Goals With Heart

Goals With Heart

http://goalswithheart.com/welcoming_you. Discover what you love! twitter @megzampino. Make the most of where you are now while pursuing the future of your dreams!

We'll help you figure out, set, & accomplish your career and business goals, your money goals, and your personal and business development goals. If you have a goal and want support to achieve it, this is the place to go! If you have no idea what your goals are, but would like to figure it out, this is the place to go! If you want to be successful, this is the place to go!


Let's get rolling again: What do you like best about someone you're sheltering-in-place with?

My last post was about a year and half ago. Seems like a good time to give fresh energy to this page.

Muslims in Town Adopt a Sacred Hindu Tenet So They Won't Hurt the Feelings of Their Religious Neighbors 03/09/2018

More of this in the world, please.

Muslims in Town Adopt a Sacred Hindu Tenet So They Won't Hurt the Feelings of Their Religious Neighbors The Muslim residents of this district are not forced to abstain from their practice, rather they choose to do it out of respect for their Hindu neighbors.


It's a great reminder for so many different reasons.


This is from the Daily Om: "Many agree that this is the most important work we can do at this time in history, and there are many practices at our disposal.

For a simple start, try sitting with a friend and asking him to tell you about his life at this moment. For 10 minutes or more, try to listen without responding verbally, offering suggestions, or brainstorming solutions. Instead, breathe into your heart and your belly, listening and feeling instead of thinking.

When you do this, you may find that it's much more difficult to offer advice and much easier to identify with the feelings your friend is sharing.

You may also find that your friend opens up more, goes deeper, and feels he has really been heard.

If you also feel great warmth and compassion, almost as if you are seeing your friend for the first time, then you will know that you have begun to tap the power of listening with your heart." -- Madisyn Taylor

How to Save Yourself from Your Job | 22/03/2018

Unhappy at work? Read on!

How to Save Yourself from Your Job | There's a trick to the graceful exit. It begins with the vision to recognize when a job, a life stage, a relationship is over - and to let go. It means leaving what's over without denying its value. — Ellen Goodman In the last six months, I've had five different friends in vastly different careers...


The segment below comes from templehayes.com. There is enormous power in letting go of the pain from the past and embracing what happened as a vehicle to get you to where you are now.

"The affirmation: 'I understand that the tragedies of my life are no longer necessary to describe me. I can embrace these events instead as necessary to shape and define me.'

Make a list of all the times in your childhood, as I did, when you felt wounded, disconnected, and discounted. Embrace these moments that started you on the path of sleeping at the wheel and dying a little.

Once you go through the process of seeing these events as defining and shaping you rather than being tragic and unnecessary, you will begin to notice new life in your body. You will start to feel awake and more alive. You will begin to feel more at home."


What Would You Do If You Assumed You Could? 14/02/2018

What are you assuming you can't do?

What Would You Do If You Assumed You Could? "Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done." – Louis D Brandeis You can’t do it. It’s impossible.


From Mike Dooley, the Notes from the Universe guy:

"I just returned from Hawaii where we 'survived' the now infamous ballistic missile threat that understandably created some degree of chaos & hysteria!

No one knew what to do. I was setting up for Playing the Matrix in Waikiki and my family was a block away in bathing suits at the beach. Even though the Matrix has been credited with “saving” many lives in the past, I knew I’d met my match!

I actually found the threat hard to believe since there were no air raid sirens blaring (having spent a few years as a kid in Hawaii I knew these existed). My wife later told me she instinctively looked to the sky when the alert came -- not a bad idea we later learned, as it would only take 12 minutes between launch and impact. Not that seeing it coming would make any difference.

No matter what any of us thought, everyone whose phone received the alarm was forced to imagine what a real threat would be like. The message said to take immediate shelter. But even the locals knew that there’s no such thing for nuclear blasts.

My mind has been dwelling upon two realizations from that experience, Meg, the first is very obvious: No child in a bathing suit at a beach should ever have their life threatened because of scared, armed adults. Second, and not so obvious: Nothing is worth starting a war over, not even the perceived threat of annihilation. Starting a war to avoid a war really doesn’t make much sense, and neither does the rationale typically implied for a preemptive attack: that it’s OK to kill someone who otherwise might kill you.

This may seem naïve, but: Aren’t we here for an extremely short time anyway? Aren’t we all of God? Aren’t we eternal spiritual beings? And wouldn’t it be better to transition from these hallowed illusions with an olive branch in our hand (because we wanted peace so much we’d risk dying for it), rather than a weapon (because we wanted peace so much we’d kill others for it)? After all, we’re going to spend a lot more time on the other side of life’s curtains than here.

