Elevated Lifestyle Lab

Elevated Lifestyle Lab

We are a vitamin and supplement company. All of our products are made in the U.S.A. and are 3rd part It is all the same goal just applied differently.

Our company came to fruition through the idea that everyone should live their best life and that is how the idea of Elevated Lifestyle Lab was born. Elevated Lifestyle means different things for different people but it all comes back to people trying to better themselves through whatever means they can. You may be a marathon runner, a body builder, part time athlete or even just someone looking to


It's not enough to workout to get behind a healthy living.

Your mind, sleep, what you eat also matters.

“You have to set goals that are almost out of reach. If you set a goal that is attainable without much work or thought, you are stuck with something below your true talent and potential.” -Steve Garvey


Exercising has too many benefits to miss out on it.

It can help you lose weight, maintain a healthy weight, improve your mood, improve your sleep, and protect your heart.

When you add up all of the benefits, it’s clear that there’s no reason not to exercise.
Some people may say "I don't have time for it" ...

But really, that's just an excuse, because the physical and mental benefits of exercising in fact allow you to do everything else more effectively, thus giving you back the time you invested.

Do you take time out of your week to exercise and if yes, how often?

Comment below!


Did you know that Arnold worked out up to 6 days a week, and when he didn’t work out he’d practice his posing?

Here’s for another set of Arnold-inspired workouts, this time for the smaller muscle groups, that give you a well-rounded look!

Which one is your favorite? Comment below!


When we are in the gym, we are all there for one thing- to be healthier and happier.

That is why it's so important that everyone practice good etiquette while they're there.

It can be easy to forget about those around us when you're concentrating on your own workout, but being mindful of others will not only help them have a better experience, but it will also make your own time at the gym more enjoyable.

Here are some basic tips to follow! Which one do you think is most important? Comment below!


Music is medicine for your mind and body. It can help you to be more productive, stay motivated, increase attention span, reduce stress levels, and improve mood.

Most importantly in this case however, listening to music while training can also significantly boost exercise performance!

What's your favorite music to listen to while training? Comment below!


Movies about fitness are a great way to get motivated.

Watching someone else go through the same challenges and struggles that you are trying to overcome is inspiring, and it can give you the push you need to keep going.

Additionally, movies about fitness often include interviews with experts who can offer advice and motivation, which can be very helpful, too!

So whether you are looking to learn more about training and nutrition, or simply get inspired, watch some of these movies!


Are you ready for your daily session? Try this 6-12-24!

It is based on the 4 fundamental upper body exercises - Presses, flys and vertical/horizontal pulls!

Go heavy on the low-rep exercises, and heavier on the higher rep ones.

Try it yourself and let us know how it worked for you!


The plank is a simple exercise that can have a big impact on your core!

It’s easy to do, and it only takes a few minutes each day.

But the benefits are impressive. The plank can help you tone your abs, and improve your posture.

Take this 3-week challenge and watch your midsection transform!


umping rope is one of the best workouts because it engages your entire body and it can be done anywhere.

It is a great workout to do when you are short on time because it is a high-intensity workout that burns a lot of calories in a short amount of time.

So, do you want to make it easy to burn fat, while also training your coordination, explosiveness, endurance and have some fun?

Start skipping!


The human body is an incredible machine that is capable of amazing feats.

One such feat is the ability to store unused energy in the form of fat... But even more interesting, is the fact that once you start losing fat, most of it comes out of... Your lungs!

When fat is used for energy, it is converted to carbon dioxide and water.

A small portion of the fat is excreted through bodily fluids and the bigger chunk (84% of it) is exhaled!

Comment below and tell us some interesting facts you know about the body!


Netflix can be an easy way to get carried away and lose time.

With its easy-to-use interface and a wide selection of movies and TV shows, it's easy to lose track of time watching Netflix.

Stop binge-watching, start training!


There are a number of fitness books on the market that can provide inspiration for workouts and healthy eating.

These books are one of the best ways to get started (and stick to) on a fitness journey, as they provide a wealth of information and tips.

Additionally, many of these books have inspiring stories from people who have successfully lost weight or improved their health.

Comment below and tell us your favorite book!


There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

Depending on your fitness goals, you may need to train more or less often than someone else.

But a good rule of thumb is to aim for up to two-three heavy, intense workouts per week.

That will help you see results without overworking your body.

Besides the heavy sessions, you can have lighter ones in-between, where you do low to moderately high-intensity activities.

Those are basically done in preparation for the heavy ones!

Last but not least, make sure to leave enough recovery time between each heavy session, ultimately up to 48-72 hours!

How often do you train? Comment below!


Weight training is fundamental when it comes to sculpting the body, but it doesn't have to be the only type of training you do.

If you want to see results, you'll need to put in some effort, and include other types of training that can also help you achieve your goals.

While weight training should be at the core of your training plan, you can include:
2. Yoga
3. Calisthenics
4. Swimming
5. Other forms of cardio

What's your favorite side training activity? Comment below!


The first time you go to the gym it can be a little overwhelming.

All of those machines, all that equipment, and then there's getting changed in a locker room full of other people!

It's enough to make anyone want to run for the hills.

But remember, this is a place where you should have etiquette, much like any other public place!

So don't forget to pack up those things before you go there!


The plank is a great exercise because it works so many muscles at once.

Your core, arm, and shoulder muscles all get a workout when you do the plank.

And because it’s a static exercise, you can hold the plank for as long as you can, without really overworking yourself!

