Stewart Videos

Videos by Stewart. I'm a nature recordist working in TV film and Radio, Vist my website @

This month we are launching a fundraising campaign to ask for your help in continuing to share nature's story, allowing us to reconnect with, and protect, the natural world.
We need your help, whether that be through DONATIONS, ENGAGEMENT or simply SHARING our story. I have never, in all my years of recording or animal activism, sought contributions in this way, but I cannot think of a more necessary time to than right now...
I had the pleasure of teaching kids in school about nature sounds and some of the questions i had asked started to make me think about things.
I gave examples of various bird sounds and different sounds from various biomes. I told the kids how the natural world is disappearing and if we didn’t act fast, a million species could go extinct in their lifetime.
Through sound, everything told a different story. Sound tells a million pictures.
I told them when i was a kid, nature and her sounds took me out of a troubled household and connected me to another world and it was beautiful. I told them that there was half the population then and a lot less man made noises with an abundance of wildlife.
That classroom gave me an idea that if we taught kids how to record nature sounds, they could take a trip into my world when i was their age.
Connecting nature with sound gives children an opening to a world that is magical and with it a sense of well-being.
One kid said to me “How can i fall in love with nature when i don’t know if i have a home to go back to. I have to look after myself first. She was considered homeless.
I gave her comparisons to my life and told her my story. Her eyes changed and became very inquisitive.
I believe We need to get recorders into the hands of youngsters like me back when I started recording. We need to light the fire in those who actually have a shot at saving us.
What happened to me as an 11 years made me appreciate nature going forward through sound.
Todays 11 year olds can do the same. I want to reconnect nature t

Other Stewart videos

This month we are launching a fundraising campaign to ask for your help in continuing to share nature's story, allowing us to reconnect with, and protect, the natural world. We need your help, whether that be through DONATIONS, ENGAGEMENT or simply SHARING our story. I have never, in all my years of recording or animal activism, sought contributions in this way, but I cannot think of a more necessary time to than right now... I had the pleasure of teaching kids in school about nature sounds and some of the questions i had asked started to make me think about things. I gave examples of various bird sounds and different sounds from various biomes. I told the kids how the natural world is disappearing and if we didn’t act fast, a million species could go extinct in their lifetime. Through sound, everything told a different story. Sound tells a million pictures. I told them when i was a kid, nature and her sounds took me out of a troubled household and connected me to another world and it was beautiful. I told them that there was half the population then and a lot less man made noises with an abundance of wildlife. That classroom gave me an idea that if we taught kids how to record nature sounds, they could take a trip into my world when i was their age. Connecting nature with sound gives children an opening to a world that is magical and with it a sense of well-being. One kid said to me “How can i fall in love with nature when i don’t know if i have a home to go back to. I have to look after myself first. She was considered homeless. I gave her comparisons to my life and told her my story. Her eyes changed and became very inquisitive. I believe We need to get recorders into the hands of youngsters like me back when I started recording. We need to light the fire in those who actually have a shot at saving us. What happened to me as an 11 years made me appreciate nature going forward through sound. Todays 11 year olds can do the same. I want to reconnect nature t

White throated dipper