

Educate on the benefits of Kangen Water and Ukon (Turmeric) for Drinking, Food Preperation, Non toxi

Forever Chemicals Are Widespread in U.S. Drinking Water 28/01/2021

Its up to you to protect your family.
BuY a kangen water unit NOW
CLEAN & DISINFECT without harsh chemicals & drink good water.


Forever Chemicals Are Widespread in U.S. Drinking Water Experts hope that with the incoming Biden administration, the federal government will finally regulate a class of chemicals known as PFASs

Scientists Say Lithium Should Be Added to Drinking Water to Prevent Suicides 13/12/2020

Maybe time for a Kangen Water Ionizer. Contact me to get yours


Scientists Say Lithium Should Be Added to Drinking Water to Prevent Suicides A new study published in the 'British Journal of Psychiatry' finds a link between lithium in drinking water and lower su***de levels


Mouthwash too strong & burns?
Try my 2.5 water from your Kangen ionizer

Romaine lettuce recalled again over E. coli concerns 11/11/2020

Do not put your families health at risk.
Buy a Kangen water unit.
Clean, disinfect with out harmful chemicals.


Romaine lettuce recalled again over E. coli concerns The notice, which was posted to the Food and Drug Administration's website, comes almost exactly a year after a pre-Thanksgiving outbreak of E. coli tied to lettuce from California sickened hundreds of consumers and led to a blanket warning about romaine lettuce.

Clear Trapped Mold in Your Body, Without Overtaxing Your Kidneys & Liver 06/11/2020

Continuing your Health knowledge is very important.


Clear Trapped Mold in Your Body, Without Overtaxing Your Kidneys & Liver These superior binders help flush heavy metals and stored mold from your body.

This Pregnant Woman Had Burning Breast Pain for Months—but Doctors Said 'Breast Cancer Doesn't Hurt' 04/11/2020

Allopathic medicine told her "breast cancer doesn't hurt"

Your body gives you warning signs, clues as I like to call them to your health. The problem is most are masking those symptoms.
Alkaline body for better health


This Pregnant Woman Had Burning Breast Pain for Months—but Doctors Said 'Breast Cancer Doesn't Hurt' Worried that she had breast cancer, Sarah Dickinson told her doctors about the burning breast pain she began experiencing during her pregnancy. After giving birth, she found out she had the disease.

Kangen water for gout and other symptoms of acidosis 25/10/2020

Reduce the acidosis from your body & whatch it heal itself


Kangen water for gout and other symptoms of acidosis Video about Gout and how to help it


It's up to us as individuals to do the research & protect our families.

U.S. Water Fluoridation: A Forced Experiment that Needs to End • Children's Health Defense 07/10/2020


U.S. Water Fluoridation: A Forced Experiment that Needs to End • Children's Health Defense Despite dozens of studies and reviews—including in top-tier journals such as The Lancet—showing that fluoride is neurotoxic and lowers children’s IQ, more people in the U.S. drink fluoride-adulterated water than in all other countries combined.


If not for you, do it for your fur family.


Food Artists (Chefs) love the flavor this water brings out in their creations.
Visit H2otips.com
request this video to see what everyone is raving about.

Here's what's in your bottled water (Marketplace) 21/09/2020

Get informed.


Here's what's in your bottled water (Marketplace) Ever wonder what's lurking in your bottled water? Marketplace asked a lab to test five of the top-selling brands of bottled water in Canada, and microplastic...


Lifestyle healthy living:
As I think to people I know, people I've met or some I've only seen from a far- and myself..

Those in the best life health are those practicing healthy lifestyles, routines, enjoying their life with foods & activities that heal on a regular basis.

It’s a lifestyle for them to eat to prevent illness or move away from illness causing foods & drinks to regain good health.

This can be achieved little by little or cold turkey. The level of health you currently at will lead how you move forward all in or step by step.

The key is determining how you actually implement change in your life & take action.

Getting off the dependency of medicine from an allopathic perspective to a natural based life that supoorts good health.

Simply treating one symptom to create 15 other possible side effects make no sense to me.
With my health I look to long term solutions.

