Divine Word Catholic Church, Bortianor Hills

Divine Word Catholic Church, Bortianor Hills

We are a young, vibrant, growing Catholic Church located at Tuba, a suburb of Accra, Ghana.

We are a young, vibrant, growing Catholic Church located at Bortianor Hills, a suburb of Accra, Ghana.Our mission:to reach & touch lives within and beyond the area.


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 24TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Jeremiah 1:1,4-10

PSALM: Psalm 71: 1-6, 15, 17

GOSPEL: Matthew 13:1-9


“Why me God? Why not…he is more intelligent and eloquent? Please, God, I will do anything for you but spare me this one. I beg…I am pleading with you…It is going to be difficult…I am already working on a different project…See Lord, I am weak and frail…”

Every child of God goes through an interior bargaining process when God knocks at the door of the heart. The persistent call of God can give you sleepless nights and leave you soaked in tears and sweat. Indeed, at the gaze of God, our human plans crumble, and what is left behind is carried away by the wind. St. Augustine is right, “Our hearts are restless until they rest in God.”

In our First Reading, we have a narration of the call of Jeremiah. His immediate reaction was, “Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child.” (Jer. 1:6). It was an appeal to pity. Perhaps, Jeremiah had hoped the Lord would say, “My child, you are right…I will give you another task.” However, the actual response of the Lord was stark, “Do not say, ‘I am a child,’ for you must go to all to whom I send you and say whatever I command you.” (Jer. 1:7)

Human excuses, no matter how profound they may appear, are not enough to silence the call of God in the heart: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." (Jer. 1:5).

Every manufacturer has a reason for manufacturing something. The fact that you are using a chair as a ladder does not make the chair a ladder. We can do many great things and yet find no peace in our hearts.

A fruitful life is one that has discovered and embraced the will of God. The human heart is like the soil. When it is well disposed, it receives the word of the Lord and bears fruits. God is still speaking. Are we still listening?

PRAYER: Loving God, I have heard your call. I am weak but you are strong. I generously offer to you the soil of my heart. Plant your word in me that I may bear fruits in abundance to glorify your name. Through Christ our Lord. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 23RD JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Micah 7:14-15, 18-20

PSALM: Psalm 85:2-8

GOSPEL: Matthew 12:46-50


“I will attempt day by day to break my will into pieces. I want to do God’s holy will, not my own.” (St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother).

In response to the statement that his mother and brothers were outside looking for him, Jesus, in our Gospel text for today, said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother." (Mt. 12:49-50).

Salvation is not hereditary. It is not attained through natural kinship. The fact that your brother or a relative is a priest/pastor does not give you a visa to heaven. Those who belong to the salvific family of Jesus carry out the will of God, the heavenly Father. In this regard, Mary, the mother of Jesus, stands out as a model. She was totally obedient to the will and plan of God.

The will of God is that none of us should be lost and that we all find the way to salvation and come to the knowledge of the truth (1Tim. 2:3-4). Consequently, Jesus stands at the crossroads of life’s journey and offers himself as the WAY to salvation.

No one knows for certain the nature of the road that lies ahead of us. However, if, in obedience to the will of the Father, we choose to follow Jesus as his disciples, we will not be lost. In Christ, the gift of salvation is being offered to all who have faith.

May we endeavour to do God’s will at all times and thereby find lasting peace and happiness.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, as I yield to your word each day, make me a faithful disciple and lead me on the path of righteousness and eternal life. Amen

Obeng Andrews SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 22ND JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Song of Songs 3:1-4 OR 2Corinthians 5:14-17

PSALM: Psalm 63:2-6, 8-9

GOSPEL: John 20:1-2, 11-18


"On my bed night after night I sought him whom my soul loves; I sought him but did not find him. I must arise now and go about the city; in the streets and in the squares I must seek him whom my soul loves.” (Sg. 3:1-2).

I love you...I love you...is empty if it is not backed by actions. True love is always dressed in virtues. A person who loves Jesus will show it by his/her deeds.

Mary Magdalene was a woman reported to have been delivered of seven demons (Lk. 8:2). Her love for Jesus was so deep that she accompanied him in his evangelistic ministry (Lk. 8:1-2). She was present at the foot of the cross when Jesus was dying (Jn 19:25). She is credited as the first witness of the empty tomb and the resurrected Christ.

