Jimi Hocking a.k.a. Jimi the human Videos

Videos by Jimi Hocking a.k.a. Jimi the human. Music available for download at jimihocking.bandcamp.com CD's through www.somersaultmusic.com.au

This arch top guitar made by Adelaide luthier John Liddy is a work of art. I play it often at home while fantasising about being a famous Jazz Guitarist.

Other Jimi Hocking a.k.a. Jimi the human videos

This arch top guitar made by Adelaide luthier John Liddy is a work of art. I play it often at home while fantasising about being a famous Jazz Guitarist.

A little hard blues in the rain at Portarlington this year.

Single pickup Les Paul has got some tone !

A little Gary Moore on the Gold Top.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
I'm busking out a Christmas classic for you on my vintage Maton ... Have a cool Yule.

A little more mandolin practice today for Jamgrass Festival this weekend.