How did I start? Water. It's simple.
So simple we believe it won't make a difference.
That was 12 years ago this month.
Best decision I've ever made.

Would you be open to looking into this?
Visit my sites to take a peek.
Join the newsletter watch some videos. Do your own due diligence & reach out to me.
Let's discuss your options.
Could changing your water change your life?

*this is not intended as medical advice- for that seek a medical professional

Using Kangen Water® for Greener Living! :: Torrance, CA • 310-995-5517 • Tammy Watkins 12/09/2020

Lifestyle healthy living:
As I think to people I know, people I've met or some I've only seen from a far- and myself..

Those in the best life health are those practicing healthy lifestyles, routines & treating their life with foods & activities that heal on a regular basis.

It’s a lifestyle for them to eat to prevent illness or move away from illness causing foods & drinks to regain good health.

This can be achieved little by little or cold turkey. The level of health you currently at will lead how you move forward all in or step by step.

The key is determining how you actually implement change in your life & take action.

Getting off the dependency of medicine from an allopathic perspective to a natural based life that supoorts good health.

Simply treating one symptom to create 15 other possible side effects make no sense to me.
With my health I look to long term solutions.

How did I start? Water. It's simple.
So simple we believe it won't make a difference.
That was 12 years ago this month.
Best decision I've ever made.

Would you be open to looking into this?
Visit my sites to take a peek.
Join the newsletter watch some videos. Do your own due diligence & reach out to me.
Let's discuss your options.
Could changing your water change your life?

*this is not intended as medical advice- for that seek a medical professional

Using Kangen Water® for Greener Living! :: Torrance, CA • 310-995-5517 • Tammy Watkins 310-995-5517




Another reason to buy a Kangen water ionizer.
Wash all your fruits & veggies prior to eating & cooking


Many have trusted in Kangen Water for many health issues to help your body come to homeostasis

1918 influenza pandemic survivor interview: Mrs. Edna Boone, interviewed 2008 16/04/2020

This woman & her family are the only ones not taken I'll in the 1918 flu pandemic.
Maybe it was their faith, maybe it was disease can not survive in an alkaline environment - her mom made the family drink baking soda water every morning. I recommend a Kangen Water ionizer.


1918 influenza pandemic survivor interview: Mrs. Edna Boone, interviewed 2008 Mrs. Boone, 100 year-old resident of Mobile, tells how her family was the only family in a small rural Alabama area that did not contract the flu during the ...


I'll say it over and over again. Stay as far from pharmaceuticals as you can. Kangen Water machine gives your body a boost in the right direction. H2omom.com

PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported 24/01/2020

Buy a machine



PFAS Contamination of Drinking Water Far More Prevalent Than Previously Reported New laboratory tests commissioned by EWG have for the first time found the toxic fluorinated chemicals known as PFAS in the drinking water of dozens of U.S. cities, including major metropolitan areas.


This is bad for your health.

I used to consume 2-3 bottles of Mountain Dew every day since childhood. My family had no idea the direct health danger, neither did I.

We learn about life through & from our family.

We learn diet from the meals they serve.
We learn love from how it's expressed in our home.
We learn finance from the spending & saving patterns we see.


Hepatitis A in 6 States Linked to Blackberries 11/12/2019

Health threats are everywhere.
And can happen anytime without warning.

Be prepared. Your health IS the most important thing.
Buy a Kangen Water Ionizer today.



Hepatitis A in 6 States Linked to Blackberries Investigators have determined that the berries came from a distribution center that ships fresh berries to Fresh Thyme Farmers Market stores in 11 states: IA, IL, IN, KY, MI, MO, MN, NE, OH, PA, and WI.

White House, CDC feuding over study of toxic chemicals in drinking water 03/12/2019

What's in YOUR water?


White House, CDC feuding over study of toxic chemicals in drinking water The CDC is planning a study on possible PFAS health impacts. But scientists say a disagreement with the White House has led to a delay.

Videos (show all)

Using the water over 6 years!www.h2omom.comDo yourself a favor- buy a machine
Anthony Robbins on your body and Alkaline
You deserve the best water available..Kangen Water..


