Surmang Foundation

Surmang Foundation

Once discovered, this was the place to built a clinic, in East Tibet where we’d care for 100,000 people in 30 years. Welcome to Surmang.

It’s ordinary life as sacredness, rough, humorous, a land that is both caustic as it is soft to the touch.


Rachel Anderson


“He Xin,” Chinese, or “Wa Kokoro.
In Japanese it means “pacified mind.” By Shibata Konjuro, Sensei, late Kyudo master —the 19th master of Kyudo. My teacher.


What is this?
I guess they are here because I’m here. There are two separate works of art. The one on the right is part of the Sadhana of Mahamudra, a terma —you might say a cosmic vision— that Trungpa Rinpoche received in Bhutan while he was inspired to receive the text of the Sadhana of Mahamudra from space.

The image is of two very powerful Buddhist teachers, often referred to as one: Dorje Trollo/Karma Pakshi. One a wrathful manifestation of Padmasambhava and the other the second incarnation of the Karmapa. They are not ghosts or dangerous historical beings. They are two beings who arose from the Nyingma and Kagyu lineages, married in a sense.

This statue says in one image, that this is the reality where we can step outside of self-deception, and realize that the act of becoming Karmapa (black crown) is part of the power and fearlessness of embracing all of our world, embracing it without heitation, such as when we are asking for a re-do or a better outcome. It is too complicated to describe in complete detail, but we can get a partial vision with that double Dorje he is holding in his right hand. It is something that comes from the heavens, as that one did, to demonstrate the cosmic power of fearlessness, not something we made up to cheer ourselves on. But something we can habituate ourselves to, by learning to be who we are.

The flames burning behind Dorje Trollo/Karma Pakshi are burning through our hesitation and doubt about our own world and confidence that we are worthy of being here. He is riding on a pregnant tigress who also bears further power.

The calligraphy was done by one of the great, powerful warriors of Japanese martial arts, in fact we would be hard-burdened to find a more powerful example of Kyudo. There is no winning in Kyudo. The holder of such a powerful seat was the 19th Shibata Konjuro Sensei, the powerful warrior who for generations was born into that position and recognized by successive emperors of Japan. Only such a gentle man could fearlessly represent this martial art.

Sensei was very close to Trungpa Rinpoche. He moved to Boulder at Rinpoche’s invitation and died there.

I was his student in Boulder until I moved to China in the early 1990’s.I am still his student.


The signed signature of Shibata Sensei. It says “Shibata Konjuro Sensei.”


Ocean of Dharma

Mobile uploads 08/07/2023

[email protected]

Photos from Surmang Foundation's post 07/07/2023

If there is a grotesque meaning I don’t know about, will someone please let me in on the secret.? Who or what is that white creature above the submersible looking down on it?


Empty space of water.

Photos from Surmang Foundation's post 07/07/2023

Take a look at this photo.

If your corporation’s photo of your submersible had this grotesque image above it would you just brush it off or would you show it while insisting on playing the Twilight Zone theme song?


Picture of my honey


Sounds like the old wood at Shambhala such as Carolyn Gimim are flushing themselves down the toilet.


Some people think we are building Surmang civilization. Not true.
We are saving mothers and children from death and disease.
We don’t get a benefit for their lives, except the realization deep inside, that a mother, or a daughter or a son becomes stronger and healthier. as a result .
Please support our foundation.

Photos from Surmang Foundation's post 09/06/2023

Surmang Dutsi-til Vacinity

Photos from Surmang Foundation's post 09/06/2023

Patients in May.


We compose our world.

Photos from Surmang Foundation's post 09/06/2023

With Trungpa Rinpoche XII. Letting me wear the holy medal of Padmasambhava and Yeshe Tsogyal one more time.


I love the early evening at home with my wife.


Gangshar Rinpoche is coming for dinner in 3 days. WHat do you want to know?




surmang: road to the sky, the many-cornered kingdom

A direct disciple of the great Eleventh Trungpa, Chokyi Gyamtso or Trakthung Rigdzin Tsalchang [terton name], known by his English name, Lee Weingrad, with great courage is planning another journey to Tibet, to this sacred place of secrets. The reason is because he is searching with the hopes to discover extensive information concerning the history of the Rigdens of Shambhala that was composed by Trungpa Rinpoche himself.

Having undergone many difficulties in his past journey there he ignored the hardships to make the journey. I rejoice in his fortitude. Wherever the disciples of Rinpoche are, please support him to continue his goals and give him help and ease in his journey forward.

On the fifth day of the second month of the Water Tiger, this was written by Tulku Karma Senge, the ter dak of Chogyam Trungpa. Translated by Sangye Kongtrol.


Trungpa Rinpoche Cremation Karme Choling 1987. (C0 2013 Lee Weiingrad


1987 Karme Choling —Cremation of Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche


What almost killed me, 1986, Samye.