A Step Beyond

A Step Beyond

*Serving Moms who want to align with their purpose and inspire their children to do the same.


Do you, or your child, need to hear this message? 🥰


🤩 Would have loved this option when my kids were little!

This ingenious 4-in-1 crib morphs into a bassinet, toddler bed, AND a play table with chairs! 👶🛏️🎨


Today my mentor Eva Goulette will be speaking on the Spiritually Aware Families Virtual Summit! It’ll be my turn tomorrow, so if you have signed up, be on the lookout in your email for a link to view the conversations. Comment here if you want to share your takeaways. Hugs 🤗


Timeline photos 04/03/2024

Today’s featured expert: Bronwyn Jane will share her interview from the Spiritually Aware Families Summit! Register on the link from the pinned post (above), confirm your email, then enjoy the conversations as you gain insights into spiritual options for your family! Hugs 🥰

Spiritually Aware Families Summit 04/03/2024

It’s begun! Here is your invitation to join us for the Spiritually Aware Families Virtual Summit, happening from March 3rd to 10th.

This summit is carefully crafted, to offer a transformative experience that will resonate deeply with parents seeking to infuse spirituality into their family life.

Whether you're well-versed in spiritual practices or just beginning to explore, this summit is designed to provide you with invaluable insights, and practical tips to support you every step of the way.

Here's what you can expect from the summit:

- Discover ways to share spiritual tools with your children, enriching their lives and fostering deeper connections within the family unit.

- Guidance and resources you need, to begin, or advance your spiritual journey as a parent.

-If you're raising a child with extraordinary gifts or navigating the unique challenges of parenting a highly sensitive, evolved child, you'll hear expert advice from practitioners to help you navigate the journey with confidence.

Best of all, registration for the Spiritually Aware Families Virtual Summit is entirely free!

Simply click https://spirituallyawarefamilies.com/ to reserve your spot and embark on this enriching journey with us.

Don't miss out on this chance to elevate your family's spiritual journey. Join us at the Spiritually Aware Families Virtual Summit and unlock the transformative power of spirituality in family life.

Spiritually Aware Families Summit Join an event designated for spiritually aware families. Families that are weaving spiritual practices in their everyday lives and/or spiritually aware parents, raising their spiritually aware, intuitive, sensitive children. ...


I'm excited to share my interview with all of you during The Spiritually Aware Families Summit!

The topic will be: From Struggle to Spiritual Wellness: Lessons for Family Harmony.

Please look in the comments to find the link to join.
See you there!


If I were to offer you a free resource, which would you prefer?

1. A free trial of The Spiritual Family Quest membership.
2. A guided visualization to meet your Inner Champion and have them silence your Inner Critic.
3. A PDF of "My Breathing Book" with coloring pages and tips to either calm down or get going.
4. Any other resources you'd like to receive?

I'd love for you to share your preference in the comments.
Thanks! 🙏

Health Wealth Wisdom, Parents Edition - LIVE Super Summit 04/08/2023

Hello, my community of Awesome Parents! I've been invited to speak at this summit on Aug. 9th and I'd love to have you join me!

This is entirely focused on parenting, so you will find endless resources, (mostly the free kind) to load up on here. My personal offer is one that can get your whole family into a positive mindset and more connected!

Register at this link and leave me a heart to let me know you've signed up to go!


Health Wealth Wisdom, Parents Edition - LIVE Super Summit


Here’s an amazing resource for setting yourself up for personal and business successful in 2023 – over 70 FREE gifts from 40 experts in mindset, health, business, spirituality, relationships and financial.

It’s called the Action Gifts Giveaway. It includes Gifts, Action Journals, Action Ideas, and a unique ebook with over 30 gifts you can share with everyone you know!

Go to http://web.actionera.com/actionera to sign for free!

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This is one of the worst times of the year for su***de attempts.

May I please get 2 friends or family members (out of the few 100 folks on my page) to copy and re-post?

I am trying to demonstrate that someone is always listening.


Just two. Any two.

Say Done.

And if you want to connect with me about this topic, that is always an option as well. Just connect through the WhatsApp button or DM me.

Teaching Kids Critical Thinking - The Tuttle Twins Children's Books - The Tuttle Twins 17/11/2022

These books are the starting point for my son's homeschool experience. I was happy to find that he had no problem reading books 1-12 and answering the questions at the end. It has helped me to see his thoughts on these topics and it is motivating him to try an entrepreneurial adventure of his own! Not only that, but he told me yesterday that he actually loves history... What!?! Let me take a look at that...

Teaching Kids Critical Thinking - The Tuttle Twins Children's Books - The Tuttle Twins The Tuttle Twins books help children develop critical thinking skills about real-world concepts including economics, government, and personal responsibility.


So well explained how these devices zap our childrens childhood. 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️

Hold off parents! Your child will pressure you because all their friends have them, but we need a new norm, and that only happens one firm decision at a time.

My suggestion; just send them out to play everytime they ask. Do this till they get the message, without hearing ”no” too many times.

“Come,” said the pencil to the boy, “and draw with me.” So the boy reached for the pencil, about to touch it to his sketch pad. “But I can show you a three-hour drawing condensed into three minutes,” said the Smartphone.

