No Added Sugar

No Added Sugar

A community of Type 1 diabetics and caregivers to share the highs, lows and everything in between!


Do you need a little help explaining to school friends and teachers about Type 1 Diabetes?

Here’s a book for you. A little book that’s a big help. Simple language, simple pictures.

AUD$12..50 + postage.
You can contact me here for purchases


So annoying!!!


🤣 or forgetting to check the carb content!


Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a dangerous complication faced by people with diabetes which happens when the body starts running out of insulin. 30/04/2024

Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a dangerous complication faced by people with diabetes which happens when the body starts running out of insulin. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a dangerous complication faced by people with diabetes which happens when the body starts running out of insulin.


Best sweets from childhood? I’m torn between black jacks and fruit salad!

Need to try these urgently


Every diabetic needs to hear this at some point 🥰

Share this with someone who needs to hear it 💙


Absolutely amazing!! A massive shout to all the T1D runners who battled with their blood sugars alongside the miles. An inspiration 🥰

What an incredible and inspiring day we’ve had at London Marathon! 🌟

Thank you to our amazing runners who conquered 26.2 miles through the streets of London today, raising vital funds for everyone affected by diabetes. 💙

And thanks so much to our cheer squads at Tower Bridge and Big Ben, supporting our runners with noise, enthusiasm and energy. We’ve raised an incredible £380,656 so far - and the donations are still rolling in!

🤩 If you fancy joining at next year’s , you can apply for a place today by heading to our website.



This week we are thinking about self-esteem


Is it only in my house that these are called cow biscuits? 🤷‍♀️

Type 1 diabetes mellitus affects 400,000 people in the UK. Learn about T1D causes, symptoms, screening, complications, treatment & how to manage type 1. 22/04/2024

Type 1 diabetes mellitus affects 400,000 people in the UK. Learn about T1D causes, symptoms, screening, complications, treatment & how to manage type 1. Type 1 diabetes affects 400,000 people in the UK. Our guide explains the causes, symptoms, treatment and management of type 1 diabetes.


A national day we can fully get on board with 👀

We know how important these guys can be to those of us living with diabetes. So, to celebrate we're asking you...

If you could make any flavour, shape and colour of jelly bean what would it be and why? 👇🏽💭




It’s the weekend! 🥳


I can definitely , and cans are the best…although I do like the little glass bottles. 🤔


Which type do you most relate to? 🤔


What would you add to this list? 🤔


It’s incredible how far things have come and the technology and medicines available

On January 11, 1922, 14-year-old Leonard Thompson became the first person to receive an insulin injection as a treatment for diabetes. Prior to that, people with type 1 diabetes did not survive for more than a few weeks or months with the disease.

Thompson's first dose had an apparent impurity which caused an allergic reaction. A refined process was quickly developed to improve the cow pancreas from which the insulin was derived. His second dosage was successfully injected 12 days later on January 23.

Artificial pancreas: NHS rolls out hybrid closed loop systems for people with type 1 diabetes 16/04/2024

I’d love to hear anyone’s experience of this! Anyone got the call yet?!

Artificial pancreas: NHS rolls out hybrid closed loop systems for people with type 1 diabetes The roll-out of hybrid closed loop systems for people with type 1…

11 Ways to Lower Your A1C 15/04/2024

11 Ways to Lower Your A1C These ideas can help you get your blood sugar into your target range.

Say Hello to Omnipod® 5 15/04/2024

I’m waiting to upgrade from Omnipod Dash, anyone already done this and what do you think? 🤷‍♀️

Say Hello to Omnipod® 5 Simplify Lifewith Omnipod® 5  Tubeless, automated insulin delivery   Get Started May help to keep you in range, day and night1 No multiple daily injections or finger pricks† Tubeless and Waterproof** Suitable for people with type 1 diabetes ages 2 years and older One System. Designed to delive...


Who else has signed up?! Looking forward to getting out and about and raising awareness and money in the process!


So interesting how high blood sugars affect everyone so differently!


T1D. Let’s share the highs, lows and everything in between!
