Nelly Reznik Psychic Medium

Nelly Reznik Psychic Medium

Offering psychic and mediumship readings. In a mediumship reading, I connect to the Other Side and communicate with your loved ones who have crossed over.

In a psychic reading, I connect to your energy and to your spirit guides to gain insight and guidance into your life. To book and for more info:

Timeline photos 09/07/2020

⚡Psychic Development Online Intensive Saturday & Sunday, 7/25-26 with and myself, online via .
Psychic ability is a sensitivity to energy, which you can develop to distill different kinds of information in all different life areas. Everyone is unique in the way they receive sensory information from the world, their physical senses, and their psychic senses. Often, we pick things up psychically but dismiss them as logic, common sense, or coincidence. Come and discover your own way of how you naturally receive information so that you can allow your development to unfold.
This might be for you if you:
〰️Are looking for your own divinity, and a compass and true north, have had psychic experiences that you can’t explain, are curious and eager for answers and understanding, are unsure of what all of this means and if any of it is real...⁠


〰️have recently been certified in an energy modality and find yourself more psychic, ready to expand your practice, are comfortable reading tarot but want to challenge yourself to read without tools.
⚡Saturday & Sunday, 7/25-26, 1-5pm ONLINE⁠
⚡Exchange: $145-$225 Sliding Scale⁠
For full class description or to register, please visit MINKAbrooklyn app (free from iTune or Google Play) or

Timeline photos 06/05/2020

⚡Trusting Your Intuition Tuesday, 5/12⚡with me via .
〰️Intuition is our birthright. Through honoring and listening to it, we can train our intuitive muscle to become an accurate and trustworthy inner compass. In this experiential workshop, we will discuss what energy and auras are and how to feel them, how to determine the unique ways in which you receive intuitive guidance, and how to distinguish between actual intuitive information and your own conscious thoughts or projections. You will have the opportunity to do guided practice through psychic exercises.

⚡Tuesday, 5/12, 7PM-9PM ONLINE⁠
⚡Exchange: $22-$50 Sliding Scale⁠
For more info or to register, please visit MINKAbrooklyn app (free from iTune or Google Play) or

Timeline photos 13/02/2020

Boundaries for Empaths workshop is back on 3/7! Everything is energy, and everything and everyone carries a vibration. Those of us who are sensitive to energy and pick up on it easily need to be extra aware of our boundaries in order to minimize how much we absorb from others throughout the day. Often, we pick up other people’s stuff without even realizing it, then don’t know how to release it.
The class includes: 🌻A discussion on different types of empaths. 🌻An interactive lesson on what energy, vibrations, and auras are, along with their relevance to our day to day lives. 🌻Various techniques on how to develop and strengthen your energetic boundaries. 🌻A guided meditation with the angelic realm, during which you will be able to immediately put into practice everything that will have been discussed during the workshop lecture. The intention of the meditation is to gain awareness and power over our own energetic fields, remove other people’s energy, and learn how to properly shield.
You will walk away from this interactive workshop with a clear understanding of what it means to be an empath, what your energetic field actually is and how to take full ownership of it, and how being an empath or highly sensitive is truly a gift.
Sign up at , or go to link in bio. See you there! 🦦

Timeline photos 27/12/2019

Psychic ability is a sensitivity to energy, which you can develop to distill different kinds of information in all life areas. Everyone is unique in the way they receive sensory information from the world, through both physical and psychic senses. Often, we pick things up psychically but dismiss them as logic, common sense, or coincidence.
Come and discover your own way of how you naturally receive information so that you can allow your development to unfold. In this class, you will learn about understanding and reading energy, tapping into your main psychic channels, sensing auras, separating actual psychic information from your own conscious thoughts, ethics, spiritual realms, psychic shielding, practical uses of psychic ability, and more. Our approach is fun, uplifting, and empowering.
Do you have questions about the class? Leave them in a comment below ✨.
Link in bio!