That makes it a good choice if you’re looking for a core exercise!

Now, without questions, get up and do it!


In our previous post, we talked about the total daily energy expenditure of humans.

This is the number of calories/amount of energy one needs to maintain weight and health.
Generally, it is very individual because it's the sum of a variety of factors
Those are:
1. Gender
2. Age
3. Height
4. Weight
5. Non-training activity
6. Training Activity
7. Food consumption

Follow this link to see the most used and accurate TDEE calculator - https://www.traininginthebay.com/macro-calculator/


Humans burn energy all day long, and there is a certain number of calories everyone needs to maintain weight and healthy functioning.

This is called the 'total daily energy expenditure (TDEE), and it can guide your way through a diet.

This is because eating MORE than your TDEE will lead to weight gain, and eating LESS than your TDEE, will lead to weight loss.

Oppositely, eating around TDEE will lead to no significant changes in weight.

Now, there are many complex formulas to calculate your TDEE, but luckily, those formulas are integrated n easy to use calculators.

And so, in our next post, we’ll share the most accurate TDEE calculator we know of!


The answer is... True!

Contrary to popular belief, carbohydrates are not evil!

They are commonly demonized, but the fact of the matter is that quality carbs are nothing but a good source of energy!

And that is especially valid for intense performance because our muscles store carbohydrates in the form of muscle glycogen!

As opposed to fat, carbohydrates are simply better because they can be broken down into energy much quicker!

What this means for you is... If you want to perform well, workout to workout, eat quality carbs!


We've said it before, and we'll say it again - Static stretching relaxes the muscles!

1. What you want to do in your warm-up is to:
2. Activate the muscles
3. Kick up the heart rate
4. Warm-up the body

So do some cardio and DYNAMIC stretching, where you do movements that your muscles work for getting you through!

This is how you prime the body for high-intensity performance.


When you first start working out, almost anything seems possible.

You make gains quickly and easily, and it feels like you can do no wrong.

This is the newbie gains phase, a time when your body is adjusting to the new demands you’re placing on it and growing stronger in response.

But as with any other type of training, eventually, you reach a plateau where further progress becomes more difficult.

When this happens, don’t get discouraged – it simply means that you need to change up your routine and find new ways to challenge your body.

This is EXACTLY when the methodological approach to training comes into play!

Reach out to us and we’ll help you with your training!


The answer is… B - Animal foods!

Contrary to popular belief, some of the best sources of protein come from animal meats and organs.

This is because compared to plant foods, animal products have a complete protein profile AND are better absorbed and used by the body.

Nevertheless, most mass-produced animal products are of low quality, due to the foods the animals are being fed.

So if you decide to base your protein intake on animal products, look for wild-caught, grass-fed & grass-finished animal products.

And, if you are plant-based, include a variety of grains, beans, and legumes in your diet, to gather the full protein content your body needs!


Starting with body weight exercises is a great way to develop basic strength.

Once you have a strong foundation, you can move on to weight training.
Weight training can help you achieve even more impressive results, as it helps build more muscle mass and strength.

However, it’s important to start slowly and make sure you are using proper form.

If you don’t have any experience with weight training, it might be best to consult with a personal trainer to learn the right way to do things.

So hey, don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to help!


Did You Know?
Protein is the single most talked-about nutrient in fitness nutrition because of its importance and involvement in the body.

However, the second essential nutrient that the body needs but can’t produce on its own is fat.

Quality dietary fats serve many functions, including but not limited to:

1. Thermal regulation
2. Hormone production
3. Nutrient absorption
4. Maintenance of cellular structures

This is why you need to derive sufficient daily fat - About 0.45g per lb of body weight.

Though this amount is important, the sources of it are even more important!

In your nutrition, aim to consume fat from sources like avocados, butter, olive oil, fatty fish, nuts, and animal fats.

What’s your favorite fat source? Comment below!


In fitness training, compound exercises are any and all movements that engage a variety of muscle groups.

The 3 main compound exercises are squats, bench presses, and dead lifts.

These are namely the exercises that allow you to reach really high levels of intensity, thus making your workout more effective.

What’s your favorite compound exercise? Comment below!


The answer is… True!

Many people think that stretching is the way to go before a workout when the goal is to warm up.

But what if I told you that it's actually counter-productive?
This is because stretching generally relaxes the muscles.

And during a warm-up, relaxing the muscles is the last thing you want to do.
What you need to do instead is ACTIVATE the muscles and prime them for higher levels of intensity.

This is done by... Flexing the muscles!

If you want to stretch still, though, avoid static stretching and resort to dynamic stretching, where the muscles go through both phases - Stretch & Contraction.
This is how you are going to recruit more and more muscle fibers and gradually prime the body for heavier work!


Running on hard surfaces like asphalt can be bad for your joints.

When you run, your body weight is distributed over a small area on each foot.
This increases the impact force as it moves up through your body and can cause pain in your ankles, knees, hips, and back.

Running on a soft surface like grass or sand will help to absorb some of that impact force, which can help to reduce the amount of stress on your joints.

So if you’re looking for a more comfortable, less impactful running experience, try avoiding hard surfaces and stick to softer ones instead.


Calorie calculators are never a hundred percent accurate because they rely on estimated averages.

The number of calories you burn can vary depending on your age, s*x, weight, and activity level.

Additionally, the calculator may not take into account all of the food you've eaten that day, AND you may underestimate/overestimate your activity levels!

So whenever you are starting a nutritional plan, take that calculation as just an approximate baseline!

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