Heart-Given Connection Therapies

Heart-Given Connection Therapies

Online Akashic Record, Numerology & Tarot readings and Wellness Therapist. Empowering you to take the right steps forward. a Heart-Given Connection

Akashic Record, Numerology, Tarot Readings & Massage Therapies

❤️ Are you looking for an overall sense of wellbeing?

❤️ Are you in need of clarity in your life with either an Akashic Record, Numerology or Tarot reading?

❤️ Are you in need of a relaxing or remedial massage? As a professional Numerologist, Tarot and Akashic Record Practitioner, My consultations are intuitive, but full of practi


I am delighted to be offering treatments on a Wednesday (some Tuesday’s) at Neal’s Yard Therapy Rooms in Cambridge – 1 Rose Cresent, City Centre, Cambridge, CB2 3LL

Book direct with the store on 01223 321074 or online at www.nealsyardremdies.com.


Emotional attachments may not only be with people but also with places or things too.

Holding on to these unresolved attachments and baggage can drain our energy body by creating blockages in our energy field and chakras thus lowering our vibrational frequency. An Etheric Cord is created and these need to be released for us to take back our personal power and energy.

I offer an Angelic Reiki session either in person or via zoom where we can look at this specific issue. Contact me via my website www.heart-givenconnection.com.

For more information take a look at my blog post > https://bit.ly/4aoJba9


Our Guides operate from the enlightened, higher dimensional fields. They will support and assist us, helping us to recognise our full potential by nudging and directing us on our path.

You are never alone!

Although we may have forgotten this, we are a multidimensional being of light – a soul that has incarnated into a physical body. Everything resonates with a frequency or vibration. As we awaken, our body starts holding more light and our frequency rises. It them becomes much easier to re-member and connect with the higher dimensions.

I treat my Guides as my ‘wise friends’ and their connection is highly valued. I learnt to connect through meditation and moments of stillness - I feel their presence with me always now!


Solids are named after Plato, the famous Greek philosopher. The Greeks referred to these five shapes as the ‘cosmic solids’ of the Universe.

The archetypal patterns of the four elements - earth, air, fire and water are represented by four of the solids and the fifth represents the pattern of the ether or life force.

A Platonic Healing Session:
In a healing session, I work with the 5 Platonic solids that have been cut from pure quartz crystal. I also work with a crystal Orb and Merkabah.

Each individual Platonic Solid has its own unique multidimensional healing purpose and relates to a particular chakra, thus creating a shift in the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional state in a positive and balanced way.

For more details see blog post here > https://bit.ly/460oJK5


The Metatron Methods:

What an amazing weekend workshop working with The Angelic Kingdom of Light and Archangel Metatron. This has taken my sacred knowledge to a whole new level!

New: Angelic Attunements, Healing Methods, Chakra Balancing, Sacred Geometry and an introduction to the The Platonic Solids of Metatron.

Some amazing new treatments will be coming soon!

Thank you Nikki ([email protected]) and all the Ascended Master who guided this course!


Being by the sea always gives me so much joy! Follow your joy always...


The Violet Flame

In Golden Atlantis the high priests and priestesses worked with the powerful and transmuting energy of the Violet Flame to keep the vibration of the planet and its people in a high frequency.

When Golden Atlantis fell, the Violet Flame was largely withdrawn and only allowed to be used by those evolved enough to honour its unique power.

In 1987, during the Harmonic Convergence, Archangel Zadkiel and St Germain petitioned to the Divine for humanity to be allowed to use the energies of the Violet Flame. This was granted.

As the earth’s frequency continued to rise we were blessed with the spiritual light of the Cosmic Diamond Flame. Archangel Gabriel, known as the Great Messenger, added his energy those of Archangel Zadkiel and St.Germain.

We have also been given the highest and finest version of the Violet Flame, known as the Lilac Fire of Source. This beautiful 9 th dimensional energy is a feminine version of the Violet Flame.

These are powerful transmuting energies that we can use at this time of purification both personally and for the Earth.

For more details see my blog post on www.heart-givenconnection.com


A powerful and transformative time as the portals of light flood the earth with codes and high frequency energy.


I am excited to have completed the Third & Fourth Master Degree of Angelic Reiki and to be attuned to the Angelic Kingdom of Light as a Master Teacher.

Such a wonderful course with Nichola Drew ([email protected]) and many Ascended Masters who guided us over our three days!

Angelic Reiki is such a powerful healing modality that works with the highest energies of the Angelic Realms. I cannot wait to do my next treatment infused with these latest attunements!

Distance treatments are are also available – Contact Anna on 07889 092346


It is so important that we take time to nurture our own needs. Daily, I visualise a gold light running through my chakras to clear any energies not serving me and to re-charge my energy body!


When we’re in a state of love, we attract what we desire – so raising our energy to the frequency of love is really going toward what we want.


Let the golden glow of the sun’s rays warm your soul!


Take time to balance and focus your energy at this transitional time from Winter to Spring.


Happiness is a choice we make.


Quote from Dr Henele – Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine

“Your body is beautiful , asks for so little, and gives so much in return. It is a wonderful study in efficiency, conservation, sustainability and energy production.”

“I hope that I can enthusiastically convey my understanding of our most precious gift – the body in which we live every day.”


A very focussed reading, that highlights two key areas in both your Numerology & Akashic chart.

I am offering this at a special price of £45.

Numerology :
• Birth date: this number helps you understand your talents and how you can integrate these with your Life Path Number.

• Life Path Number: one of the most important numbers in a chart, derived from your full birth date. (It is akin to the Sun sign in astrology). This vibration is the key to understanding your life’s purpose.

Akashic :
• Soul Group of origination: Our Soul Group indicates which star system the Soul incarnated right after its origination from source and it is your soul’s blueprint.

• Soul’s Primary Energy Centre: The Soul incarnates on Earth bringing gifts, talents and knowledge, learnt in the higher realms. This centre is helping to define the Soul Personality and purpose during your time on Earth.

• Your reading is created as a word document and emailed to you. You will also have a 40 minute call with me to chat through in detail.

To book your reading, click this link > https://bit.ly/3w6ZWUv


Heart-Given Candles Celestial Range

Special Launch offer

£15 instead of £18.50
3 for £45

FREE postage when you spend £30 or more.

Visit my website > https://bit.ly/3IH8E3A


A portal of new beginnings and transformation – connect to your higher self to see new truths or ways of expanding on a soul level.


Be open to the magic around you!


Honour yourself and our beautiful planet.


Speak YOUR Truth - so much is coming to light...


Recognise that not everywhere or everyone are right for you!


Much is being transformed on the earth at this unique time.


The Collective Consciousness is expanding as wave after wave of transforming frequency shows us our true sovereignty.


Keep a Dream Diary by your bed & write them down!


Be inspired, Be Kind, Be Love, Be There....


Advice from The Guides on how to navigate these powerful energies bathing our planet right now.


2022 has been a transformative year with many extremely powerful moons, solstices and portals.


Wise words!


As earth transitions to its original blueprint, your personal frequency is being raised to a higher level.


Heart-Given Connection

Akashic Record, Numerology, Tarot Readings & Massage Therapies

❤️ Are you looking for an overall sense of wellbeing?

❤️ Are you in need of clarity in your life with either an Akashic Record, Numerology or Tarot reading?

❤️ Are you in need of a relaxing or remedial massage?

Videos (show all)

This is being said a great deal in readings!
Light Activation & Energy Grounding Visualisation