Timeline photos 11/12/2019

I'm excited to offer remote 30 minute year-ahead readings through the end of December! By connecting with your energy, higher self, and spirit guides, I'll receive insight meant to wrap up and review any lessons learned in 2019, leading to a glimpse of what 2020 has in store for you.
The intent is to answer questions like: what is the best use of your energy in the upcoming year, what is necessary for you to know for your best path forward, what are the most likely outcomes based on decisions you make? Ultimately, your higher self and spirit guides know best as to what it is you most need to hear, so as always, I let them take the lead, though you are more than welcome to bring questions of your own.
Please DM me with your general availability in the upcoming weeks if you'd like to book a session, or if you'd like to gift a session to someone.

Timeline photos 09/10/2019

Next small group mediumship reading will be on Sunday, 10/20 . This is a demonstration of evidential mediumship, which is evidence-based reading in which the medium gives facts and details about individuals who have crossed over before delving into healing messages.
Think of it this way: If you were to die tomorrow (good morning! Sorry!! Mortality, you guys 😕) think about who in the living you might want to communicate with, and what you might want to say to them. Chances are, some of the people would be family members, some would be friends, and some might be people who would be very surprised to hear from you. Your messages might be very simple! Things like: I'm sorry, or I love you, or I see you, or I'm still here even if you don't see me, or I forgive you. Or maybe they're more complicated, I don't know, they're your messages!
When you go to a medium, you are giving your own loved ones the opportunity to make themselves known, giving them the gift of being able to say whatever it is that they really want to say so much that they're willing to talk to me, a random stranger who happens to be able to hear them 😉

Link in bio!

Timeline photos 07/10/2019

Thank you to all the psychic development students this weekend! This was such an attentive and supportive group, and it was so lovely holding space for you all. Shoutout to jumpsuit, most importantly.

Timeline photos 23/09/2019

"So many thanks for such a special weekend -- never has a group felt more warm, open, and nurturing ... and with all the freedom to play that comes with that. I truly mean that. Over the many years of being a therapist I have attended all sort of trainings and seminars etc. etc., but I have never felt as safe as I did over the weekend. That alone was transformative. I look forward to carrying on in the advanced session!" -Stephanie
Don't miss our next psychic development weekend intensive with and me at Oct. 5-6! Link in bio, or go to

Timeline photos 20/09/2019

I don't know about you, but with Saturn stationing direct and that Neptunian mess in the sky finally clearing, I feel like I'm coming back to earth and back into my body. It's a great time to get in your power and start to really plan and make moves, and to implement new habits and patterns that you may have been working on over the past few months.
If you've been thinking about taking the Tools for Empaths: Owning your Energy workshop with me, now is the perfect time. I facilitate this workshop so that people who absorb the energy and emotions of other people without meaning to and then feel drained, can gain some valuable tools to help them embody their own power and draw boundaries in a way that feels good and real. I probably won't teach this class again for at least another few months, and I think September really is the perfect get-your-sh*t-together time, anyway.
I'll be teaching at on Sunday, 9/29 from 5-8pm. Full description and tickets:
Art by

Tools for Empaths - Now Online 9/8! 03/09/2019

Tools for Empaths - Now Online 9/8! -

Tools for Empaths - Now Online 9/8! "A beautiful, rejuvenating and restoring experience. I enjoyed all three components of the class and was uplifted looking around the full room knowing that I am not alone in my experience as an empath. The meditation and practical resources were especially enjoyed. Thank you, Nelly, for sharing you...

Timeline photos 30/08/2019

Excited to offer Tools for Empaths: Owning your Energy TWICE in September, so you get to choose whether to take it online or in person. The live online class is 9/8, and the in person will be at Black Iris Tattoo on 9/29. Links to both: and
Everything is energy, and everything and everyone carries a vibration. Those of us who are sensitive to energy and pick up on it easily need to be extra aware of our boundaries in order to minimize how much we absorb from others throughout the day. Often, we pick up other people’s stuff without even realizing it, then don’t know how to release it.
Included is: 🌻A discussion on different types of empaths. 🌻An interactive lesson on what energy, vibrations, and auras are, along with their relevance to our day to day lives. 🌻Various techniques on how to develop and strengthen your energetic boundaries. 🌻A guided meditation with the angelic realm, during which you will be able to immediately put into practice everything that will have been discussed during the workshop lecture. The intention of the meditation is to gain awareness and power over our own energetic fields, remove other people’s energy, and learn how to properly shield.
You will walk away from this interactive workshop with a clear understanding of what it means to be an empath, what your energetic field actually is and how to take full ownership of it, and how being an empath or highly sensitive is truly a gift.