In our Gospel text, she weeps at the tomb of Jesus and says, “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him." (Jn 20:13). She personalises her relationship with Jesus and speaks of "My Lord."

Later in the narrative, Jesus would say to her, "Go to my brothers and say to them, 'I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'" (Jn 20:17). Her love for Jesus made her "an apostle to the apostles."

The love of Mary was not an unbridled emotion that disregarded self-control. Rather, it was love born out of faith and oriented towards faith. This is where she stands out as a model disciple for all Christians.

We should never be ashamed of letting the world know we love Jesus. Our faith ought to be expressed through deeds of love. A life of love is a walking sermon on the streets.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus Christ, my love for you is only a shadow of your love for me. On the cross, you gave your all. Empowered by your Spirit, may I also give my all and love you with my whole heart. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 20TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Micah 2:1-5

PSALM: Psalm 10:1-4, 7-8, 14

GOSPEL: Matthew 12:14-21


The destruction of a person or thing starts with the mind. When we choose to entertain diabolic thoughts about someone or something, we set into motion the force of evil. Sooner or later, its bad fruits become evident.

Micah was a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah. He appeared on the scene at a time when cheating and corruption had become normal in the Northern kingdom of Israel and the Southern kingdom of Judah. He bemoaned the abuse of the human mind and its consequent evil activities: “Woe to those who scheme iniquity, who work out evil on their beds! When morning comes, they do it, for it is in the power of their hands.” (Mic 2:1).

The first verse of our Gospel text gives us an example of the abuse of the mind – “The Pharisees went out, and conspired against him, as to how they might destroy him.” (Mt. 12:14). Instead of spending their time meditating on the commandments of the Lord, the Pharisees took delight in planning evil. Their reason for wanting to destroy Jesus was that he was doing “good” on the Sabbath day (Mt. 12:1-13).

Good or evil is weaved in the factory of our minds. In the end, we have to live with whatever choice we make. Therefore, let us endeavour to renounce any idea that may cause destruction to life and property and pray that the Lord may renew our minds so that we may always harbour wholesome thoughts.

PRAYER: Holy Spirit, flood my mind with your grace. Take away from me, all evil intentions. Purify my mind in such a way that the fruits of my life may glorify you. In the name of Jesus I pray with thanksgiving. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 19TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Isaiah 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8

PSALM: Isaiah 38:10-12, 16

GOSPEL: Matthew 12:1-8


Each one of us will have to exit this world someday through the gate of death. However, the healing power of God, in answer to prayer, determines when and how we die. What will kill somebody will end in a testimony for another person. It pays to pray. Prayer attracts the grace of God. And where there is grace, expect a miracle to happen.

King Hezekiah of Judah was an outstanding leader. He is described as a man who did what was right in the Lord’s sight. It is said that the Lord was with him and he succeeded in all he set out to do (2Kg 18:3-7). He is the king who, upon hearing of the planned invasion of Judah by Assyria, tore his garments, covered himself with sackcloth, and laid the letter of threat from the king of Assyria before the Lord in prayer. He prayed and the “angel of the Lord” came to the aid of Judah and the threat of Assyria was neutralised (2Kg 19).

In our First Reading, we have an account of the illness of Hezekiah. We are told he became mortally ill. He prayed for healing. The Lord heard his prayer and said to him, “I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life. I will deliver you and this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria, and defend this city.” (Isa 38:5-6).

An investment of prayer will never go waste. Let us continue to intercede for all those who are in danger of death. God who heard the prayer of Hezekiah still hears prayers for healing.

PRAYER: God our healer, pour your grace of healing on our loved ones who are ill. Give them testimonies of your power to heal and make us rejoice with them in their hymn of thanksgiving. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 18TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Isaiah 26:7-9, 12, 16-19

PSALM: Psalm 102:13-21

GOSPEL: Matthew 11:28-30


Frustration is real. It is not only wood that breaks, human beings also break. It is said, “A teardrop is 1% water and 99% feelings.”

In their quest to understand the Jewish Scriptures, the scribes and Pharisees devised numerous rules and restrictions. Unfortunately, this well-intentioned effort transformed worship of God into a burdensome experience, overshadowing the joy it should have brought. For those already grappling with personal challenges, the additional weight of scribal interpretations made devotion to the Lord even more arduous.

Jesus saw the problem and proposed a solution: “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." (Mt. 11:28-30).

