Rosh Pina

Rosh Pina

Rosh Pina guides Jewish institutions through a year long process of becoming Cornerstone Certified

JDAIM Lesson Plans - Matan 04/02/2019

As we embark on - a wonderful resource from MATAN - use this!

JDAIM Lesson Plans - Matan Matan’s Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) Lesson Plans are designed for Congregational School and Jewish Day School educators.

JDAIM 2019 - Matan 16/01/2019

getting ready for Jewish Disability Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month and MATAN has everything you need!

JDAIM 2019 - Matan Our schedule for Jewish Disabilities Awareness, Acceptance and Inclusion Month (JDAIM) 2019 is full of exciting ways to learn and get involved. Stay tuned for daily updates on Matan’s social media channels, too! We’ll be showcasing alumni stories, new resources, program discounts and much, much ...

Camp Ohr Lanu 2019 09/01/2019

Camp Ohr Lanu 2019 Special kids and their families deserve a special week. August 15th – 19th, 2019 REGISTRATION IS LIVE(click here) Camp Ohr Lanu is designed to bring families together for a retreat of study, prayer, respite, support and fun in …

Let Other People’s Dignity Be As Precious to You As Your Own 12/02/2018

Wise words from Meredith Englander Polsky

Let Other People’s Dignity Be As Precious to You As Your Own As the month of February continues, so, too, does Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month ( ). For those of us in the field of Jewish Inclusion, this is our hectic time of year – like tax season for accountants. We’re busier than usual raising awareness, promoting programs, cele...

Thinking [W]holistically about Inclusion: A View from Jerusalem 01/02/2018

thanks The Covenant Foundation for sharing such inspiring stories for Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion!

Thinking [W]holistically about Inclusion: A View from Jerusalem In 2016, Sight Line interviewed Beth Steinberg, Founder and Executive Director of Shutaf Inclusion Programs in Israel, about how disability is a Jewish peoplehood issue. Two years later, and in honor of , we’ve asked Beth to write us a letter from Jerusalem, sharing with our community what...

Photos from MATAN's post 13/11/2017

Mazal Tov Meredith! I can't think of someone more deserving for all you've done in the field!
Meredith Englander Polsky


Check this out! and make sure to register for the Conference in Nov!

Tune into The Mighty's Facebook Live on Monday 10/30 at 1PM to see Jay Ruderman and שירה רודרמן - Shira Ruderman, our President & Executive Director, share the The Ruderman Family Foundation story, discuss disability rights and how we can advance the full inclusion of people with disabilities together.

First fully disabled-accessible synagogue built in Jerusalem 16/10/2017

wow! what would it take for your synagogue to be fully acceessible?

First fully disabled-accessible synagogue built in Jerusalem The construction of the first Jerusalem synagogue with full accessibility for the disabled is nearing completion, giving hope to disabled devout Jews across the capital.

11 Ways to Celebrate Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month in Your Synagogue 07/02/2017

seven days in and so much happening - if your community doesn't have anything planned for Jewish Disabilities Awareness and Inclusion Month - it's not too late! Shelly Thomas Christensen

11 Ways to Celebrate Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month in Your Synagogue With the start of February, so too begins Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month. Of course, there is nothing uniquely Jewish about disabilities, nor is there a greater need for inclusion in


On my way to the Hillel Institute - bringing inclusion to the college campus!

Timeline photos 04/05/2016

Loved being at the Contemporary Jewish Museum
Cecile Puretz - making amazing strides for inclusivity!

Timeline photos 27/04/2016

Honored to have been a part of UpStart ! And in such good company too... JLens !

Mazel tov to graduating UpStarters Rosh Pina and JLens! Over the last three years, these two organizations transformed their unique visions into game-changing Jewish social ventures.

Make sure to check them out, and please join us in wishing them a very hearty mazel tov!

Timeline photos 04/04/2016

Excited to be thinking about Radical Inclusion today in Pittsburgh!

Tommy Hilfiger Launches Adaptive Collection for Children With Disabilities 23/02/2016

Kudos to Tommy Hilfiger - universal design - How can we meet the needs of everyone in our community?

Tommy Hilfiger Launches Adaptive Collection for Children With Disabilities "Every kid and adult in the differently-abled community deserves to wear the same clothing that everybody else does."

Live Events 18/02/2016

Watch this historic event today!

Live Events Get the facts on how President Obama is combating climate change in the U.S. and mobilizing the world to act on climate.


wow. its about unconditional love.

Timeline photos 02/02/2016

Yes! Lets move from awareness to action!

Today, we kick off a month of stories, inspiration and ideas with the start of Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month.

Here at Jewish National Fund - JNF, through our task force on disabilities, work on projects that ensure inclusion and resources for those with special needs, thereby allowing each and every one of Israel's citizens to thrive. Learn more about our work and this month at

Jewish Disability Acceptance and Inclusion Pledge 01/02/2016

Today marks the first of February and the first day of Jewish disabilities and inclusion month Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion
And what better way to start the month than by pledging to work towards radical inclusion! Thanks MATAN

Jewish Disability Acceptance and Inclusion Pledge

Program Information 12/01/2016

Inquiries and nominations are now open for the UpStart Accelerator! Rosh Pina is a proud participant in the Accelerator program. Learn more about how you can apply or nominate an organization to the next cohort:
UpStart Bay Area

Program Information

Our 8 Favorite Online Resources for Inclusive Education | Inclusion Lab 10/12/2015

How do you shine the light? Day #4

Shining the light on Disabilities and Inclusion in the Jewish Community

What a terrific resource to wake up to! And congrats !