Timeline photos 29/08/2019

Scholarship alert! Our next psychic development weekend intensive at is October 5-6. We have one spot available for a full scholarship for someone in need. To apply, follow the link in my bio. LGBTQ+, women, and POC especially encouraged to apply. Application deadline is Sept. 15. Link: 🌱

Timeline photos 26/08/2019

Thank you to everyone who came to the Trusting your Intuition workshop tonight, and to for being the best hosts ever, as usual! This was so much fun, and everyone was so open and engaged in the process. If you want to find out what they’re doing here, you’ll have to catch the next one! 😉

Timeline photos 14/08/2019

Intuition is our birthright. Through honoring and listening to it, we can train our intuitive muscle to become an accurate and trustworthy inner compass. In this experiential workshop, we will discuss what energy and auras are and how to feel them, how to determine the unique ways in which you receive intuitive guidance, and how to distinguish between actual intuitive information and your own conscious thoughts or projections.
Sunday, 8/25 at . Link in bio! I will also be doing 30 minute psychic readings for $60 between 2-4pm that day and I have 3 spots available. DM me to make one of them yours!

Timeline photos 07/08/2019

I’ll be doing readings at the bazaar this Saturday, 8.10 from 6-9pm. Come say hi and check out the community of makers and vendors. It’s such a beautiful space and I’m so excited! 💗

Timeline photos 06/08/2019

means so much to me and to so many people. If you are able, please donate to ensure that they are able to stay open!
Help Us renew our lease and stay in Flatbush for the next 10+ years. We need 12000 folks to chip in $1 each, 12 people for $1000 or any amount in between; please spread the word!
In order to secure our current healing home for the next 10 years, we are unexpectedly required to provide a $12,000 deposit for a new lease after the last landlord leaving without returning our deposit. Our new landlord has given us some time, yet we still must ask our beloved community for financial support.
With the mission of creating safer space for healing for all who choose to take on the brave journey of self-rediscovery, we at MINKA brooklyn (a cooperatively-run Healing Center in Flatbush founded by POC and an ally) have offered affordable, alternative health-care to our local community and beyond. Our intention is to continue to provide services for many years to come.
MINKA brooklyn has never been conventionally bottom-line focused. Nor have we chosen to declare not-for-profit status as we believe the direction of community healing should not be determined by outside financing. We have grown organically by remaining focused on individual healing, community needs, and practitioner development all in an effort to be a grounding place for collective resilience and social change. *
Please donate, share the link with your network, tag your friends and/or send us a video of your story💗 *
This community-focused business without large financial backing does not have a reserve of $12000 after only 3 years of opening its door. We urgently need your support today.
Donation link on our Profile or🙏

Photos from Nelly Reznik Psychic Medium's post 29/07/2019

Congratulations to our new group of psychic development grads 😊! This was an amazing group. Love to (not pictured. Can someone photoshop her in, pls?) for being the best co-teacher, and to for bringing us together and being such an amazing container for magic! And to , just because. And extra special shout-out to for the greatness that is that third photo in this series.
@ MINKA brooklyn

Timeline photos 25/07/2019

Reposting this from last year. Can’t wait to teach the psychic development weekend intensive again this weekend!
If you had told the students from our last psychic development class that they would be doing blindfolded readings, half of them would not have signed up. I wish I had a photo of the fear-stricken faces looking at me as and I passed out the blindfolds, telling them that they would need to put them on, and that they would not know who would be sitting in front of them for the full 10 minute reading. They did not get any verbal feedback from their “client” and only found out who was sitting in front of them after the reading they did was over.
This was the last exercise they did in class, an opportunity to put into practice everything they had learned over two days. Every one of them was able to get specific and accurate information. All of them were surprised at their own ability. One of them mouthed “oh my GOD” to me while being on the receiving end because of how much the person reading him knew. All the while, and I were beaming like proud mamas in the corner.
If you find yourself saying, “that’s awesome, but that wouldn’t work for me,” how do you know? Most of our students did not think they could successfully do what they did until they did it.
Go to for full description and to sign up, and feel free to comment with questions. Hope to see you there 😌.