In the text under consideration, one can identify two important steps that lead to true inner peace and rest for our souls. The first is “take my yoke upon you”. Originally, “yoke” was a rabbinic metaphor for obedience to the Torah. Now Jesus personalises it and says, “Take my yoke”. In other words, obey my word. The second is “learn from me”. It is an invitation to discipleship and to walk in the footsteps of Christ.

Unhappy lives are being transformed into blissful lives, thanks to the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. We, too, can find true and lasting peace if we turn to Jesus anew. He says to each one of us, “Come to me.”

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, meek and humble of heart, I yield to your word and way of life. May your grace cause a change in me, and may my life serve to glorify you. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 17TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Isaiah 10:5-7, 13-16

PSALM: Psalm 94:5-10, 14-15

GOSPEL: Matthew 11:25-27


“Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me” is a striking phrase in Psalm 23:4. How can a rod comfort a person?

A rod in Jewish thought is a symbol of authority, power and also discipline. A shepherd employs it not only to fend off predators but also to guide and correct wayward sheep, ensuring their safety. When a shepherd strikes a sheep with a rod, the purpose is not to inflict lasting pain or harm. Instead, it aims to guide the sheep toward the right path for its own ‘salvation’.

In our First Reading, God refers to Assyria as “the rod of my anger.” (Is 10:5). Starting from the 9th century, Assyria gradually rose to prominence. The name Assyria put fear into the hearts of nations. Assyria would defeat the Northern kingdom of Israel in 722/721 BC and later pose a threat to the Southern kingdom of Judah. The Neo-Assyrian empire became a force to reckon with and conquered many nations in the Middle East.

In the wake of Assyrian threat, the people of God who had gone wayward would reflect deeply, and the wise among them would seek the face of God in repentance. Thus, the Lord said concerning Assyria, “I sent him against a godless nation.” (Is 10:6).

In any discourse about God, the first premise is *God is love*. Once we establish this premise, we can interpret the events of our lives appropriately. In our walk of faith, everything that happens to us is ultimately for our good. Our loving God does not take delight in inflicting pain on anyone. When something hits us hard like a rod, it is time to pause, reflect and examine our choices in life. A rod should not make us run away from God. Rather, it should draw us closer to him.

In our Gospel text, Jesus would say: “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned and have revealed them to the childlike.” (Mt. 11:25). The word “revealed” as used in this verse presupposes there are certain things in life that have been veiled or covered. Many things happen to us here on earth that we may not be able to understand or explain fully, but in the end, it works for our good. Let us not lose our childlikeness in our relationship with God, for "the kingdom of God belongs to children.”

PRAYER: Eternal Father, forgive me for the pride that blinds me from seeing the truth. Like a child, I submit myself to you in humility. Teach me, Lord, and correct me in love when I go wrong. For the sake of Christ, I pray. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 16TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Isaiah 7:1-9

PSALM: Psalm 48:2-8

GOSPEL: Matthew 11:20-24


Some people take delight in destroying others. Their insecurity makes them want to eliminate those they consider a threat to their existence. Such people tag those who do not support their views as “enemies”. They dress their faces with smiles, yet harbour evil plots in their hearts.

The king of Ephraim and the king of Aram chose to plot evil against King Ahaz and the kingdom of Judah. Why? King Ahaz had refused to join them in a coalition to fight against Assyria. They therefore decided to “deal” first with Ahaz before pursuing their project of waging war against Assyria.

When the king and people of Judah heard of the evil plot, they were frightened. It was at this moment that the Lord sent the prophet Isaiah to Ahaz with the words, “Take care, and be calm, have no fear and do not be fainthearted.” (Isa 7:4). Concerning the evil plot, the Lord said to Ahaz, “It shall not stand, and it shall not come to pass.” (Isa 7:7).

Have you heard of an evil plot being crafted against you? Keep calm. “It shall not stand, and it shall not come to pass.” This is where prayer becomes extremely valuable. If you pray, whatever they do against you will not destroy you. It will only advance the beautiful plan of God concerning your life.

Like a ship at sea, expect to be hit anytime by the waves of the sea. When you have the Lord as the captain of your ship, you are certain of a safe destination, come what may.

Deep faith in God wards off fear from our hearts and strengthens us for any challenge that knocks at our door. The Lord said to Ahaz, “If you do not stand firm in faith, you shall not stand at all.” (Isa 7:9).

