Refocus Together Inc.
We are a nonprofit centered around empowering women! Life can be an adventure filled with ups and down. Let's Refocus TogetHER.
Tell your story, be confident in who you are and connect with other women.Your voice matters and your story will help others.
What is Refocus TogetHER?
We are a nonprofit organization centered around empowering WOMEN! Life can be an adventure filled with many ups and down. You don’t have to ride alone. We have “Her Story” videos that allow women to tell their personal stories which often helps others going through similar things feel a sense of hope. Your voice matters and your story will help others, but YOU must tell it. No one can write your story better than you, so take back your pen.
We will offer workshops to help women who would like to grow personally and professionally while enhancing in various areas of life as well as looking for networking opportunities. We try our best to support women owned businesses, organizations, endeavors. Life has a way of trying to isolate us with our problems but honestly, WE ARE MOST ALIKE THAN WE ARE DIFFERENT.
Tell your story, rebrand yourself and go after your dreams...Ladies, let’s Refocus TogetHER. #dramafreezone #herstory #refocustogether #mentalandemotionalhealth