Timeline photos 16/07/2019

Join and me for our psychic development weekend intensive July 27-28th.
In our society, psychic ability tends to either be dismissed as ridiculous child’s play, or seen as scary and dark. Even when respected, living under a patriarchal system means that its only value is to know an exact material future, with the assumption that only a few select people possess the ability to use their psychic senses.
We establish a paradigm completely outside of this limited thinking, daring to create our own reality that is bigger and more wondrous than imagined and perpetuated by any stereotype of psychics. We believe that everyone is psychic to varying degrees, and that it is a matter of believing yourself in a world that tells you not to, and of opening yourself up to your own channels, and developing your innate birthright which is your intuition.
Psychic ability is a sensitivity to energy, which you can develop to distill different kinds of information in all different life areas. Everyone is unique in the way they receive sensory information from the world, their physical senses, and their psychic senses. Often, we pick things up psychically but dismiss them as logic, common sense, or coincidence. Come and discover your own way of how you naturally receive information so that you can allow your development to unfold.
Link in bio, or go to

Image by .

Timeline photos 11/07/2019

Flower readings are back at this Sunday, 7.14 from 2-5pm! $15 for 15 mins. DM Jessica to book a time slot.
About flower readings: as energetically sentient beings, flowers are able to retain information about your personality and the situations you are facing in life. After you hold a flower and set a gentle intention about what you would like to gain from the reading, Nelly will connect to its energy in order to gain insight and guidance into your life. This type of reading can provide valuable perspective on best course of action with a focus on empowerment and self-improvement, helping you decide how your present actions will align you with your best path forward.

Timeline photos 09/07/2019

Tools for Empaths: Owning your Energy is back this Saturday from 2-5pm!
Everything is energy, and everything and everyone carries a vibration. Those of us who are sensitive to energy and pick up on it easily need to be extra protective of our boundaries in order to minimize how much we absorb from others throughout the day. Often, we pick up other people’s stuff without even realizing it, then don’t know how to release it.⁠
-When you walk into a room, you can feel if the energy is off even if it isn’t visibly apparent⁠
-You often feel fatigued and drained from being around people⁠
-Your moods seemingly change very quickly for no discerning reason⁠
-You feel anxious in crowds⁠
-You cannot tolerate yelling or loud noises - they seem to affect you physically⁠
-A discussion on different types of empaths.⁠
-An interactive lesson on what energy, vibrations, and auras are, along with their relevance to our day to day lives.⁠
-Various techniques on how to develop and strengthen your energetic boundaries.⁠
-A guided meditation with the angelic realm, where we will gain awareness and power over our own energetic fields, cut cords of attachment, remove other people’s energy, clear chakras, and bring in protection.⁠
You will walk away from this interactive workshop with a clear understanding of what it means to be an empath, what your energetic field actually is and how to take full ownership of it, and how being an empath or highly sensitive is truly a gift.⁠
Art by
For more info or to register, please visit MINKAbrooklyn app (free from iTune or Google Play),⁠, or click link in bio.


Timeline photos 04/07/2019

Hi friends! Just your friendly neighborhood psychic reporting on all of my July events. Hope to see you! By the way, yes, I'm wearing clothing, but it's very hot so who cares.
Sunday, 7/7 5pm: An Evening of Mediumship
Saturday, 7/13 3-5pm: Tools for Empaths: Owning your Energy
Sunday, 7/14 2-5pm: Flower readings . DM them directly to book! $15 for 15 mins :)
Sat-Sun 7/27-7/28: Psychic Development Weekend Intensive with at
All links in bio. And, as always, to book a 1 on 1 reading or healing session, go to xoxo

