Managing your Digital Strategy can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be. Contact us today!

Let the experts at LDSTL handle your handle so you can focus on running your business. LDSTL is a digital communications company specializing in social media strategy, content marketing and email marketing.

Photos from Daley Design's post 03/05/2023

Daley Design nailed it with our branding. If you need any k***s of design work, contact them.


I always thought 🤗 was jazz hands and I still use it that way. It’s my favorite. 🤦‍♀️ is a close second. What’s yours? Drop it in the comments!


Pearls on Sunday. When I was a waitress, I had a regular Sunday shift and I almost always wore pearls. Made working a little bit better. Decided to bring it back into my life today.


What are you getting started? Restarting my socials has helped ignite the fire within me to do even more.

Photos from LDSTL's post 06/07/2022

When you’re setting up social media profiles, have a dedicated email address to use like [email protected] or [email protected]. That way, if the person who sets them up leaves the company, you sell your business, etc., the email address can stay the same. Changing it after the fact is a headache or impossible.

Social Media Resources 01/07/2022

Setting up your company’s social media profiles is time-consuming, especially if you don’t know where to start. That’s why I compiled a list of the most popular social media platforms’ business resources. Check it out here:

Social Media Resources Small Business Social Media Resources When I first started as a digital marketer, I was on the hunt for small business social media resources. Google was my best friend. It still is. I had to find how to set up business pages on all the social media platforms, one at a time. There


Pride is more than just a month. Celebrate love all year long.

Photos from LDSTL's post 27/06/2022

When you build your house on land you own (email list), you still need to give people directions on how to get there (social media). An email list with no subscribers isn’t going to do you a whole lot of good. Leverage your current audience to build your new one. Jon Loomer explains it really well in this article.

Does Word Count Impact the Performance of your Posts? 24/06/2022

Neil Patel and his team did a deep dive on word length and blogs. It’s a long read, but well worth your time when you’re trying to decide how long your next post should be. You know, like a skirt.

Does Word Count Impact the Performance of your Posts? Does the word count of your article impact performance? To answer this question, we analyzed over 10,000 pieces of content to see what works.


In high school, one of my English teachers told us our papers should be, “Like a skirt. Long enough to cover the subject, but short enough to keep it interesting.” It’s good advice for your content, too. Make sure you get your point across without being overly wordy.


My dad is a pretty amazing man. He’s gentle and kind, smart and capable. He’s definitely left an imprint on my heart. Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there!


Improvise. Adapt. Overcome. Heartbreak Ridge. This is one of my favorite quotes from “Heartbreak Ridge”, a Clint Eastwood movie about a rag-tag group of Marines.I thought this was appropriate for Flag Day. This has been on my desk since March of 2020. I keep it there to remind myself to be flexible and fluid with my content and life.


Does our website have a Frequently Asked Questions page? It’s great for SEO and you can repurpose the content for your socials.


Struggling to write your social media content? Try a theme! Pick a service/product for your posts and brainstorm its notable features. Gather images and video and make a plan. Voila! The content practically writes itself.


What’s on your reading list? When I first wrote this post, I listed one book. That’s not me. It’s always a conversation. I found myself recommending the same few, so created a Google doc. Which ones have you read? I’m dying to talk to someone about the last one.


KISS your digital strategy. That is, Keep It Simple Silly. It doesn’t need to be overly complicated, but you do need a plan. If you need help, contact us today, and we’ll help you u K.I.S.S. your strategy.


How do you organize your content? I’m a huge fan of Google Drive and have been for years. I can seamlessly work on a project from anywhere, on any of my devices. It’s great for collaboration and client approval, too. No need to attach multiple docs to multiple emails. Makes the whole process a lot easier. Do you use the cloud? Comment below!

Photos from LDSTL's post 24/05/2022

Creating social media posts is time-consuming. So don’t feel like you must post every day on every platform. Post as often as it makes sense for your business’s strategy. Need help developing one? Contact us today to see how we can Handle Your Handle.