PRAYER: Lord God, you are my defender. Arise, O God, and rescue me from the plots of those who desire to destroy me. Put me on the rock that I cannot climb by myself and save me from the raging waves of the sea. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 15TH JULY 2024



FIRST READING: Isaiah 1:10-17

PSALM: Psalm 50:8-9, 16-17, 21, 23

GOSPEL: Matthew 10:34 – 11:1


Faith in Jesus comes with a price. Either explicitly or implicitly, people will find ways and means to discourage the one who takes the “Jesus thing" seriously.

In our Gospel text, Jesus tells his disciples, “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be the members of his household.” (Mt. 10:34-36).

There are people who have lost their jobs on account of their faith in Jesus. Some, too, have lost relationships they once treasured because they chose to uphold their relationship with Jesus. In sum, anyone who decides to go all out for Jesus is destined to be persecuted (2Tim 3:12 ). This is the cross that Jesus refers to in our Gospel text: “Whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.” (Mt 10:38-39).

Are you under pressure on account of your decision to go all out for Jesus? Do you feel misunderstood? Are you feeling the weight of the cross of discipleship? Courage, you are not alone. There are others with you in the same boat. The good news is that the boat is heading towards eternal bliss with Christ.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I choose to follow you, come what may. Just give me the grace to keep going and never to turn back. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 14TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Amos 7:12-15

PSALM: Psalm 85:9-14

SECOND READING: Ephesians 1:3-14

GOSPEL: Mark 6:7-13


Silence is good, but in the wake of evil, silence becomes evil. It is said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing.” (Edmund Burke). When we pray, “Deliver us from evil”, we should not look to the sky expecting angels to descend to earth to tidy our mess. The grace of prayer must strengthen us to fix problems.

The prophet Amos appeared on the scene at a time when evil had entrenched its roots in the hearts of people and institutions in Israel. The rich, relying on their “financial power”, had lobbied and set into motion an agenda to establish a new order where the vulnerable in society would have no voice. The rights of the poor were scandalously trampled upon and the worship of God became a funfair and an empty ritual.

The evil agenda was so pervasive that even some of the religious leaders were influenced. Men of God, like Amaziah the priest of Bethel, who were to be the voice of the voiceless had so much in their mouth to chew that they lost their prophetic voice. With time, they accepted the status quo and no longer saw anything wrong with everything that was obviously wrong.

In the wake of such glaring evil, Amos received a call from the Lord to preach a message of repentance. He had no institutional training in giving prophecies; he was simply a shepherd and a dresser of sycamores. God transformed him into a spiritual firebrand. Amos fearlessly pointed out to the men and women of his generation the imminent consequences of their way of life and the need for repentance.

Jesus also sent out his disciples two by two to preach to their generation the message of repentance. He said to them, “Wherever you enter a house, stay there until you leave. Whatever place does not welcome you or listen to you, leave there and shake the dust off your feet in testimony against them.” (Mk 6:10-11). The disciples did exactly that and consequently brought healing and deliverance to many.

Our world today is going through challenging times. Evil, in its various manifestations, is strangling persons and institutions. Sadly, the “Amaziahs” do not only refuse to speak out, they sometimes openly rebuke the prophetic voice of “Amos” by seeking to silence those who choose to stand up for truth.

Our primary vocation is holiness (Eph 1:3). We cannot speak out against evil when we ourselves are the perpetrators and culprits. If we are in Christ, we must live like Christ.

No number of philosophical arguments can justify a way of life that is at variance with faith in Christ. In Christ, we have become sons and daughters of God. We must endeavour to live our lives as children of God in every situation.

PRAYER: Eternal Father, quicken our conscience with the light of the Holy Spirit. Make us fearless in proclaiming the truth and help us to build your kingdom here on earth. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 13TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Isaiah 6:1-8

PSALM: Psalm 93:1-2,5

GOSPEL: Matthew 10:24-33


There is so much to be done in the vineyard of the Lord. Indeed, “the harvest is plentiful but the labourers are few.” The Lord calls out today and says, “Whom shall I send?” God looks out for availability. He will give a new mission to the one who makes himself/herself available in the present. He takes what is weak and makes strong to glorify His name.

In our Gospel text, Jesus instructed the twelve who had responded to his call. He said to them, “What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops.” (Mt 10:27). It was an instruction to go out and proclaim the message of the Kingdom.

