has on the skin - where it helps to create balance between oily and dry skin.

It helps to balance out emotions - where it helps to relieve feelings of stress and anxiety, and also works on the adrenal cortex, which has a balancing effect on the hormone system.

Bonus. Great also for warding off mosquitoes and head lice.

Burners and Vaporizer Uses

In vapour therapy, geranium oil can be used to help relieve stress, mild depression, PMS, anxiety and tension, menopausal problems and for general energizing.

Blended Massage Oil Or In The Bath

Geranium oil can be used in blended massage oil, or diluted in a bath to assist with PMS, depression, stress, anxiety and tension, fluid retention, oedema, eczema, shingles, cellulite, bruises, insect repellent, ringworm, hemorrhoids and menstrual irregularities.

Blended In Cream Or Lotion

In a blended base cream, geranium oil can be used for eczema, repelling insects, shingles, burns and scalds, cellulite, ringworm, bruises and engorgement of the breasts.

It will help to balance the oil production of the skin and help keep it supple, while the cicatrisant properties ensure that it is helpful in wound healing, including burns, wounds and ulcers.

Diluted In Shampoo

Geranium oil can also be diluted in shampoo to help with head lice.

Eat These Foods for Clearer Skin - Breakthrough Remedies 23/06/2015

Here's another great way to have healthy, youthful skin...

Eat These Foods for Clearer Skin - Breakthrough Remedies Nutrition is key when it comes to healthy skin. It’s no coincidence that severe cases of adult acne are on the rise, along with the prevalence of a sugar and fat-filled Western diet. Sugar is one of the biggest culprits. We know that consuming excessive amount of sugar plays a role in diabetes and o…

Timeline photos 18/06/2015

CHAMOMILE OIL. This oil is very interesting, and deserves your attention.

There are two types of Camomile, the Roman Camomile, and the German Camomile. The essential oils are quite similar in some medicinal properties, but their composition is different and each possesses specific qualities that are worth revealing.

While Roman Camomile oil is more calming and works as a better emenagogue (an agent that induces or hastens menstrual flow), German Camomile oil is a very powerful anti-inflammatory agent.

Both varieties induce profuse perspiration, which helps to remove toxins and agents that cause infections while simultaneously cooling down the body and effectively providing relief from fever.

Both have very good antiseptic and antibiotic properties which prevent bacterial and fungal infections from developing. They eliminate infections that are already present. They also kill all sorts of intestinal worms. If applied to the hair, it kills lice and mites, keeping the hair and scalp free from infections and damage.

Both varieties are very effective in fighting depression and for raising spirits. They eliminate feelings of sadness, depression, disappointment, and sluggishness while inducing a sort of happy or charged feeling. Even smelling these oils can help a lot in overcoming depression and bringing about a good mood.

Being a stomachic, they tone up the stomach and ensure its proper function. They also promote the secretion of digestive juices into the stomach and facilitate digestion. Being hepatic, (being good for the liver), they ensure good health of the liver and the proper flow of bile from it. They are also increase the secretion of Hydrochloric Acid, bile and enzymes in the stomach, thereby promoting digestion.

I've listed just some of the amazing properties of Chamomile Oil, and I wonder if there is extensive research and prescribed use of the chamomile plant out there, that can be used to help keep us all healthier in this age of fast food and additives.

If you have any information to share on the subject, please post it on this forum.

We cannot give any recommendations or medical advice. We are here to share health giving information with you. We can however encourage debate.

16 Ideas For Quick Healthy Meals - Nutrition Secrets 15/05/2015

some really good quick and easy healthy meals...

16 Ideas For Quick Healthy Meals - Nutrition Secrets If you want to lose weight, cooking is a must. But who's got the time? These 17 quick healthy meals will help you hack your way to better health.

Timeline photos 12/05/2015

YLANG-YLANG OIL. Sexual Desire Whilst Simultaneously Fighting Head Lice?

Whoa! Gotta get my head around this one!

The claims for this multi faceted oil includes polar opposite effects, so how does it manage to be so ubiquitous, and moreover, how does it know what message to send to the user?

Ylang ylang oil is made from the flowers of the herb Cananga odorata genuina.

People apply ylang ylang oil to the skin to promote relaxation, kill bacteria, lower high blood pressure, and increase s*xual desire. It is also part of a combination spray used to kill head lice.

In foods and beverages, ylang ylang oil is used as a flavoring.

In manufacturing, it is used as a fragrance for cosmetics and soaps.

Listening To The Heart 10/05/2015

Ayurveda has many great ideas about healing and wellness.
I think this one is (mostly) true...
How about you?
Do you listen to your heart for wholeness?
Y = yes
N = no

Listening To The Heart According to Ayurveda, the primordial cause of disease is forgetting our true nature. Once this is forgotten, we live out of harmony with our...

Photos from Breakthrough Remedies's post 10/05/2015

Look at the truly amazing evolution of the watermelon
over the last 5000 years, and it's spread from Botswana
to all around the world....

Timeline photos 09/05/2015

Leafy greens are really good for you.
Get the minerals you need by eating more leafy greens....I wonder.... do you eat lots already?
Y = yes,
N = no

Remineralize your body with leafy greens :)

Homemade Dog Food - Breakthrough Remedies 06/05/2015

Most dogfood you can buy is full of additives,
preservatives and nasty chemicals....
Don't you want to feed your beloved doggie
in the healthiest way possible?

Homemade Dog Food - Breakthrough Remedies When you open a bag of dry dog food, it’s hard to know what goes in there. The packaging promises chicken or beef, but in those dry pellets it’s hard to know whether they taste much like the real thing…and we don’t want to try it to find out! Most dogs eat the same dry …

This "Dreaded" Lawn W**d is a Great Herbal Remedy (and It's Really Tasty) 04/05/2015

Sometimes we call things a w**d because we don't know how to use it properly.**d-tasty-herbal-remedy.html

This "Dreaded" Lawn W**d is a Great Herbal Remedy (and It's Really Tasty) Too bad Monsanto wants you to spray it with RoundUp...

Your new migraine remedy: A simple and inexpensive herbal tincture 04/05/2015

Here's a great herbal remedy for Migraines..... really rather surprising

Your new migraine remedy: A simple and inexpensive herbal tincture The feverfew began blooming this year and my son announced, “We need to pick some of that for my headaches.” My head je**ed around in his direction. “Really? How did you know feverfew is good for headaches?” He couldn’t remember. In my quest to get this emerging teenager outside with me and engaged…