The only thing constant is change. It seems like there’s something new in the digital world every day and we learn how to work with it. How do you adapt to change?


Want a professional to take a peek at your website & socials? It’s part of our FREE Digital Asset Analysis. We’ll take a look at your website content and social media profiles and let you know where you might need a boost. Schedule yours today

Photos from LDSTL's post 11/05/2022

As a business owner, you may be wondering, “Is posting on social media worth it? What’s my Return On Investment?” I’ve been asking myself that, too, and I know that it is. It can take time. Measuring ROI can be tricky. It can be done, but it’s not that straightforward. Learn how to do it here:

The Interests That Facebook Advertisers Can Use to Target You 06/05/2022

Ever wonder why you’re seeing certain ads on Facebook and Instagram? Facebook has a list of ways their advertisers can target you. Jon Loomer tells you how to check yours here. It’s pretty eye-opening.

The Interests That Facebook Advertisers Can Use to Target You Recent studies indicate 30% of interests used by Facebook advertisers for targeting are inaccurate. So what interests are used to target you?


A good way to see what your customers want to know is to ask them; via a social media post, in an email, IRL, etc. Knowing what they want will help shape your content strategy. So, what do you want to know? What can I teach you? Comment or fire me a message.


Email Marketing is just that. Sending messages via email. Can be in the form of a newsletter, abandoned cart emails, or sale alerts. Just make sure you’re consistent, and don’t abuse it or people will unsubscribe.


Content Marketing helps customers—potential & current— trust you. It can be a blog, a podcast, a YouTube channel or the socials, as long as it gives information about your industry, and in turn, why you’re the best.


Henry Ford and the Ford Motor Company first successfully ran an assembly line for his Model T cars in 1913. He knew he could do it, so he did. Mindset is everything. When you have a positive outlook about what you’re doing, you’re more likely to succeed. Are there things I now I can’t do? Yep. And that’s okay. But if I’m trying something new, I change my attitude to a “I bet I can do this” and give it a go.


What are your favorite business books? Comment down below! I love to read and one of my recent favorites is Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business And Life. I’ve always tried to approach my life with a touch of levity, not taking myself too seriously. The authors talk about how to apply it in the boardroom, too. It’s worth a read or listen.


Social Media Strategy is more than just posting when the mood suits you. It takes a game plan to create brand awareness, build authority, and educate all with a touch of entertainment. It’s a lot to manage on your own. We can help! Contact us today to see how.

Photos from LDSTL's post 06/04/2022

Do you have a clean or messy desk? Image one is what my desk looked like when I got my new mousepad. I laughed a little, because it looked like a stock image. On a day-to-day basis, it looks like the 2nd pic. I’ve got my watercolors, water, brushes, mail, some trash that didn't quite make it to the wastebasket, etc. I’m okay with that. It's a good thing I took a picture when it was clean.

Photos from LDSTL's post 04/04/2022

Ever wonder how social media managers come up with content for our clients? It’s not overly complicated, but it is time-consuming. Here’s how we do it on a regular basis:

Let Us Handle Your Handle

Social Media has revolutionized the way companies communicate with customers, both potential and current. It’s the modern-day Yellow Pages. Products and services have pages where customers can find the information they need. A social media strategy will ensure your business is portrayed accurately across the platforms.

As a business owner, you know you need to be on social media. You use it yourself, but for a business, it can be confusing and it takes up your valuable time. That’s where LDSTL comes in. We create a Social Media Strategy tailored to your business needs and budget. We are experts in the industry who will Handle Your Handle so you can get back to running your business.

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Skirt GIF
How do you organize your content? I’m a huge fan of Google Drive and have been for years. I can seamlessly work on a pro...
A good way to see what your customers want to know is to ask them; via a social media post, in an email, IRL, etc. Knowi...

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