Timeline photos 30/06/2019

Here's why I love doing group mediumship demonstrations:
⭐️Witnessing each other's stories moves death from an individual experience to a shared one, which is so incredibly powerful in a society where death, loss & grief are considered taboo subjects.
⭐️I get to offer mediumship readings at an accessible rate to folx who might otherwise not be able to experience one.
⭐️Those who haven't lost significant loved ones get to experience the magic of other people reconnecting with their loved ones in spirit - all in a way that feels communal, not voyeuristic. They'll be able to look back at this experience once they do experience loss, as we all do at some point, and know that they are still connected and the soul's consciousness does not die.
⭐️People who are skeptical/scared/unsure can experience mediumship in a group setting without the pressure of sitting alone with me for a reading.
⭐️With each person in spirit who steps forward, we all get to meet new people in the spirit world, which is just so fu***ng cool.
⭐️For mediumship nerds like me, it's just the best way to watch and study how other mediums work!
My next mediumship demonstration is on July 7th . Link in bio. To learn more, check out my story highlights where I answered questions about demonstrations last time.
Oh and PS happy Pride!!!!! 😊

Timeline photos 19/06/2019

Very excited to be back at this Saturday doing mini readings! And, they're only $15 for 15 minutes! DM to book a time slot. 🌸🌼🌺
About flower readings: as energetically sentient beings, flowers are able to retain information about your personality and the situations you are facing in life. After you hold a flower and set a gentle intention about what you would like to gain from the reading, Nelly will connect to its energy in order to gain insight and guidance into your life. This type of reading can provide valuable perspective on best course of action with a focus on empowerment and self-improvement, helping you decide how your present actions will align you with your best path forward.

Timeline photos 10/06/2019

Hi loves, I'm holding a mediumship development class this weekend, June 15-16th in Clinton Hill, 10am-5pm both days. This class is only open to those who have previously taken the psychic development class, as it lays down the necessary foundation for mediumship. DM or email me if interested.
The emphasis of this course will be on evidential mediumship, a style of mediumship which prioritizes providing specific evidence of the identity of the spirit communicator in order to diminish skepticism, while also focusing on spirituality. This course is ideal for beginners, and is also useful to intermediate students looking to strengthen their foundation and to practice their skills. It will also be helpful to natural mediums who have had no prior formal training; it will help them learn to control when and where they connect to Spirit.
You can find a lot more info in my story highlights from when I answered questions last time. Feel free to contact me if you have other questions.
Artwork by Sarah Wickings.

Cultivating Spirit Connection + Upcoming Events 04/06/2019

Cultivating Spirit Connection + Upcoming Events -

Cultivating Spirit Connection + Upcoming Events Mediumship is the practice of communicating with souls who have passed on, and requires the cooperation of both the medium and the discarnate soul. Rather than seeing this practice as entirely esoteric and unknowable, I feel it is more useful to see it for what it is: getting to know your own soul s...

Timeline photos 03/06/2019

Join me for Tools for Empaths on July 13! Not sure if you're an empath? Notice if you relate to any of these statements: You cannot tolerate yelling or loud noises - they seem to affect you physically. When you walk into a room, you can feel if the energy is off even if it isn’t apparent to others. You often feel fatigued and drained from being around people. Your moods seemingly change very quickly for no discerning reason. You feel anxious in crowds. When someone near you is in pain, you feel it in your own body.⠀⠀
It can be difficult moving through the world as a highly sensitive person unwittingly picking up on other's thoughts and feelings throughout the day. But, with the right tools and guidance, being an empath is the most wonderful and powerful gift. You have the capacity to be the best caretaker of yourself and others, all while basically being a human lie detector! How cool is that?⠀⠀
You will learn about types of empaths; what energy, vibrations, and auras are and why they are relevant to us; and techniques on how to develop energetic boundaries. There will also be a meditation with the angelic realm that will put the clearing, grounding, and protective techniques into practice.
Go to for tickets, or click link in bio.

Timeline photos 28/05/2019

In mediumship, learning to communicate with souls who have crossed over is secondary to getting to know our own souls. It is the process of clearly seeing and feeling our own Spirit selves which allows communication to flow freely between those of us here in the physical and those in spirit. We all have a spirit and a consciousness, and so this practice is available to all of us.
If you have questions about mediumship, intuition, energy, or anything that might be relevant, leave it here in the comments or dm me, and I'll answer with a written or video post.
Image via

Videos (show all)

The creek behind the house we stayed in in Woodstock last week. Waking up to this several days in a row felt like a rese...
Psychic Development 2-day Workshop March 10 & 11