Paperbag: Improvisational Music Co.

Paperbag: Improvisational Music Co.

Paperbag invites you to our first ever fan page! We'll be announcing releases, events, and other ne PaperBag: Improvisational Music Co. We hope you stop by often.

To those who got it, they proved long ago the viability of spontaneous composing, of music pulled from the air. They never played the endless boogie, bellowed the noise of self-centered catharsis, and never were a wandering ‘jam band’. More often than not the audience had no idea that they were the unwitting final ingredient in a singular act of burning; a one-shot-deal, birth, life and death 10 t


I have reached 200 followers! Thank you for your continued support. I could not have done it without each of you. 🙏🤗🎉


Audiences back in the day always had someone who took a picture or a video of us playing at a gig.

I'm calling upon any fan of ours to post these if you have them. Nothing unites us more than the cool memories of past shared experience.

We'd love to see what you might have!


Considering the creation of PB merch, T's, mugs, etc.

Wondering if there would be any interest out there in possessing such items?

Band is long gone, but some of our art is badass (thank you M. Segal!!) and would look cool on you.


Music of the past informs the music of the moment, which then creates the music of the future.

After years of reflection and listening to all manner of music, this music I participated in making is WORTHY of your attention.

Once again, I invite you all to enjoy the FREE music offered here:

That is just three of the PaperBag works on this page, check out Greg Segal's solo and other work on there; he is simply amazing.

Also posted is the late great Kenny Ryman's solo debut, "Many Colored Buddhas" which encapsulates only some of the far-reaching ideas of his brief life.

200 Paper Bag: "Music to Trash" w/ Greg Segal 07/02/2022

Here's a link to the "You Don't Know Mojack" podcast, where the hosts are reviewing every SST album, in order of release. A massive project. I'm posting this here because the newest installment is about "Music To Trash". I did a phone interview with the show's co-host, Brant Palko. You can find the show here:

200 Paper Bag: "Music to Trash" w/ Greg Segal Welcome to the inside of your brain with Ryan, Brant, and Greg Segal! . . . YOU DON’T KNOW MOJACK is a podcast dedicated to exploring the entire SST catalogue, in order, from start to finish. During t

Improvised My Ass, by Paper Bag 19/01/2022

Announcing the arrival at Bandcamp of Paper Bag's "Improvised My Ass", our last album for SST. It was recorded "Live in front of people".

Improvised My Ass, by Paper Bag 8 track album