This is not about surrendering to bullies or doing nothing, it’s about how to energetically maximize chances of peace while other means are also pursued.

Whoa! Heavy! Well… my family and I were just threatened with a ballistic missile 😉 Plus, all of my work and the daily Notes are spiritually rooted. How could I not talk about the issues (and how to influence them) that are in our very midst. Besides, I figure, you, Meg, as much as anyone, if not more so, know that our thoughts can change and save lives.

So, I reasoned that if just a few people rethink how we can best live in peace, these thoughts were worth sharing. Best case scenario… more peace and some enthusiastic replies. Worst case scenario… more peace and a few angry replies. SEND!

Happy February! The month of love! Let’s send some to every corner of our gorgeous, little world.

P.S. To err on the side of love, Meg, is not to err."


From Rhonda Byrne (author of The Secret):

The Only New Year’s Resolution I Ever Make

A new year means New Year’s resolutions for many people. I want to share with you the only New Year’s resolution I ever make. This one New Year’s resolution is all encompassing - it will take care of all your other resolutions in one go, whether that’s to find love, lose weight, be healthier, make more money, or whatever it is you want for 2018.

Be positive!

Make a promise to yourself to be as positive as you can possibly be. Make a promise to yourself to be more positive than you’ve ever been in your life. At the beginning of each day promise yourself: “Today, wherever I go and whatever I’m doing, I will be positive!”

Being positive means that you will look for the positive things in people, circumstances, and all things.

Being positive means that if any negative words come out of your mouth, you will stop mid-sentence and immediately turn the sentence into a positive one.

Being positive means that you will have fewer negative emotions, and even if a negative emotion arises you will be positive about it too by allowing the negative emotion to be rather than trying to push it away.

Being positive means that you will automatically focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want.

Being positive means that you will become an attractive force for what you want.

Being positive means that negative thoughts and words will begin to fall away.

Being positive means that you will begin to feel happier and happier each day.

Being positive means that you will have fewer problems.

Being positive means that life will go smoothly for you, everyday events will fall into place, and things will go your way.

Being positive means that you will feel good!

Make a commitment to change your entire life in 2018 through the simple, singular act of being positive!

Wishing you a Happy, Positive New Year for 2018!

— Rhonda Byrne

What I Learned in 2017 31/12/2017

What did YOU learn in 2017?

What I Learned in 2017 Maybe it was just me, but 2017 seemed like a particularly challenging year. Here's what I learned, was reminded about, was grateful for, etc. this past year:

Podcast Episode #27 — Surround Yourself With Great People with Meg Zampino • Leadership Done Right 09/12/2017

I appreciated the recent opportunity to be on the Leadership Done Right podcast: https://leadershipdoneright.com/podcastepisode27/

Podcast Episode #27 — Surround Yourself With Great People with Meg Zampino • Leadership Done Right Hello, and welcome to the Leadership Done Right podcast, Episode 27: Surround Yourself With Great People with Meg Zampino. Get to Know Meg Our guest today is an attorney, entrepreneur, strategist, writer, and experienced leader. She currently has several roles and responsibilities. She’s the presi...

Resolve to Make Better Resolutions 07/12/2017

'tis the season to start thinking about your goals for 2018.

Resolve to Make Better Resolutions New Year's resolutions give you a chance to set goals for the year ahead...It's great to set goals, but doing it the right way is important.

Goals with Heart: Discover What You Love 12/11/2017

Please sign up for my mailing list at http://goalswithheart.com. I send out emails approximately every 3 weeks, and I won't sell your email to anyone else. :).

Goals with Heart: Discover What You Love Are you setting the right goals? Goals with Heart will help you figure out the goals that really mean something to you. We'll help you figure out your career,


Tips for staying aware without letting the news get to you.

Balancing Staying Informed with Staying Positive ....It doesn't help anyone else, or ourselves, to lose sight of what we believe in and what we want to accomplish because of what's happening in the world.

A community of heroes 04/10/2017

Lots of heroes who acted bravely and from the heart. Proud of our city, our first responders, our press for accurate reporting, and our citizens.

A community of heroes Our hearts ache for the victims of the unspeakable tragedy that occurred Sunday night in our community, and there will be many more hard days to come for Las Vegas. But as we grieve for those who were killed or ...


"Resistance is about believing that you are vulnerable or susceptible to something not wanted and holding a stance of protection — which only holds you in a place of not letting in the Well-being that would be there otherwise. There is nothing big enough to protect you from unwanted things, and there are no unwanted things big enough to get into your experience."


