The Carmela & Ronnie Pignatelli Foundation

The Carmela & Ronnie Pignatelli Foundation

We are The Carmela & Ronnie Pignatelli, our key aim is to support those most vulnerable in society.


We are so pleased to have supported Bahá'í Agency for Social and Economic Development (BASED-UK) in their efforts!


We have also supported Fellowship and Aid to the Christians of the East (FACE) - they enable people of all faiths and none in the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn of Africa to free themselves from a life of poverty, inequality and injustice.


We are supporting FAB - Fight Against Blindness in their efforts to help children and young people with sight-loss and visual impairment reach their full potential.


We have donated to Endless Medical Advantage, Lebanon. They support Syrian and Lebanese medical professionals in providing sustainable healthcare services and humanitarian relief to the refugee and vulnerable communities of Lebanon.


We are supporting Child of Hope - a Christian-based charity making huge improvements for slum children and their families from its schools in Eastern Uganda – by providing free education, healthcare, welfare, food and clothing to kids from the poorest and most vulnerable families.


We have donated to Ashinaga - they are working to provide access to education, skills development, and emotional care for orphaned children and youth in Uganda.


We have donated to Nations Discipleship Enterprise who work to feed, educate orphans and young people living, and learning at Kampala Children Centre, Uganda


The Foundation is working with Lighthouse, a small charity supporting vulnerable women through the challenges that come with a family break up or domestic abuse.


We are proud to be supporting Learning for Life who enable South Asia's most marginalised populations to gain access to education, health and employment - the basic human rights that form the first, essential step in overcoming poverty.


We have donated to HcLtransport - a charity supporting people with mobility challenges to get out and about safely.


We are supporting Gap Ministries Kenya in their work with the street children of Mombasa and the families who live on Mwakirunge dump site.


SOS Children's Villages UK supports children who have lost parental care, or who are at risk of losing it.


We are pleased to support Pump Aid in their efforts to increase access to sustainable safe water, sanitation, hygiene and improved nutrition in Community Based Childcare Centres in rural Malawi.


One By One provide security, sustenance and education to highly vulnerable children who were previously trapped in bonded labour in the brick factories of Pakistan. We supported them with a grant in March.


In March we donated to Omega, the National Association for End of Life Care support frail-elderly people, particularly those with life-limiting illness, those who are caring, former care-givers and those who are bereaved.


We have donated to Nicodemus - a charity that focuses on making it possible for marginalised and at-risk children and young people to have hope for a better future.


The Free Shop are fighting poverty and assisting disadvantaged refugee and local families through giving physical aid in the Bekaa Valley. They run a shop where everything is for free and we are excited to have helped them in their efforts.


We have donated to The Uphill Trust - a charity that supports grassroots education in rural western Uganda.


We are supporting Thembalitsha Foundation's aim to restore and bring a new sense of hope to the destitute, forgotten, sick and vulnerable people of the Western and Easter Cape.


We are proud to have supported WellFound in their efforts to bring water and sanitation to isolated rural communities who have never had access to clean water.


We have donated to Worldwide Veterinary Service - WVS who work to relieve the suffering and distress of animals all over the globe.


Following a hiatus in our social media presense, we are excited to bring you up to date with the wonderful charities the Foundation has supported recently! Watch this space...