Health Research Policy

Health Research Policy

Health Research Policy is the brainchild of individuals passionate about healthy and positive living.

Are Over-the-Counter Ketoconazole Products Safe? | Health Research Policy 18/02/2019

There are plenty of rules and policies surrounding medication dispensing and pharmacies – and for good reason.

Are Over-the-Counter Ketoconazole Products Safe? | Health Research Policy Why don’t all medicines need prescriptions but, in other forms, do not require a doctor’s prescription? We’ll answer that by looking at various ketoconazole products.

Boost Before Workout: Do Pre-Workout Supplements Really Affect Your Performance? | Health Research Policy 21/12/2018

From protein shakes to homemade formulas, pre-workout supplements promise to boost your power output and productivity but do they actually work? Find out everything you need to know about pre-workout supplements.

Boost Before Workout: Do Pre-Workout Supplements Really Affect Your Performance? | Health Research Policy Can pre-workout supplements really give you a boost before you hit the gym? Health Research Policy breaks down the ingredients in these popular supplements and reveals if they really help. Learn more today.