Mental Health Crusade

Mental Health Crusade

Mental Health Awareness, Acceptance & Education One out of every 4 people has a diagnosable mental health condition, yet help is not available yet to many.

Mental Health Crusade is started here to stop the stigma of Mental Illness, to inform; providing links to other websites as learning tools. Here we will advocate/fight for better health care. With out Mental Health there is no health. Mental Health Disorders are more common then Cancer, Diabetes or Heart Disease. There's a variety of Mental Heath disorders including; Alcoholism/Substance Abuse, Ep

A Common Cause Of Unhappiness And Low Self-esteem 27/12/2023

A Common Cause Of Unhappiness And Low Self-esteem Self-esteem refers to what you think and feel for yourself. These are thoughts and feelings that a person can have, whether positive, negative, or mixed, about oneself. The more positive thoughts and
