National Guard Association of Alabama Spouses' Auxiliary

National Guard Association of Alabama Spouses' Auxiliary

This is an informational page for all military spouses of the Alabama Army and Air National Guard officers.


Welcome to Birmingham! We are so excited to see all of our spouse friends this weekend!


Are you following NGAAL?

Follow along at :


Just a friendly reminder! Is your spouse part of NGAAL?

NGAAL is proud to represent the Officers and Warrant Officers of the Alabama National Guard!

Follow the link to sign up today and discover information about upcoming events and available resources.


Have a great Independence Day!


Hi Y'all! Last week we had a great planning meeting in Birmingham for the upcoming conference. We have fun plans in the works!

On the Saturday of the conference, we are tentatively planning to have our separate Spouse meetings ( one for enlisted spouses and one for officer spouses) and then gather together for Brunch. This is always a fun time to meet and greet!

One of the things I hope we get to do more of this year is activities for the Spouses for the times when the Members are in their meetings. Such as places to meetup and tour, or shop, or sightsee.
Do you have a favorite/can't miss activity in Birmingham?

I'm looking forward to seeing lots of y'all in Birmingham in '24!


Welcome our new officers for the upcoming year!
President - Rachel Hubbard
Vice President - Dottie Baker
Secretary -Madison Bailey
Treasurer - Meagan Travis
Chaplain - Mandi Ford

In the upcoming weeks look for more information regarding dues and updates about next years conference.
We hope to see a great turn out at the '24 Conference in Birmingham!


All - Please check your email regarding auxiliary nominations going forward 💛