A response to the call of God makes one's life countercultural. Godly values are an affront to a worldly value system. It explains why godly people suffer persecution. However, Jesus gives the assurance, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one falls to the ground without your Father knowing. And even the hairs of your head are all counted. So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Mt 10:29-31).

The darkness of sin and the night of unbelief will vanish if we take the risk and walk in there with the light of the Word. The Lord turns to us anew and asks: "Whom shall I send?"

PRAYER: Here I am Lord, send me. I am weak but you are strong. As I seek your face daily in prayer, give me the grace I need to do what pleases you. Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 12TH JULY 2024


FIRST READING: Hosea 14:2-10

PSALM: Psalm 51:3-4, 8-9, 12-14, 17

GOSPEL: Matthew 10:16-23


Transitioning from a comfort zone to an unfamiliar and uncomfortable environment can be daunting. The anxiety intensifies when you spot red flags in the distance, signalling potential danger. There are unseen landmines in the future of every human being. It takes the grace of God to navigate the complexities of life. The chances of sheep surviving among wolves depend to a large extent on the shepherd who watches over them.

In sending out the twelve apostles on a mission, Jesus did not hide the truth from them. He told them, "Behold, I am sending you like sheep in the midst of wolves.” (Mt 10:16). He made it clear to them that persecution in various forms awaited them.

The theme of *sheep* and *wolves* is striking. Sheep are generally harmless. And yet wolves do not have mercy on them. When wolves come together as a pack, they develop a ‘gang mentality’. At the sight of a flock of sheep, their instinct to kill is ignited. They do not kill a few sheep, they slaughter the entire flock if possible. They practice what is called ‘surplus killing’. Having had their fill, they may return several times to eat what is leftover.

Many good people have suffered at the hands of wolves. Being nice to everyone does not spare you from the attacks of violent people. Your goodness annoys some people. Your very presence is too bright for their darkness.

In the midst of challenges, Jesus assures us of Divine presence: “When they deliver you up, do not become anxious about how or what you will speak; for it shall be given you in that hour what you are to speak. For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.” (Mt. 10:19-20).

Faith in Jesus does not guarantee a life devoid of difficulties and hardships. In the world, there are numerous wolves ready to attack. Nevertheless, we find solace in knowing that we are never alone. The Lord is with us.

RAYER: Gracious God, you are the loving shepherd of your sheep. You keep all who are yours safe when darkness falls in an unknown forest. Guide us as we sojourn through the valley of the shadow of death to a safe destination where our souls will find refreshment. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Obeng Amen, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).


GOD’S WORD FOR THE DAY (based on Catholic Liturgical Readings)

DATE: 11TH JULY 2024



FIRST READING: Hosea 11:1-4, 8-9

PSALM: Psalm 80:2-3, 15-16

GOSPEL: Matthew 10:7-15


When your beloved is swimming in a dangerous tide, you do not clap your hands and cheer her on. With immense emotions, you make known to her the impending danger. In the spell of the moment, you may even shout and express your anxiety, but it is all done with a heart of love. True love does not pamper wrongdoing; it admonishes. It confronts but does not destroy. The goal of true love is the good of the beloved.

Through the ministry of the prophet Hosea, God expressed His disgust at the unfaithfulness of Israel. He did not mince words. He told them the truth they needed to hear. He did this out of love.

In today’s First Reading, God revealed the depth of His compassion for His people: “When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son…How can I give you up, O Ephraim! How can I hand you over, O Israel! How can I make you like Admah! How can I treat you like Zeboiim! My heart recoils within me, my compassion grows warm and tender.” (Hos. 11:1, 8).

God loves us so much that He will do anything to save us. It is in this spirit of salvation that Jesus sent out his twelve apostles. He said to them: “Preach as you go, saying, 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand.' Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons. You received without paying, give without pay.” (Mt. 10:7-8).

As children of God, we have a mandate: To bring light into dark situations, hope to those who feel hopeless, courage to those who are frightened, and love to those who feel unloved. At the close of each day, a guiding question for each one of us should be: What difference did I make in the lives of those I encountered today?

I am an expression of God's love. I cannot afford to fail. Strengthened by grace, may I go out there and live my vocation to the full.

PRAYER: Eternal Father, fill my heart with grace and send me forth to bring love to all who are crushed in spirit. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Obeng Andrews, SVD


(Ghana Province)

“May the darkness of sin and the night of unbelief vanish before the light of the Word and the Spirit of grace. And may the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all people” (St. Arnold Janssen).

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