Our 8 Favorite Online Resources for Inclusive Education | Inclusion Lab

Why We Need More Stories of Disability That Aren't About Overcoming Disability 09/12/2015

How do you shine the light?

Shining the light on Disabilities and Inclusion Day #3
"In the end, we’re all just people living our lives the best we can, making the most of what life hands us. Let’s make sure everyone has a place to be seen and appreciated."

Why We Need More Stories of Disability That Aren't About Overcoming Disability "We’re ignoring the diversity of disability experiences and perspectives."

Just By Sharing This Article, You Can Help These 8 Great Causes 08/12/2015

Some terrific orgs doing terrific things!
jewishcamp MATAN: The Gift of Jewish Learning for Every Child

Just By Sharing This Article, You Can Help These 8 Great Causes

Light Song: A Chanukah Music Video About Raising Our Voice - Inspired by Rachel Platten's FIGHT SONG 08/12/2015

Shining The Light on Disabilities and Inclusion Day #2

Follow this series this Channukah - watch the first one, and remember that everyone has light left to give
Advot Project

How do you ?

Light Song: A Chanukah Music Video About Raising Our Voice - Inspired by Rachel Platten's FIGHT SONG For this Chanukah, artists, students and formerly incarcerated teens joined together to make a music video about our power to raise our voice. It's our goal ...


Shining a light on Disabilities and Inclusion - Day #1
With thanks to Los Angeles for the opportunity to give a Channukah Drash!

What is the miracle of Channukah? The oil lasting for 8 days? The military victory? Perhaps. David Hartman suggests that the real miracle of channukah is this “The miracle of the first day was expressed in the community’s willingness to begin a task without guarantees that they would complete it.” What we do in Jewish Disabilities and Inclusion work is trailblazing, we start the hard conversations and begin the work without knowing how it might end. So, if that’s the miracle – how do we then define what we are commanded to do with that miracle? Pirsumei HaNes – publicizing the miracle. In the Talmud we are told that if you only have money for either Shabbat wine for kiddush or Channukah candles, you should buy Channukah candles. Why? Because of publicizing the miracle. The power of the Shabbat Kiddush lies in its regularity. Channukah is different. While the rituals of Shabbat allow for us to take a break each week, the Channukah lights allow us to see each day as miraculous. Pirsumei HaNes (Publicizing the miracle) allows us to break from our routine and stop to recognize the miracles. So here we have a new understanding of a miracle, that the Jews took the first step without the guarantee of its outcome – and we have the commandment to publicize that miracle. And here is our challenge - how can we make public the work we all do? How can it become part of the everyday fabric of our communities, in a public and meaningful way? This week, challenge yourself to tell your story – pirsum your nes – take the first steps – and celebrate the miracles around us every day.


Happy Channukah from Rosh Pina - keep your eye on us each of the days of Channukah as we shine a light on Disabilities and Inclusion in the Jewish Community

Timeline photos 04/11/2015

Joshua Venture Group representing at the The Ruderman Family Foundation Inclusion summit! Amazing to have such terrific colleagues! Room on the Bench Luria Academy of Brooklyn


Yes! Luria Academy of Brooklyn and Room on the Bench How do we think about students in our school? Thanks for pushing us all to think deeper about what inclusion can be in our Jewish Day Schools

2015 Ruderman Inclusion Summit 01/11/2015

excited to be in Boston for the The Ruderman Family Foundation inclusion summit!

2015 Ruderman Inclusion Summit

Webcast - Ruderman Family Foundation 28/10/2015

This is where I'll be next week, and if you can't be there in person, follow along!

WEBCAST: Check for the link to the LIVE webcast. If you can't tune in to the live webcast, you can follow live-tweets and check later to watch the recorded sessions.

Sunday, November 1
6:30-7:45 pm: Opening Plenary – Senator Tom Harkin & Ron Suskind

Monday, November 2
8:45-9:45 am: Morning Plenary – Robin Katcher & Loretta Claiborne
1:30-2:30 pm: Inclusion Talks
4:45-5:45 pm: Closing Plenary – John Hockenberry

TWITTER: Follow and use the hashtag to share the webcast link and to post your own comments, where they'll be seen on screens across the Summit!

FACEBOOK: "Like" the Summit's page:

Webcast - Ruderman Family Foundation Live streaming video by UstreamTune in here November 1 & 2, 2015, for live-streaming from the Ruderman Inclusion Summit! LIVE STREAMING Sunday, November 16:30-7:45 pm Opening Plenary:Senator Tom Harkin (Ret. D-Iowa)Ron Suskind Monday, November 28:45-9:45 am Morning Plenary:Robin KatcherLoretta Cla…