Just found out that passed on August 30th. Let's hope she keeps shining her light on us from where she is now. For those of you not familiar, she's the founder of Hay House and was a leader of the modern spiritual/New Age/metaphysical movement.


"Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Wiesel


July 4 - United States
July 14th - France
August 15th - India
September 16th - Mexico

These dates all represent when the people of a nation -- or soon-to-be nation -- decided to choose their destiny.

We all can choose our own destinies by focusing on what we want and then taking action to achieve it. Or we can focus on what we don't want and complain about situations we can't resolve (or worse, we complain about things we CAN resolve and then don't).

Instead of getting mired in what's happening, spend time focusing on what you want. If your "reality" isn't what you want, use your imagination and create in your mind what you do want.

What do you want to change in your life? What tiny steps can you take today to change how you look at your current situation, even if you can't do anything about it right now? And if you can do something about what, what actions can you take to start down the path?


"The thing that most people do not understand, is that you get to control the way you feel, because you get to choose the thoughts you think. Most people think that they only have the option of responding to the circumstances that surround them. And that’s what makes them attempt the impossible, which is to control the circumstances around them, which only feeds their feeling of frustration and vulnerability because it doesn’t take very much life experience to discover you can’t control all of those circumstances. But you can control your vibration. And when you control your vibration, you’ve controlled everything that has anything to do with you."


This comes from Mike Dooley's Notes from the Universe daily email:

Perception Management for Very Advanced Souls:

The next time someone upsets you, think, "Thanks for pointing out that I've begun depending on you. Time I lose the expectations."

And the next time someone doesn't take your view into account, think, "That's okay, I was once like that."

And if someone steals from you, think, "It was nothing, my supply is the Universe."

Or lies to you, think, "I'm sorry you feel that need."

Violates you, "All for my growth and glory."

Is rude to you, "Cheer up, dear soul, it'll be okay."

Judges you, "Thanks for sharing your truth."

Drives by you like a bat out of hell, "Be careful, my friend. I love you."

And the next time someone greets you with a smile, smile back, like you're sharing a secret.

The Universe


I normally don't remember my dreams, let alone share them, especially publicly. But this one seems worth it.

I was at my dad’s house (who lives in the country and who is still in the house I grew up in) and I looked out my bedroom window and saw a beautiful female centaur in my neighbor’s backyard. They were trying to catch her, and she kept easily getting away.

I went outside to look for her, and she immediately came up to me. I said I felt drawn to find her, and she said she’d been trying to get my attention and was glad I came out. She was clearly amused and a bit annoyed at all the attention she was getting, and was glad I’d finally responded.

From there, she brought me to/the dream morphed into my having drinks at a beach-side bar with an older man, grey hair but young in attitude, very jovial. He said he was there from the future to talk with me.

I said, sort of jokingly, sort of not: “Oh, good! So that means that there IS a future!”

He looks at me a bit puzzled, so I say “There are a lot of us worried right now, especially given who’s leading our country.”

He chuckles dismissively and says “Eh. It’s fine. He stays around on again, off again, but it’s fine.” There was some sort of underlying vibe that the future found Trump to be entertaining.

And then we played some sort of game, where I had to figure out the most important thing to do, and that was to spread love and the vibration of love.

So here I am, posting this to .

Timeline photos 29/05/2017

via Arianna Huffington


Time to clear out the physical and mental junk!

5 Tips For Decluttering Your Home And Your Life Tips for decluttering your home and your life

Timeline photos 30/03/2017

To See the Elephants: A short film about a boy, a magical circus tent, and an uplifting messages. No real elephants involved :).

Today we feature our strongman, Vigor aka Sinn Bodhi, a professional wrestler (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6iXAOjFNjM at the 33 minute mark to see him in action!) and is also involved in the awesome Fantasy Slam Pro Wrestling Camp (www.fantasyslamprowrestling.com) with Kevin Lepine (The amazing Lepini in Elephants)

In the movie, Vigor teaches our hero, Willie how to find his inner strength. Visit www.ToSeeTheElephants.com to help us make this project a reality.

Photos from To See the Elephants's post 26/03/2017

A little more about the story....

To See the Elephants (Film) 25/03/2017

A short film about a boy, a magical circus tent, and an uplifting message! We have a great team lined up and just need your support. Please donate to our 30-day Kickstarter. If just half the people who follow this page donate just $10 each, we'll reach our goal!

To See the Elephants (Film) A short "coming of age" film set in a magical circus tent in the 1920s dustbowl America. The film has an anti-bullying message.