So the boy watched the drawing of a world map, complete with oceans, seas, and capitals, finished in three minutes.

“Come,” said the paintbrush to the boy, “and paint a river with me.” So the boy picked up the paintbrush, about to dip it into the sky-blue watercolor paint. “But I can show you a river in India, one in Alaska, and the largest waterfall in the world,” said the Smartphone.

So the boy watched videos of the Rivers Ganges and Alsek, and clips of Victoria Falls tumbling 5,600 feet into volcanic dikes.

“Come,” said the books, “and read about a lion that battles a witch and a ship’s journey into heaven.”So the boy opened one, curled up on the couch and began reading. “But I can give you the movie,” replied the Smartphone, “and a soundtrack that stirs your soul.”

So the boy closed the book, got up from the couch, sat at the counter, and watched the video.

“Come,” called the trees and birds outside. “Climb us, and listen to us sing.” As the boy stepped outdoors, the Smartphone called, “But with me you can play a game where you scale mountains while dodging man-eating vultures.” So the boy stepped back inside to play the game.

With his face glued to the Smartphone, the iPad next to him dinged: a text. The boy glanced at the message. Returning to his game, he heard a ping: an e-mail in his inbox. He read it and returned to his Smartphone, where a flashing Snapchat announcement obscured a bloodthirsty vulture.

Next to his iPad, the pencil lay motionless, and next to the computer, the paintbrush untinted.
And beside his Smartphone, “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” lay with uncreased pages, the lion’s roar stifled, the witch’s cackle silenced, and the gate into Imagination closed.

đź’Ş Delay the smartphone with the Wait Until 8th pledge. Wait until 16+ for social media.

đź’Ş Encourage creativity, exploration, reading, outside adventures, art and movement.

This story is by Jill Thomas and was in the Star Tribune.


Have you considered this perspective before? (Be honest.)

“I am 2. I am not terrible…I am frustrated. I am nervous, stressed out, overwhelmed, and confused. I need a hug.”
From the diary of a 2-year-old:
Today I woke up and wanted to get dressed by myself but was told “No, we don’t have time, let me do it.”
This made me sad.
I wanted to feed myself for breakfast but was told,
“No, you’re too messy, let me do it for you.”
This made me feel frustrated.
I wanted to walk to the car and get in on my own but was told, “No, we need to get going, we don’t have time. Let me do it.”
This made me cry.
I wanted to get out of the car on my own but was told “No, we don’t have time, let me do it.”
This made me want to run away.
Later I wanted to play with blocks but was told “no, not like that, like this…”
I decided I didn’t want to play with blocks anymore. I wanted to play with a doll that someone else had, so I took it. I was told “No, don’t do that! You have to share.”
I’m not sure what I did, but it made me sad. So I cried. I wanted a hug but was told “No, you’re fine, go play”.
I’m being told it’s time to pick up. I know this because someone keeps saying, “Go pick up your toys.”
I am not sure what to do, I am waiting for someone to show me.
“What are you doing? Why are you just standing there? Pick up your toys, now!”
I was not allowed to dress myself or move my own body to get to where I needed to go, but now I am being asked to pick things up.
I’m not sure what to do. Is someone supposed to show me how to do this? Where do I start? Where do these things go? I am hearing a lot of words but I do not understand what is being asked of me. I am scared and do not move.
I lay down on the floor and cry.
When it was time to eat I wanted to get my own food but was told “no, you’re too little. Let me do it.”
This made me feel small. I tried to eat the food in front of me but I did not put it there and someone keeps saying “Here, try this, eat this…” and putting things in my face.
I didn’t want to eat anymore. This made me want to throw things and cry.
I can’t get down from the table because no one will let me…because I’m too small and I can’t. They keep saying I have to take a bite. This makes me cry more. I’m hungry and frustrated and sad. I’m tired and I need someone to hold me. I do not feel safe or in control. This makes me scared. I cry even more.
I am 2. No one will let me dress myself, no one will let me move my own body where it needs to go, no one will let me attend to my own needs.
However, I am expected to know how to share, “listen”, or “wait a minute”. I am expected to know what to say and how to act or handle my emotions. I am expected to sit still or know that if I throw something it might break….But, I do NOT know these things.
I am not allowed to practice my skills of walking, pushing, pulling, zipping, buttoning, pouring, serving, climbing, running, throwing or doing things that I know I can do. Things that interest me and make me curious, these are the things I am NOT allowed to do.
I am 2. I am not terrible…I am frustrated. I am nervous, stressed out, overwhelmed, and confused. I need a hug.
*edited to add: I have finally identified the author! Thank you, Roman for your POWERFUL words
Photo credit and source: Mary Katherine Backstrom


Here is a nice opportunity for you to support a young author experience for children. 📚 Remember, the generosity you share with love, comes back to you! 🥰

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Passing along some goodness... 💜🙏💜

8 Things Your Child Needs to Hear From You. đź’—


PPS TIP: 27 ENCOURAGING PHRASES and Words to Use with Your Kids

